中華人民共和國國家標準(中國大陸GB標準)英文版 |
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務; |
GB/T 18314-2009 全球定位系统(GPS)测量规范(中英文版) Specifications for global positioning system (GPS) surveys |
GB/T 24369.2-2018 金纳米棒表征 第2部分:光学性质测量方法(中英文版) Characterization of gold nanorods—Part 2: Measurement methods for optical properties |
GB/T 25680-2023 印刷机械 卧式平压模切机(中英文版) Printing Machinery Horizontal Flat Press Die Cutting Machine |
GB/T 4698.24-1996 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法 丁二酮肟分光光度法测定镍量(中英文版) Sponge titanium,titanium and titanium alloys--Determination of nickel content--Dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometric method |
GB/T 50975-2014 铀浓缩工厂工艺水管道工程施工及验收规范(中英文版) Code for construction and acceptance of process water piping in uranium enrichment plant |
GB/T 33789-2017 磺化对位酯(中英文版) Sulfonic para base ester |
GB 26133-2010 非道路移动机械用小型点燃式发动机排气污染物排放限值与测量方法(中国第一、二阶段)(中英文版) Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from small spark ignition engines of non-road mobile machinery |
GB 11507-1989 职业性急性硫酸二甲酯中毒诊断标准及处理原则(中英文版) Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning |
GB/T 41783-2022 模块化数据中心通用规范(中英文版) General Specification for Modular Data Centers |
GB/T 18970-2003 饲料添加剂 10%β,β-胡萝卜-4,4-二酮(10%斑蝥黄)(中英文版) Feed additive--10% 4,4′-diketo-β-carotene(10% canthaxanthin) |
GB/T 33189-2016 电子文件管理装备规范(中英文版) Specification of electronic records management equipment |
GB/T 41167-2021 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)饮品瓶通用技术要求(中英文版) General requirements for polyethylene terephthalate(PET) bottle for drinks |
GB/T 17185-2012 钢制法兰管件(中英文版) Steel flanged fittings |
GB/T 16661-2008 碳酸铈(中英文版) Cerium carbonate |
GB/T 18890.1-2015 额定电压220kV(Um=252 kV)交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆及其附件 第1部分:试验方法和要求(中英文版) Power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation and their accessories for rated voltage of 220 kV(Um=252 kV)—Part 1: Test methods and requirements |
GB/T 24616-2009 冷藏食品物流包装、标志、运输和储存(中英文版) Packaging,labeling,transport and storage for refrigerated foods in logistics |
GB/T 39543-2020 杠杆指示表的设计和计量特性(中英文版) Design and metrological characteristics of dial test indicators(lever type) |
GB/T 17061-1997 作业场所空气采样仪器的技术规范(中英文版) Technique specifications of sampling instruments for air in the workplace |
GB/T 3903.9-2005 鞋类-内底试验方法-跟部持钉力(中英文版) Footwear-Test methods for insoles-Heel pin holding strengh |
GB/T 13705-2019 船用无线电通信设备一般要求(中英文版) General requirements for shipboard radio communication installations |
GB/T 28169-2011 嵌入式软件 C语言编码规范(中英文版) Embedded software - C language coding specification |
GB/T 43944-2024 船舶内装材料计权隔声指数测量方法(中英文版) Ship interior materials =Measuring method for weighted sound insulation index of materials |
GB/T 2492-2003 普通磨具 交付砂轮允许的不平衡量 测量(中英文版) Bonded abrasive products--Permissible unbalances of grinding wheels as delivered--Testing |
GB/T 4910-2009 镀锡圆铜线(中英文版) Tinned round copper wire |
GB/T 1422-2018 铱粉(中英文版) Iridium powder |
GB/T 5000-1985 日用陶瓷名词术语(中英文版) Terms for domestic ceramics |
GB/T 27683-2023 铜及铜合金切削屑料及其回收规范(中英文版) Copper and copper alloy cutting chips and recycling specifications |
GB/T 30801-2014 建筑材料及制品的湿热性能 透湿性能的测定 箱式法(中英文版) Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products—Determination of water-vapour transmission properties—Box method |
GB/T 21962-2008 玉米收获机械 技术条件(中英文版) Technical requirements for maize combine harvester |
GB/T 32419.5-2017 信息技术 SOA技术实现规范 第5部分:服务集成开发(中英文版) Information technology—SOA technology implementation specification—Part 5: Development of service integration |
GB/T 9125-2010 管法兰连接用紧固件(中英文版) Fasteners for pipe flange joints |
GB/T 42148-2022 轨道交通 地面装置 直流保护测控装置(中英文版) Rail Transit Ground Devices DC Protection Measurement and Control Devices |
GB 11235-2006 VCu宫内节育器(中英文版) VCu Intra-uterine devices |
GB/T 33426-2016 胶鞋 有机锡化合物含量试验方法(中英文版) Rubber shoes-Determination of organotin compounds |
GB/T 39854-2021 光伏发电站性能评估技术规范(中英文版) Specification of performance evaluation for photovoltaic power station |
GB 29540-2013 溴化锂吸收式冷水机组能效限定值及能效等级(中英文版) Minimm allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for lithium bromide absorption chillers |
GB/T 12322-1990 通用型应用电视设备可靠性试验方法(中英文版) Methods of reliability testing for universal CCTV systems |
GB/T 19502-2004 表面化学分析 辉光放电发射光谱方法通则(中英文版) Surface chemical analysis--Glowdischarge optical emission spectrometry(GD-OES)--Introduction to use |
GB/T 32326-2015 工业固体废物综合利用技术评价导则(中英文版) Assessment guidelines for integrated utilization technology of industrial solid waste |
GB/T 9858-2009 片基与胶片耐折度的测定方法(中英文版) Method for determining the folding endurance of photographic film and film base |
GB/T 38634.4-2020 系统与软件工程 软件测试 第4部分:测试技术(中英文版) Systems and software engineering—Software testing—Part 4:Test techniques |
GB/T 17824.2-2008 规模猪场生产技术规程(中英文版) Technical regulations for commercial pig production for intensive pig farms |
GB/T 17307-1998 电视广播场消隐期插入行用途分配(中英文版) Assignment of the uses of insertion lines in the field-blanking interval in television broadcasting |
GB/T 37798-2019 陶瓷砖防滑性等级评价(中英文版) Evaluation of slip resistance of ceramic |
GB/T 6052-2011 工业液体二氧化碳(中英文版) Industrial liquid carbon dioxide |
GB/T 21087-2007 空气-空气能量回收装置(中英文版) Air-to-Air energy recovery equipment |
GB/T 16624-2009 防暴枪(中英文版) Anti-riot gun |
GB/T 35840.2-2018 塑料模具钢 第2部分:预硬化钢棒(中英文版) Steels for plastic mould—Part 2:Pre-hardening steel bars |
GB/T 43268-2023 进口冷链食品追溯 追溯体系通则(中英文版) Imported Cold Chain Food Traceability General Principles of Traceability System |
GB/T 30988-2014 多酚类植物基因组DNA提取纯化及测试方法(中英文版) Methods of genomic DNA extraction from plants with high levels of polyphenols |
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