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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 11616-2013
同步带传动 节距型号MXL、XXL、XL、L、H、XH和XXH 同步带尺寸(中英文版)
Synchronous belt dirves—Belts with pitch codes—MXL , XXL , XL , L , H, XH and XXH—Synchronous belt dimensions
GB/T 14853.2-2006
橡胶用造粒炭黑 第2部分: 细粉含量和粒子磨损量的测定(中英文版)
Rubber compounding ingredients―Carbon black―Part 2: pelletized-Determination of fines content and pellet attrition
GB/T 18764-2002
Civil aviation terminology of passenger transportation
GB/T 6113.101-2016
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第1-1部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备 测量设备(中英文版)
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus—Measuring apparatus
GB/T 39551.4-2020
专利导航指南 第4部分:企业经营(中英文版)
Patent navigation guide—Part 4:Business operation
GB/T 25381-2010
风力发电机组 系列型谱(中英文版)
Genealogy of wind turbine generator system
GB/T 5594.3-2015
电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法 第3部分:平均线膨胀系数测试方法(中英文版)
Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components and device—Part 3: Test method for mean coefficient of linear expansion
GB/T 38258-2019
信息技术 虚拟现实应用软件基本要求和测试方法(中英文版)
Information technology—Virtual reality application software basic requirement and test method
GB/T 28894-2012
表面化学分析 分析前样品的处理(中英文版)
Surface chemical analysis - Handling of specimens prior to analysis
GB/T 12729.13-2008
香辛料和调味品 污物的测定(中英文版)
Spices and condiments - Determination of filth
GB/T 50298-2018
Scenic Spots Master Planning Standard
GB/Z 43281-2023
Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Equipment Supervisors and Operators Guide
GB/T 2284-2009
Coking tolouenl
GB/T 10226-1988
Basic rack tooth profile of fine-pitch cylindrical worm
GB/T 3670-1995
Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys
GB/T 31404-2015
Technical specification for anticorrosion operation of seawater circulation system in nuclear power plant
GB/T 6138.2-2007
攻丝前钻孔用阶梯麻花钻 第2部分:莫氏锥柄阶梯麻花钻的型式和尺寸(中英文版)
Subland twist drills for holes prior to tapping screw threads - Part 2: The types and dimensions of Subland twist drills with Morse typer shanks
GB 19152-2003
Photometric characteristics of moped headlamps
GB/T 34828-2017
声学 自由场环境评定测试方法(中英文版)
Acoustics—Test methods for the qualification of free-field environments
GB/T 1094.101-2023
电力变压器 第101部分:声级测定 应用导则(中英文版)
Power transformers - Part 101: Determination of sound levels - Application guidelines
GB/T 26956-2011
金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 宏观和微观检验用侵蚀剂(中英文版)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Etchants for macroscopic and microscopic examination
GB/T 33578.2-2017
成套装置基于风险的检验细则 第2部分:催化裂化装置(中英文版)
Guideline of risk based inspection of complete units—Part 2:Catalytic cracking units
GB/T 42045-2022
aircraft headliner
GB/T 5169.28-2008
电工电子产品着火危险试验 第28部分:烟模糊 小规模静态试验方法 材料(中英文版)
Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products - Part 28: Smoke obscuration - Small-scale static test - Materials
GB/T 30246.3-2013
家庭网络 第3部分:内部网关规范(中英文版)
Home network—Part 3:Internal gateway specification
GB 1886.203-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 异戊酸异戊酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Isoamyl Isovalerate
GB/T 13675-2021
Aero-derivative gas turbines preparation for packing and shipping
GB/T 25483-2010
Specification of testing enterprise integration platform for manufacturing informatization
GB/T 15953-1995
Instruments for the measurement of aural acoustic impedance/admittance
GB/T 4295-2008
Tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 9944-2015
Stainless steel wire ropes
GB/T 2423.52-2003
电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验77:结构强度与撞击(中英文版)
Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test 77:Body strength and impact shock
GB/T 39362-2020
Archiving specification for electronic official document of party and government organs
GB/T 29247-2012
General methods for testing the performance of industrial process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 2900.69-2005
电工术语 综合业务数字网(ISDN)第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Electrotechnical Terminology Integrated services digital network (ISDN) - Part 1: General aspects
GB/T 37338-2019
Instrumentation for electric motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 2879-2024
Hydraulic transmission -Hydraulic cylinders - Dimensions and tolerances of grooves for one-way seals of reciprocating pistons and piston rods
GB/T 3792.1-2009
文献著录 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Bibliographical description - Part 1: General
GB/T 36700.2-2018
化学品 水生环境危害分类指导 第2部分:统一分类方法(中英文版)
Chemicals—Guidance on hazard classification to the aquatic environment—Part 2: Harmonized classification of method
GB/T 14034.1-2023
液压传动连接 金属管接头 第1部分:24°锥形(中英文版)
Hydraulic transmission connections Metal pipe couplings Part 1: 24° taper
GB/T 27919-2011
Specifications for IMU/GPS supported aerial photography
GB 12050-1989
信息处理 信息交换用维吾尔文编码图形字符集(中英文版)
Information processing--Uighur coded graphic character sets for information interchange
GB/T 16514-1996
电子设备用机电开关 第5部分:按钮开关分规范(中英文版)
Electromechanical switches for use in electronic equipment--Part 5:Sectional specification for pushbutton switches
GB/T 17507-2008
General specification of thin biological standards for X-ray EDS microanalysis in transmission electron microscope
GB/T 15019-2017
Designation and classification of rapidly quenched metals
GB/T 5847-2004
尺寸链 计算方法(中英文版)
Dimensional chain--Methods of calculation
GB/T 13277.9-2022
压缩空气 第9部分:液态水含量测量方法(中英文版)
Compressed air - Part 9: Methods of measurement of liquid water content
GB 18447.3-2008
拖拉机 安全要求 第3部分:履带拖拉机(中英文版)
Safety requirements for tractors - Part 3: Crawler tractors
GB/T 7727.2-1987
船舶通用术语 总体设计(中英文版)
General terminology for ships--General design
GB/T 30446.2-2013
心理咨询服务 第2部分:服务流程(中英文版)
Psychological counseling—Part 2: Services procedures

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