中華人民共和國國家標準(中國大陸GB標準)英文版 |
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務; |
GB/T 25915.3-2024 洁净室及相关受控环境-第3部分:检测方法(中英文版) Clean rooms and related controlled environments-Part 3: Detection methods |
GB/T 29108-2012 道路交通信息服务 术语(中英文版) Road traffic information service - Terminology |
GB/T 36672-2018 电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车用锂离子电池(中英文版) Lithium-ion battery for electric mopeds and motorcycles |
GB/T 5758-2023 离子交换树脂粒度、有效粒径和均一系数的测定方法(中英文版) Method for determination of particle size, effective particle size and uniformity coefficient of ion exchange resin |
GB/T 13608-2009 合理润滑技术通则(中英文版) General principle for rational lubrication technology |
GB 19336-2003 阿维菌素原药(中英文版) Abamectin technical |
GB/T 33974-2017 热轧花纹钢板及钢带(中英文版) Hot rolling checker steel sheet and strip |
GB/T 42112-2022 住宿业资产管理能力评价指标体系(中英文版) Evaluation Index System of Asset Management Capability in Accommodation Industry |
GB/T 27917.3-2011 快递服务 第3部分:服务环节(中英文版) Express service - Part 3: Service procedures |
GB/T 33319-2016 塑料 聚乙烯(PE)透气膜专用料(中英文版) Plastics—polyethylene compounds for breathable film |
GB/T 21609-2008 化学品急性眼刺激性/腐蚀性试验方法(中英文版) Test method of acute dermal irritation/corrosion for chemicals |
GB/T 3099.4-2021 紧固件术语 控制、检查、交付、接收和质量(中英文版) Terminology of fasteners—Control, inspection, delivery, acceptance and quality |
GB/T 13853-2009 船用液压泵液压马达技术条件(中英文版) General specification for hydraulic pumps and motors of ship |
GB/T 26610.5-2014 承压设备系统基于风险的检验实施导则 第5部分:失效后果定量分析方法(中英文版) Guideline for implementation of risk-based inspection of pressure equipment system―Part 5: Quantitative analysis approach of failure consequence |
GB/T 20014.11-2005 良好农业规范 第11部分:畜禽公路运输控制点与符合性规范(中英文版) Good agricultural practice -- Part 11: Livestock transport control points and compliance criteria |
GB/T 32272.1-2015 机动工业车辆 验证视野的试验方法 第1部分:起重量不大于10t的坐驾式、站驾式车辆和伸缩臂式叉车(中英文版) Powered industrial trucks—Test methods for verification of visibility—Part 1: Sit-on and stand-on operator trucks and variable-reach trucks up to and including 10t capacity |
GB/T 18916.50-2020 取水定额 第50部分:聚酯涤纶产品(中英文版) Norm of water intake—Part 50:Polyester product |
GB/T 25890.5-2010 轨道交通 地面装置 直流开关设备 第5部分:直流避雷器和低压限制器(中英文版) Railway applications - Fixed installations - DC switchgear - Part 5: Surge arresters and low-voltage limiters for specific use in d.c. system |
GB/T 7584.1-2004 声学 护听器 第1部分:声衰减测量的主观方法(中英文版) Acoustics--Hearing protectors--Part 1:Subjective method for the measurement of sound attenuation |
GB/T 38435-2019 牵引站供电线路的继电保护配置及整定计算原则(中英文版) Specification for protection configuration and setting for transmission line of electrified railway traction station |
GB/T 44125.2-2024 铁路应用-制动性能计算(停车、减速和静态制动)第2部分:分步计算法(中英文版) Railway applications - Braking performance calculation (parking, deceleration and static braking) Part 2: Step-by-step calculation method |
GB/T 4103.3-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第3部分:铜量的测定(中英文版) Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 3: Determination of copper content |
GB/T 36420-2018 生活用纸和纸制品 化学品及原料安全评价管理体系(中英文版) Tissue paper and products—Safety assessment management system of chemicals and materials |
GB/T 11200.3-2008 高纯氢氧化钠试验方法 第3部分:钙含量的测定 火焰原子吸收法(中英文版) Text methods of high-purity sodium hydroxide - Part 3: Determination of calcium content - Flame atomic absorption method |
GB/T 7341.2-1998 听力计 第2部分 语言测听设备(中英文版) Audiometers--Part 2:Equipment for speechaudio-metry |
GB/T 42976-2023 纳米技术 纳米光电显示 量子点光转换膜光学性能测试方法(中英文版) Nanotechnology Nano-optical display Quantum dot light conversion film optical performance testing method |
GB/T 24698-2009 攸县麻鸭(中英文版) Youxian duke |
GB/T 1202-1987 粗石蜡(中英文版) Crude scale paraffin wax |
GB/T 20608-2006 智能运输系统 自适应巡航控制系统 性能要求与检测方法(中英文版) Intelligent transportation systems - Adaptive cruise control systems -Performance requirements and test procedures |
GB/T 13747.8-2017 锆及锆合金化学分析方法 第8部分:钴量的测定 亚硝基R盐分光光度法(中英文版) Methods for chemical analysis of zirconium and zirconium alloys—Part 8:Determination of cobalt content—Nitroso-R-salt spectrophotometry |
GB/T 41369-2022 小型水电站机组运行综合性能质量评定(中英文版) Quality evaluation of comprehensive performance of units operation of small hydropower stations |
GB/T 28059.3-2011 公路网图像信息管理系统 平台互联技术规范 第3部分:接口与通信控制协议(中英文版) Image information management system for highway network - Platform networking and sharing - Part 3: Interface and communication protocol |
GB/T 35562-2017 气温评价等级(中英文版) Grades of surface air temperature assessment |
GB/T 5900.1-2021 机床 主轴端部与卡盘连接尺寸 第1部分:圆锥连接(中英文版) Machine tools—Connecting dimensions of spindle noses and work holding chucks—Part 1: Conical connection |
GB/T 14208.3-2009 纺织玻璃纤维增强塑料 无捻粗纱增强树脂棒机械性能的测定 第3部分:压缩强度的测定(中英文版) Textile-glass-reinforced plastics - Determination of mechanical properties on rods made of roving- reinforced resin - Part 3: Determination of compressive strength |
GB/T 18175-2014 水处理剂缓蚀性能的测定 旋转挂片法(中英文版) Determination of corrosion inhibition performance of water treatment agents―Rotation specimen method |
GB/T 20140-2016 隐极同步发电机定子绕组端部动态特性和振动测量方法及评定(中英文版) Measurement method and evaluation criteria of dynamic characteristic and vibration on stator end windings of cylindrical synchronous generators |
GB/T 38964-2020 钛合金等温锻造 工艺规范(中英文版) Isothermal forging for titanium-alloy—Technological specification |
GB/T 1426-2008 炭素材料分类(中英文版) The classifications of carbon materials |
GB/T 17980.25-2000 农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀菌剂防治苹果树梭疤病(中英文版) Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against apple tree eusopean canlcer |
GB/T 17178.2-2010 信息技术 开放系统互连 一致性测试方法和框架 第2部分:抽象测试套规范(中英文版) Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part2: Abstract test suite specification |
GB/Z 21235-2007 微生物危险性评估的原理和指南(中英文版) Principles and guidelines for the conduct of microbiological risk assessment |
GB/T 38226-2019 地震烈度图制图规范(中英文版) Specification for seismic intensity mapping |
GB/T 29599-2013 纺织染整助剂 化学需氧量(COD)的测定(中英文版) Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries - Determination of chemical oxygen demand(COD) |
GB 36170-2018 原油(中英文版) Crude oils |
GB/T 14157-2023 水文地质术语(中英文版) hydrogeological terminology |
GB 5009.93-2010 食品安全国家标准 食品中硒的测定(中英文版) National Food Safety Standard-Determination of selenium in foods |
GB 50181-1993 蓄滞洪区建筑工程技术规范(中英文版) Technical code for constructional engineering in flood detention basin |
GB/T 34665-2017 电机线圈/绕组绝缘介质损耗因数测量方法(中英文版) Measurement method of dielectric dissipation factor of electric machinery coil/winding insulation |
GB/T 19608.1-2022 特殊环境条件分级 第1部分:干热(中英文版) Classification for special environmental conditions Part 1: Dry heat |
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