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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 25280-2016
Road traffic signal controller
GB/T 29678-2013
Permanent wave
GB/T 10827.2-2021
工业车辆? 安全要求和验证? 第2部分:自行式伸缩臂式叉车(中英文版)
Industrial trucks -- Safety requirements and verification -- Part 2: Self-propelled variable-reach trucks
GB/T 24961-2010
冷冻轻烃流体 液化气储罐内液位的测量 浮子式液位计(中英文版)
Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Measurement of liquid levels in tanks containing liquefied gases - Float-type level gauges
GB/T 13879-2015
Milk tanks
GB/T 38499-2020
Evaluation method for stability of disinfectant
GB/T 13622-2012
Terminology for radio regulation
GB/T 16254-2008
GB/T 4698.17-2019
海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法 第17部分: 镁量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium alloys—Part 17:Determination of magnesium content—Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/Z 44005.1-2024
Nanotechnology - Clay nanomaterials - Part 1: Properties and measurement methods of layered clays
GB/T 23675-2009
P - Benzoquinone
GB/T 3502-1983
Technical requirements of super fine palladium oxide powder
GB/T 3163-2007
真空技术 术语(中英文版)
Vacuum technology - Terminology
GB/T 18010-1999
腰果仁 规格(中英文版)
Cashew kernels--Specification
GB/T 36535-2018
Autoclaved fly ash hollow bricks and blocks
GB/T 25105.1-2014
工业通信网络 现场总线规范 类型10:PROFINET IO规范 第1部分:应用层服务定义(中英文版)
Industrial communication networks―Fieldbus specifications―Type 10 PROFINET IO Specifications―Part 1: Application layer service definition
GB/T 14131-1993
Performance requirements for digital linesystems on coaxial pair cables used in telecommunication network
GB/T 22614-2023
GB/T 7700-2005
16mm电影放映机片轴 尺寸(中英文版)
Spindle for 16mm motion picture projector reels-Dimensions
GB 26402-2011
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 碘酸钾(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Potassium iodate
GB/T 13794-2017
Pyrometric reference cones
GB/T 18348-2022
商品条码 条码符号印制质量的检验(中英文版)
Bar code for commodity—Bar code symbol print quality verification
GB/T 10826.5-2008
燃油喷射装置 词汇 第5部分:共轨式燃油喷射系统(中英文版)
Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 5: Common rail fuel injection system
GB/T 35536-2017
Examination methods of yeast extract powder
GB/T 29818-2013
Mass flow meter based on HART protocol general specification
GB/T 40015-2021
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 社区节能控制网络控制与管理(中英文版)
Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Control and management of community energy-saving control network
GB/T 25042-2010
Fiberglass fabric for architectural membrane
GB/T 1608-2008
Potassium permanganate for industrial use
GB 23200.75-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品中氟啶虫酰胺残留量的检测方法(中英文版)
National food safety standards-Determination of flonicamid residue in foods
GB/T 11798.4-2001
机动车安全检测设备 检定技术条件 第4部分:滚筒式车速表试验台检定技术条件(中英文版)
Motor vehicle safety testing equipment--Technical requirements of verification--Part 4:Technical requirements of verification for speedometer tester of roller type
GB/T 11376-2020
金属及其他无机覆盖层 金属的磷化膜(中英文版)
Metallic and other inorganic coatings—Phosphate conversion coating of metals
GB/T 15013-1994
Magnetic characters and magnetic valuesterms definitions for procision alloys
GB 50281-2006
Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems
GB/T 28630.2-2012
白斑综合征(WSD)诊断规程 第2部分:套式PCR检测法(中英文版)
Diagnostic protocols for white spot disease - Part 2: Nested PCR method
GB 16737-2019
道路车辆 世界制造厂识别代号(WMI)(中英文版)
Road vehicle—World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code
GB/T 23778-2009
Cylindrical cork stoppers for alcohol and food packaging
GB/T 6609.1-2018
氧化铝化学分析方法和物理性能测定方法 第1部分:微量元素含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods and determination of physical performance of alumina—Part 1:Determination of trace elements content—Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry method
GB 31039-2014
Pretensioned spun concrete special-shaped piles
GB 4806.9-2023
食品安全国家标准 食品接触用金属材料及制品(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Metal Materials and Products for Food Contact
GB/T 17262-2011
单端荧光灯 性能要求(中英文版)
Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specification
GB/T 4654-2008
The general technical specifications for non-metallic basic body infrared heater
GB/T 34825-2017
Compiling requirements for statement of work of space project
GB/T 18784-2002
Quality of CAD/CAM data
GB/T 41605-2022
滚动轴承球用氮化硅材料 室温压痕断裂阻力试验方法 压痕法(中英文版)
Silicon nitride materials for rolling bearing balls - Test method for indentation fracture resistance at room temperature - Indentation method
GB/T 15626-1995
The specifications for port handling of liquid chemicals in bulk
GB 9706.15-2008
医用电气设备 第1-1部分:通用安全要求 并列标准:医用电气系统安全要求(中英文版)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety - 1. Collateral standard: Safety requirements for medical electrical systems
GB/T 19851.14-2007
中小学体育器材和场地 第14部分:球网(中英文版)
Sports equipment and playground for middle school & primary school - Part 14:Net
GB/T 35420-2017
物联网标识体系 Ecode在二维码中的存储(中英文版)
Identification system for internet of things—Ecode encoding specifications for two-dimensional barcode
GB/T 16831-2013
Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates
GB/T 15726-2021
玻璃仪器 内应力检验方法(中英文版)
Glassware一Stress examination methods

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