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2002 year China issued GB standards list

GB/T 18792-2002
Information technology--Document description and processing languages--HyperText Markup Language(HTML)
信息技术 文件描述和处理语言 超文本置标语言(HTML)
GB/T 12727-2002
Nuclear power plants--Electrical equipment of the safety system--Qualification
核电厂 安全系统电气设备 质量鉴定
GB/T 18863-2002
No-iron textiles
GB 14907-2002
Fire resistive coating for steel structure
GB/T 9096-2002
Sintered metal materials,excluding hardmetals--Impact test method
GB/T 7111.1-2002
Textile machinery--Noise test code--Part 1:Common requirements
纺织机械噪声测试规范 第1部分:通用要求
GB/T 18869-2002
Determination of coliform bacteria in feeds
GB/T 14794-2002
Steam reciprocating pump
GB/T 7111.6-2002
Textile machinery--Noise test code--Part 6:Fabric manufacturing machinery
纺织机械噪声测试规范 第6部分:织造机械
GB/T 4458.1-2002
Mechanical drawings--General principles of presentation--Views
机械制图 图样画法 视图
GB/T 603-2002
Chemical reagent--Preparations of reagent solutions for use in test methods
化学试剂 试验方法中所用制剂及制品的制备
GB/T 4677-2002
Test methods of printed boards
GB/T 18819-2002
The safety requirements for ship to ship transferoperation of crude oil
GB/T 4553-2002
Sodium nitrate for industrial use
GB/T 5137.2-2002
Road vehicles--Safety glazing materials--Part 2:Test methods for optical properties
汽车安全玻璃试验方法 第2部分:光学性能试验
GB/T 3388-2002
Designations for types of piezoelectric ceramics
GB/T 2829-2002
Sampling proceduresand tables for periodic inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of process stability)
GB/T 18904.1-2002
Semiconductor devices--Part 12-1:Optoelectronic devices--Blank detail specification for light emitting/infrared emitting diodes with/without pigtail for fiber optic systems or sub-systems
半导体器件 第12-1部分:光电子器件 纤维光学系统或子系统用带/不带尾纤的光发射或红外发射二极管空白详细规范
GB/T 7111.3-2002
Textile machinery--Noise test code--Part 3:Non-woven machinery
纺织机械噪声测试规范 第3部分:非织造布机械
GB/T 5032-2002
Paper,board and pulps--Units for expressing properties
GB/T 18734-2002
Anti-counterfeiting holographic hot stamping foil
GB/T 7568.1-2002
Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for wool adjacent fabric
纺织品 色牢度试验 毛标准贴衬织物规格
GB/T 6041-2002
General rules for mass spectrometric analysis
GB/T 4945-2002
Standard test method for acid and base number of petroleum products and lubricants by colour-indicator titration
GB/T 18779.1-2002
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)--Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment--Part 1:Decision rules for proving conformance or non-conformance with specifications
产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 工件与测量设备的测量检验 第1部分:按规范检验合格或不合格的判定规则
GB/T 16649.5-2002
Identification cards--Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts--Part 5:National numbering system and registration procedure for application identifiers
识别卡 带触点的集成电路卡 第5部分:应用标识符的国家编号体系和注册规程
GB/T 18656-2002
Industrial systems,installations and equipment and industrial products--Identification of terminals within a system
工业系统、装置与设备以及工业产品 系统内端子的标识
GB 50202-2002
Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation
GB/T 5094.1-2002
Industrial systems,installations and equipment and industrial products--Structuring principles and reference designations--Part 1:Basic rules
工业系统、装置与设备以及工业产品结构原则与参照代号 第1部分:基本规则
GB/T 6115.2-2002
Series capacitorsfor power systems--Part 2:Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
电力系统用串联电容器 第2部分:串联电容器组用保护设备
GB/T 18832-2002
Box pallet and post pallet
GB/T 18716-2002
Remittance advice message
GB/T 18647-2002
Diagnostic techniques for animal coccidiosis
GB/T 7111.7-2002
Textile machinery--Noise test code--Part 7:Dyeing and finishing machinery
纺织机械噪声测试规范 第7部分:染整机械
GB/T 18904.3-2002
Semiconductor devices--Part 12-3:Optoelectronic devices--Blank detail specification for light-emitting diodes--Display application
半导体器件 第12-3部分:光电子器件 显示用发光二极管空白详细规范
GB/T 13931-2002
Methods of performance tests for electrostatic precipitators
电除尘器 性能测试方法
GB/T 18853-2002
Hydraulic fluid power filters--Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance of a filterelement
液压传动过滤器 评定滤芯过滤性能的多次通过方法
GB/T 18700.2-2002
Telecontrol equipment and systems--Part 6:Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations--Section 802:Object model of TASE.2
远动设备和系统 第6部分:与ISO标准和ITU-T建议兼容的远动协议 第802篇:TASE.2对象模型
GB/T 10715-2002
Belt drives--V-ribbed belts,joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts--Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts:Characteristics and methods of test
带传动 多楔带、联组V带及包括宽V带、六角带在内的单根V带 抗静电带的导电性:要求和试验方法
GB/T 9349-2002
Determination of thermal stabitity of poly(vinyl chloride) related chlorine-containing homopolymers and copolymers and their compounds--Discoloration method
聚氯乙烯、相关含氯均聚物和共聚物及其共混物热稳定性的测定 变色法
GB/T 5137.1-2002
Road vehicles--Safety glazing materials--Part 1:Test methods for mechanical properties
汽车安全玻璃试验方法 第1部分:力学性能试验
GB/Z 18700.4-2002
Telecontrol equipment and systems--Part 6-602:Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations--TASE transport profiles
远动设备及系统 第6-602部分:与ISO标准和ITU-T建议兼容的远动协议 TASE传输协议子集
GB/T 4688-2002
Paper,board and pulps--Analysis of fiberfurnish
GB/T 10425-2002
Sintered metal friction materials--Determination of apparent hardness
烧结金属摩擦材料 表观硬度的测定
GB/T 10422-2002
Sintered metal friction materials--Determination of transverse rupture strength
烧结金属摩擦材料 横向断裂强度的测定
GB/T 13477.12-2002
Test method for building sealants--Part 12:Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties at constant temperature
建筑密封材料试验方法 第12部分:同一温度下拉伸-压缩循环后粘结性的测定
GB/T 6075.6-2002
Mechanical vibration--Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts--Part 6:Reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100kW
在非旋转部件上测量和评价机器的机械振动 第6部分:功率大于100kW的往复式机器
GB/T 18637-2002
Diagnostic techniques for bovine viral diarrhea/mucosal disease
GB 5226.2-2002
Safety of machinery--Electrical equipment of machines--Part 32:Requirements for hoisting machines
机械安全 机械电气设备 第32部分:起重机械技术条件
GB/T 14634.4-2002
Test methods of rare earth three-band phosphors for fluorescent lamps--Determination of particle size distribution by electric sensing zone technique
灯用稀土三基色荧光粉试验方法 电传感法粒度分布测定

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