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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 11081-2005
Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Adsorption of White Oils
GB/T 37837-2019
General rules for quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 31392-2015
Technical guidance for the utilization of coal mine water
GB/T 26880-2011
粮油储藏 就仓干燥技术规范(中英文版)
Grain and oil storage - Regulation for in-bin drying
GB/T 36163-2018
Alloy steel plate for nuclear power plants
GB 19169-2003
Pure culture of Auricularia auricula
GB/T 8553-2023
General specifications for crystal boxes
GB/T 3903.1-2008
鞋类 通用试验方法 耐折性能(中英文版)
Footwear - General test methods - Flexing resistance
GB/T 4018.2-1997
圆柱立式钻床 精度检验 第2部分:工作精度检验(中英文版)
Pillar type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 2:Testing of the working accuracy
GB/T 13560-2017
Sintered neodymium iron boron permanent magnets
GB/T 8305-2013
茶 水浸出物测定(中英文版)
Tea—Determination of water extracts content
GB/T 14344-2022
化学纤维 长丝拉伸性能试验方法(中英文版)
Test method for tensile properties of chemical fiber filaments
GB/T 4702.5-2008
金属铬 铝含量的测定 乙二胺四乙酸二钠滴定法和火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Chromium metal - Determination of aluminium content - EDTA titrimetric method and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 25633-2010
电火花加工机床 电磁兼容性试验规范(中英文版)
Electro-discharge machines - Test specification for electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 35787-2017
Security technical requirement for the read-write equipment of electronic identification of motor vehicles
GB/Z 20283-2006
信息安全技术 保护轮廓和安全目标的产生指南(中英文版)
Information security technology - Guide for the production of PPs and STs
GB/T 40286-2021
The performance testing method of bi-circulation unit for low-temperature waste heat recovery and utilization
GB/T 32621-2016
社会保险经办业务流程 总则(中英文版)
Social insurance business procedures —General principal
GB/T 230.2-2012
金属材料 洛氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)的检验与校准(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T)
GB/T 39140.2-2020
金刚石圆锯片用夹紧卡盘 第2部分:建筑施工和土木工程(中英文版)
Clamping flanges for diamond circular saw blade—Part 2:Building construction and civil engineering
GB/T 2346-2003
流体传动系统及元件 公称压力系列(中英文版)
Fluid power systems and components--Nominal pressures
GB/T 7966-2009
声学 超声功率测量 辐射力天平法及性能要求(中英文版)
Acoustics - Ultrasonics power measurement - Radiation force balances and performance requirements
GB/T 31470-2015
Standard practice for determination of the specimen area contributing to the detected signal in Auger electron spectrometers and some X-ray photoelectron spectrometers
GB/T 18442.1-2019
固定式真空绝热深冷压力容器 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels—Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 16911-2008
Code of dust control for cement producting
GB/T 27577-2011
化妆品中维生素B5(泛酸)及维生素原B5(D-泛醇)的测定 高效液相色谱紫外检测法和高效液相色谱串联质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of vitamin B5(pantothenic acid) and provitamin B5 (D-fantothenol) in cosmetics by HPLC/UV and HPLC MS/MS
GB/T 37199.2-2018
Plastics—Polybutene(PB) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 2:Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 20899.10-2007
金矿石化学分析方法 第10部分:锑量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold ores - Part 10:Determination of antimony contents
GB/T 43298-2023
General technical conditions for vacuum drainage integrated equipment
GB/T 23209-2008
奶粉中叶黄素的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法(中英文版)
Determination of lutein in milk powder - HPLC-UV method
GB/T 34858-2017
Regulation of health education in higher education
GB/T 6247.3-2013
凿岩机械与便携式动力工具 术语 第3部分:零部件与机构(中英文版)
Rock drilling machines and portable power tools―Terminology―Part 3: Accessories,parts and mechanism
GB/T 239.2-2023
金属材料 线材 第2部分:双向扭转试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials - wire rods - Part 2: Test methods for bidirectional torsion
GB/T 16447-2004
烟草及烟草制品 调节和测试的大气环境(中英文版)
Tobacco and tobacco products--Atmosphere for conditioning and testing
GB/T 7233.2-2010
铸钢件 超声检测 第2部分:高承压铸钢件(中英文版)
Steel castings - Ultrasonic examination - Part 2: Steel castings for highly stressed components
GB/T 33657-2017
纳米技术 晶圆级纳米尺度相变存储单元电学操作参数测试规范(中英文版)
Nanotechnologies—Electrical operating parameter test specification of wafer level nano-scale phase change memory cells
GB/T 41906-2022
Detection method of superoxide dismutase activity
GB 15146.1-2008
反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全 第1部分:核临界安全行政管理规定(中英文版)
Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors - Part 1: Administrative practices for nuclear criticality safety
GB/T 17588-1998
砂轮磨削 基本术语(中英文版)
Basic terminology for grinding processes using grinding wheels
GB 31604.3-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 树脂干燥失重的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food contact materials and products-Determination of resin loss on drying
GB/T 29097-2012
道路交通管理数据字典 交通网络(中英文版)
Road traffic management data dictionary - Traffic network
GB/T 19334-2021
低压开关设备和控制设备的尺寸 在开关设备和控制设备及其附件中作机械支承的标准安装轨(中英文版)
Dimensions of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of switchgear,controlgear and accessories
GB/T 21470-2008
锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 盘、柱、环、筒类(中英文版)
Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer - Disks, columns, rings and seamless cylindrical sleeves
GB/T 24572.3-2009
火灾现场易燃液体残留物实验室提取方法 第3部分:活性炭吸附法(中英文版)
Standard practice for separation and concentration of ignitable liquid residues from fire debris samples - Part 3: Activated charcoal absorption
GB/T 14849.7-2015
工业硅化学分析方法 第7部分:磷含量的测定 磷钼蓝分光光度法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of silicon metal—Part 7: Determination of phosphorus content—Phosphorus molybdenum blue spectrophotometry
GB/T 8381.3-2005
Detemination of lincomycin in feedstuff
GB/T 39314-2020
General technical directives for aluminum alloy plaster investment casting
GB/T 27760-2011
Test method for calibrating the z-magnification of an atomic force microscope at subnanometer displacement levels using si (111) monatomic steps
GB/T 37057-2019
多向精密模锻件 质量控制规范(中英文版)
Multi-way precision die forgings—Quality control criterion
GB/T 223.46-1989
钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定镁量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of magnesium content

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