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2019 year China issued GB standards list

GB/T 37511-2019
Inspection of grain and oils—Doughs rheological properties determination of wheat flour—Mixolab test
粮油检验 小麦粉面团流变学特性测试 混合试验仪法
GB/T 37607-2019
Corrosion-resistant alloy wire rod and wire
GB/T 7106-2019
Test methods of air permeability,watertightness,wind load resistance performance for building external windows and doors
GB/T 37893-2019
Recommendation procedure specification for Laser-arc hybrid welding
GB/T 37802-2019
Specifications for site selection and monitoring of farmland information station
GB/T 37666-2019
Technical standards of neutron activation analysis(NAA) for ancient ceramics
GB/T 15852.3-2019
Information technology—Security techniques—Message authentication codes (MACs)—Part 3: Mechanisms using a universal hash-function
信息技术 安全技术 消息鉴别码 第3部分:采用泛杂凑函数的机制
GB/T 37370-2019
Names and colorimetric characteristics of Chinese common colors
GB 51377-2019
Standard for design of Lithium-ion battery factories
GB/T 37709-2019
General specification for learning services outside formal education
GB/T 37743-2019
Information technology—Identification service interfaces of operating system in intelligent device
信息技术 智能设备操作系统身份识别服务接口
GB/T 32065.15-2019
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 9:Mould test
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第15部分:水压试验
GB/T 20975.28-2019
Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys—Part 28:Determination of cobalt content—Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
铝及铝合金化学分析方法 第28部分:钴含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法
GB/T 31843.2-2019
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems—Digital interfaces—Part 2:Single talker and multiple listeners—High-speed transmission
海上导航和无线电通信设备及系统 数字接口 第2部分:单发话器和多受话器 高速传输
GB/T 37493-2019
Inspection of grain and oils—Determination of soluble sugar in cereals and pules seeds—Shaffer-Somogyi
粮油检验 谷物、豆类中可溶性糖的测定 铜还原-碘量法
GB/T 28043-2019
Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison
GB/T 37374-2019
Intelligent transport—Digital certificate application interface
智能交通 数字证书应用接口规范
GB/T 38322-2019
Information technology—Information device interconnection—Interface requirements between third-party smart home electric system and general terminal access service platform
信息技术 信息设备互连 第三方智能家用电子系统与终端统一接入服务平台接口要求
GB/T 37396.2-2019
Lasers and laser-related equipment—Standard optical components—Part 2: Components for the infrared spectral ranges
激光器和激光相关设备 标准光学元件 第2部分:红外光谱范围内的元件
GB/T 37522-2019
Security check and disposal of explosives—General terminology
爆炸物安全检查与处置 通用术语
GB/T 28878.10-2019
Specification of the rotating component in space science experiments—Part 10:Storage and reinspection
空间科学实验转动部件规范 第10部分:储存复验
GB/T 5599-2019
Specification for dynamic performance assessment and testing verification of rolling stock
GB/T 37586-2019
Technical regulation for simulation on heat treatment process of heavy steel forgings
GB/T 17030-2019
Polyvinylidene chloride(PVDC)flat-film for food-packaging
GB/T 23901.1-2019
Non-destructive testing—Image quality of radiographs—Part 1:Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
无损检测 射线照相检测图像质量 第1部分:丝型像质计像质值的测定
GB 38189-2019
Safety of equipment electrically connected to a telecommunication network
GB/T 37693-2019
Information technology—General architecture for industrial equipment inspection management system based on sensing device
信息技术 基于感知设备的工业设备点检管理系统总体架构
GB/T 37845-2019
Technical requirements for home security intelligent management systems
GB/T 37599-2019
Wide and heavy steel plate for sour service petroleum and natural gas pipe lines
GB/T 24583.5-2019
:Vanadium-nitrogen—Determination of phosphorus content—Bismuth molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
钒氮合金 磷含量的测定 铋磷钼蓝分光光度法
GB 38030.4-2019
Dimensions series of standard transport ship types passing the locks of inland rivers—Part 4:The “three lanes” of the Pearl River system
内河过闸运输船舶标准船型主尺度系列 第4部分:珠江水系“三线”
GB/T 22380.3-2019
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station—Part 3:Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves
燃油加油站防爆安全技术 第3部分:剪切阀结构和性能的安全要求
GB/T 37897-2019
Fibre-reinforced plastic composites—Determination of the in-plane shear modulus by the plate twist method
纤维增强塑料复合材料 平板扭曲法测定面内剪切模量
GB/T 13277.5-2019
Compressed air—Part 5: Test methods for oil vapour and organic solvent content
压缩空气 第5部分:油蒸气及有机溶剂测量方法
GB/T 37560-2019
Flame retardant chemicals—Determination of melamine and cyanuric acid in melamine cyanurate
阻燃化学品 氰尿酸三聚氰胺盐中三聚氰胺和氰尿酸的测定
GB/T 37604-2019
Ships and marine technology—Ship design—General guidance on emergency towing procedures
船舶和海上技术 船舶设计 应急拖带程序导则
GB/T 17693.10-2019
Transformation guidelines of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese—Part 10: Japanese
外语地名汉字译写导则 第10部分:日语
GB/T 3215-2019
Centrifugal pumps for petroleum,petrochemical and natural gas industries
GB/T 37614-2019
Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tube and pipe
GB 37489.2-2019
Hygienic design specification for public places―Part 2:Public accommodation
公共场所设计卫生规范 第2部分:住宿场所
GB/T 4333.7-2019
Ferrosilicon—Determination of sulfur content—Infrared absorption method and chromatographic separation-barium sulfate gravimetric method
硅铁 硫含量的测定 红外线吸收法和色层分离硫酸钡重量法
GB/T 37699-2019
Construction guide for standard system of Chinese news information
GB/T 37753-2019
Performance test code on steam surface condenser
GB/T 37931-2019
Information security technology—Security technology requirements and testing and evaluation approaches for Web application security detection system
信息安全技术 Web应用安全检测系统安全技术要求和测试评价方法
GB/T 37929-2019
Non-destructive testing instruments—Testing methods for life of X-ray tubes
无损检测仪器 X射线管寿命试验方法
GB/T 9652.1-2019
Specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems
GB/T 28878.9-2019
Specification of the rotating component in space science experiments—Part 9:Delivery
空间科学实验转动部件规范 第9部分:交付
GB/T 14914.2-2019
The specification for marine observation—Part 2 :Offshore observation
海洋观测规范 第 2 部分:海滨观测
GB/T 37372-2019
Communication technology requirements for traffic data broadcasting
GB/T 4797.4-2019
Classification of environmental conditions—Environmental conditions appearing in nature—Solar radiation and temperature
环境条件分类 自然环境条件 太阳辐射与温度

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