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2020 year China issued GB standards list

GB 1903.44-2020
National food safety standard - Food nutrition enhancer - Hydroxocobalamin
食品安全国家标准 食品营养强化剂 羟钴胺
GB 15193.28-2020
National food safety standard - Test of Mammalian cell micronucleus in vitro
食品安全国家标准 体外哺乳类细胞微核试验
GB/T 39735-2020
Guidelines for administrative service evaluation
GB/T 39315.6-2020
General resource of military and civilian—Data Model—Part 6: Facilities
军民通用资源 数据模型 第6部分:设施类
GB/T 39257-2020
Green manufacturing—Green supply chain management in manufacturing enterprises—Specifications for assessment
绿色制造 制造企业绿色供应链管理 评价规范
GB 50127-2020
Technical standard for aerial ropeway engineering
GB 51412-2020
Standard for design of tin smelter processes
GB/T 39381.1-2020
Cardiovascular implants—Vascular device-drug combination products—Part 1:General requirements
心血管植入物 血管药械组合产品 第1部分:通用要求
GB/T 29790-2020
Point-of-care testing(POCT)—Requirements for quality and competence
即时检验 质量和能力的要求
GB 51414-2020
Standard for water saving design in non-ferrous metals enterprises
GB/T 39551.7-2020
Patent navigation guide—Part 7:Service requirement
专利导航指南 第7部分:服务要求
GB/T 39316.6-2020
General resource of military and civilian—Meta Data—Part 6: Facilities
军民通用资源 元数据 第6部分:设施类
GB/T 39616-2020
Specification for network real-time kinematic(RTK) surveys based on the reference stations using global navigation satellite system
卫星导航定位基准站网络实时动态测量(RTK) 规范
GB/T 39701-2020
Limit and test method of ammonium ion content in fly ash
GB/T 39687-2020
Testing method for drying loss of fine ceramic powders
GB/T 39689-2020
Surface active agents—Determination of free formaldehyde
表面活性剂 游离甲醛含量的测定
GB/T 39238-2020
Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic testing—Examination for discontinuities perpendicular to the surface
无损检测 超声检测 垂直于表面的不连续的检测
GB/T 39645-2020
Technical drawings—Symbols for geometrical tolerancing proportions and dimensions
技术制图 几何公差符号的比例和尺寸
GB/T 39730-2020
General requirements for cell counting—Flow cytometry
细胞计数通用要求 流式细胞测定法
GB/T 39711-2020
Sulphoaluminate cement mending binder for marine engineering
GB/T 39424.2-2020
Road vehicles—Traffic accident analysis—Part 2: Guidelines for the use of impact severity measures
道路车辆 交通事故分析 第2部分:碰撞严重度测量方法使用指南
GB/T 39708-2020
Boron trifluoride
GB/T 39400-2020
Industrial data quality—General technical specification
工业数据质量 通用技术规范
GB 30616-2020
National food safety standard - Food flavor
食品安全国家标准 食品用香精
GB 7657-2020
National food safety standard - Food additive - Glucono delta-lactone
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯
GB/T 39414.3-2020
Interface specification for signal in space of BeiDou navigation satellite system—Part 3: Open service signal B1I
北斗卫星导航系统空间信号接口规范 第3部分:公开服务信号B1I
GB 1886.306-2020
National food safety standard - Food additive - Monosodium L-glutamate
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 谷氨酸钠
GB 1886.307-2020
National food safety standard - Food additive - Potassium copper chlorophyllin
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 叶绿素铜钾盐
GB/T 39411-2020
Technical requirements of BeiDou satellite common-view time transfer
GB/T 38477-2020
Determination of gene expression—Western blot
基因表达的测定 蛋白印迹法
GB/T 26408-2020
Concrete truck mixer
GB 1903.42-2020
National food safety standard - Food nutrition enhancer - Inositol
食品安全国家标准 食品营养强化剂 肌醇(环己六醇)
GB/T 39404-2020
Information security general requirement for control unit of industrial robot
GB 27790-2020
City gas pressure regulator
GB/T 25172-2020
Technical specification for production and preservation of fresh boar semen
GB/T 39551.1-2020
Patent navigation guide—Part 1:General principles
专利导航指南 第1部分:总则
GB/T 39554.1-2020
National integrated government service platform—Basic category and implementation list of government service items—Part 1: Coding requirements
全国一体化政务服务平台 政务服务事项基本目录及实施清单 第1部分:编码要求
GB/T 39514-2020
Terminology,defination, identification of biobased materials
GB/T 39551.2-2020
Patent navigation guide—Part 2:Regional planning
专利导航指南 第2部分:区域规划
GB/T 39527-2020
Determination of calcium, aluminium and silicon in the solid surface materials—Method of chemical analysis
实体面材产品中钙、铝、硅元素含量的测定 化学分析法
GB/T 39674-2020
Test specification on softswitch system of power industry
GB 50581-2020
Standard for allocated mine monitoring and controlling system of coal industry
GB/T 23264-2020
Brake lining assembly for electric power assist bicycles
GB/T 2379-2020
Acid complex dyes—Determination of shade and relative strength
酸性络合染料 色光和强度的测定
GB/T 39683-2020
Specifications of credit grading and evaluation of administrative service intermediaries
GB/T 30357.9-2020
Oolong tea—Part 9:Baiyaqilan
乌龙茶 第9部分:白芽奇兰
GB/T 39712-2020
Sulphoaluminate cement for marine rapid construction
GB/T 39709-2020
Test methods of multiple units glass, windiows static pressure and windiows sealing performance
GB/T 39699-2020
Rubber—Identification of polymers—Pyrolytic gas-chromatographic method using mass-spectrometric detection
橡胶 聚合物的鉴定 裂解气相色谱-质谱法
GB/T 39126-2020
Assesment system for interior green decorating material selection

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