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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 12476.9-2010
可燃性粉尘环境用电气设备 第9部分:试验方法 粉尘层电阻率的测定方法(中英文版)
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 9: Test methods - Method for determining the electrical resistivity of dust in layers
GB/T 22720.2-2019
旋转电机 电压型变频器供电的旋转电机耐局部放电电气绝缘结构(Ⅱ型)的鉴定试验(中英文版)
Rotating electrical machines—Qualification tests for the partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters
GB/T 43914-2024
Green manufacturing - Evaluation indicators
GB/T 21682-2008
Rotary drilling rig
GB 15562.1-1995
环境保护图形标志 排放口(源)(中英文版)
Graphical signs for environmental protection--Discharge outlet(source)
GB/T 36816-2018
Detection and identification of Potato virus Y
GB/T 1032-2012
Test procedures for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 20194-2006
饲料中淀粉含量的测定 旋光法(中英文版)
Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of starch content - Polarimetric method
GB/T 19071.1-2003
风力发电机组 异步发电机 第1部分:技术条件(中英文版)
Asynchronous generator forwind turbine generator systems--Part 1: Technical condition
GB/T 6730.86-2023
铁矿石 放射性核素的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法(中英文版)
Iron ore Determination of radionuclides Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 23797-2009
病媒生物密度监测方法 蚊虫(中英文版)
Surveillance methods for vector density - Mosquito
GB/T 34321-2017
Edible sweet potato starch
GB/T 2910.4-2022
纺织品 定量化学分析 第4部分:某些蛋白质纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(次氯酸盐法)(中英文版)
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 4: Mixtures of certain protein fibers with certain other fibers (hypochlorite method)
GB 51048-2014
Design code for electrochemical energy storage station
GB/T 6730.50-2016
铁矿石 碳含量的测定 气体容量法(中英文版)
Iron ores—Determination of carbon content—Gas volumetric method
GB/T 3915-2011
Styrene for industrial use
GB/T 39908-2021
科技计划形成的科学数据汇交 通用代码集(中英文版)
Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving—General code set
GB/T 6022-2008
Butadiene for industrial use - Determination of oxygen in gaseous phase above liquid butadiene
GB/T 2079-1987
Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, without fixing hole--Dimensions
GB/T 16126-1995
Guidelines for quality assurance of biological monitoring
GB/T 7702.20-2008
煤质颗粒活性炭试验方法 孔容积 比表面积的测定(中英文版)
Test method for granular activated carbon from coal - Determination of pore volume and specific surface area
GB/T 32370-2015
Determination of the length and width for adhesive tapes
GB/T 38724-2020
家具中有害物质 放射性的测定(中英文版)
Furniture harmful substances—Test method for radioactivity
GB/T 4389-2013
双头呆扳手、双头梅花扳手、两用扳手 头部外形的最大尺寸(中英文版)
Double-headed open-ended wrenches,double-headed box wrenches and combination wrenches - Maximum widths of heads
GB/T 4797.4-2006
电工电子产品 自然环境条件 太阳辐射与温度(中英文版)
Environmental conditions appearing in nature for electric and electronic products - Solar radiation and temperature
GB/T 19369-2003
Turfgrass sod production standard
GB/T 25206.2-2010
复合夹芯板建筑体燃烧性能试验 第2部分:大室法(中英文版)
Reaction-to-fire tests for sandwich panel building systems - Part 2: Test method for large rooms
GB/T 37835-2019
Process for determining solar irradiances
GB/T 1591-2018
High strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 28698-2012
滚动轴承 电机用深沟球轴承 技术条件(中英文版)
Rolling bearings - Deep groove ball bearings for electric motors - Specifications
GB/T 8419-2023
土方机械 司机座椅振动的实验室评价(中英文版)
Earthmoving Machinery Laboratory Evaluation of Driver's Seat Vibration
GB/T 16688-2008
信息技术 开放系统互连 联系控制服务元素服务定义(中英文版)
Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Service definition for the association control service element
GB/T 16488-1996
水质 石油类和动植物油的测定 红外光度法(中英文版)
Water quality--Determination of petroleum oil, animal and vegetable oils--Infrared photometric method
GB/T 23907-2009
无损检测 磁粉检测用试片(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Shims for magnetic particle testing
GB/T 5124.3-2017
硬质合金化学分析方法 第3部分:钴量的测定 电位滴定法(中英文版)
Hardmetals—Part 3:Determination of cobalt—Potentiometric method
GB/T 14337-2022
化学纤维 短纤维拉伸性能试验方法(中英文版)
Test method for tensile properties of chemical staple fibers
GB/T 31086-2014
Requirements and ability evaluation indicator of cold chain services for logistics enterprises
GB/T 3048.4-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第4部分:导体直流电阻试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 4: Test of DC resistance of conductors
GB/T 19557.2-2004
植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南 普通小麦(中英文版)
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability--Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
GB/T 34053.4-2017
纸质印刷产品印制质量检验规范 第4部分:中小学教科书(中英文版)
Specifications of quality inspection for printed paper products—Part 4: Primary and secondary school textbooks
GB/T 26661-2011
SWP universal coupling with spider
GB 15558.2-2005
燃气用埋地聚乙烯(PE)管道系统 第2部分:管件(中英文版)
Buried Polyethylene(PE)piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels Part 2:Fittings
GB/T 40284-2021
Guide for energy saving test of waste heat recovery system in power plant
GB 8537-2008
Drinking natural mineral water
GB/T 17474-1998
Standard test method for benzene inhydrocarbon solvents by gas chromatography
GB/T 32618-2016
Specifications for information disclosure business of government affairs service centres
GB/T 39142.1-2020
塑料-钢背二层粘接复合自润滑板材技术条件 第1部分:带改性聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)减摩层的板材(中英文版)
Specification of plastic-steel bilayer self-lubricating materials—Part 1:Running-in layer with modified PTFE tape
GB 17914-2013
Specifications for storage and preservation of combustible and explosive goods
GB/T 16966-1997
信息技术 连接到综合业务数字网(ISDN)的包式终端设备提供OSI连接方式网络服务(中英文版)
Information technology--Provision of the OSI connection-mode network service by packet mode terminal equipment connected to an Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN)
GB/T 31417-2015
Phosphors for plasma display panel

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