General No. |
CNS 12869 |
Classified No. |
N6231 |
Methods of Test for Minerals in Infant Formula -Test of Copper,Iron Magnesium, Manganese,Potassoium,Sodium and Zinc 嬰兒配方食品中礦物質之檢驗方法–銅、鐵、鎂、錳、鉀、鈉、鋅之檢驗 |
Date of Approval
Bureau of Standards,
Metrology and Inspection |
Date of
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Standard Code |
CNS 12869 |
CNS Standard Classified No. |
N6231 |
CNS Standard English Title |
Methods of Test for Minerals in Infant Formula -Test of Copper,Iron Magnesium, Manganese,Potassoium,Sodium and Zinc |
CNS Standard Chinese Title |
嬰兒配方食品中礦物質之檢驗方法–銅、鐵、鎂、錳、鉀、鈉、鋅之檢驗 |
CNS Standard Edition |
05/20/1991 |
CNS Standard Pages |
4 |
English Translation Price |
$***.00 USD |
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