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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 7739.13-2019
金精矿化学分析方法 第13部分: 铅、锌、铋、镉、铬、砷和汞量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold concentrates—Part 13: Determination of lead, zinc, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, arsenic and mercury contents—Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB 50492-2009
Code for design of PET plant
GB/Z 3480.4-2024
Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears - Part 4: Calculation of load capacity of tooth surface fracture
GB/T 14599-2008
Pure oxygen and high purity oxygen and ultra pure oxygen
GB 20651.2-2014
往复式内燃机 安全 第2部分:点燃式发动机(中英文版)
Reciprocating internal combustion engines―safety―Part 2: Spark ignition engines
GB/T 36438-2018
Learning design XML binding specification
GB/T 20452-2006
Standards for the quality of apricot kernel
GB/T 23270.1-2023
信息与文献 开放系统互连 馆际互借应用协议规范 第1部分:协议说明书(中英文版)
Information and Documentation Open Systems Interconnection Interlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification Part 1: Protocol Specification
GB/T 26096-2010
Peak inductance micrometer
GB/T 4882-2001
数据的统计处理和解释 正态性检验(中英文版)
Statistical interpretation of data--Normality tests
GB/T 34405-2017
家用纸制品中丙烯酰胺迁移量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
Determination for migration of acrylamide in household papers—Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS)method
GB/T 17989.6-2022
生产过程质量控制统计方法 控制图 第6部分:指数加权移动平均控制图(中英文版)
Statistical method of quality control in production process—Control charts—Part 6: EWMA control charts
GB/T 29509.1-2013
载金炭化学分析方法 第1部分:金量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold-loaded carbon - Part 1: Determination of gold content
GB/T 12300-1990
Test methods of safe operating area for power transistors
GB/T 35283-2017
信息安全技术 计算机终端核心配置基线结构规范(中英文版)
Information security techniques—Specification for the structure of desktop core configuration baseline
GB/T 40022-2021
General requirements of internet of things based on public telecommunication network
GB/T 24736.1-2009
工艺装备设计管理导则 第1部分:术语(中英文版)
Management guide for tooling design - Part 1: Vocabulary
GB/T 22068-2008
Automobile air conditioning electrically driven compressor assembly
GB 23200.82-2016
食品安全国家标准 肉及肉制品中乙烯利残留量的检测方法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of ethephon residues in meats and meat products
GB/T 14733.5-1993
电信术语 使用离散信号的电信方式、电报、传真和数据通信(中英文版)
Terminology fortelecommunications--Telecommunications using discrete signals, telegraphy, facsimile and data communication
GB/T 16546-2020
General rules for packing, marking, transport, storage and quality certificates of shaped refractory
GB/T 5235-2007
加工镍及镍合金 化学成分和产品形状(中英文版)
Wrought nickel and nickel alloys - Chemical composition and forms of wrought products
GB/T 27677-2011
Aluminium hardeners
GB/T 10815-2002
Domestic fine pottery
GB 38263-2019
The norm of energy consumption per unit throughput of cement products
GB 18218-2009
Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous chemicals
GB/T 30968.1-2014
聚合物基复合材料层合板开孔/受载孔性能试验方法 第1部分:挤压性能试验方法(中英文版)
Test method for open-hole/loaded-hole of polymer matrix composite laminates—Part 1: Test method of bearing response
GB/T 36392-2018
PE (PP、PET)coated paper and board for food packaging
GB 23790-2023
食品安全国家标准 婴幼儿配方食品良好生产规范(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Good Manufacturing Practice for Infant Formulas
GB/T 26156.1-2010
工业过程测量和控制系统用智能调节器 第1部分:通用技术条件(中英文版)
Intelligent adjusters for industrial-process measurement and control systems - Part 1: General specification
GB/T 34520.7-2017
连续碳化硅纤维测试方法 第7部分:高温强度保留率(中英文版)
Test methods for continuous silicon carbide fiber—Part 7 :High temperature strength retention rate
GB/T 17468-2008
The guide for choice power transformers
GB/T 15478-1995
Test methods of the performances for pressuretransducer/sensor
GB/T 41565-2022
Judgment method of clothing silhouette
GB/T 21564.3-2008
报警传输系统串行数据接口的信息格式和协议 第3部分:公用数据链路层协议(中英文版)
Message formats and protocols for serial data interfaces in alarm transmission systems - Part 3: Common data link layer protocol
GB/T 29646-2013
Modified biodegradable polyester used for blown film
GB/T 2900.36-2003
电工术语 电力牵引(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology--Electric traction
GB/T 15843.2-2017
信息技术 安全技术 实体鉴别 第2部分:采用对称加密算法的机制(中英文版)
Information technology—Security techniques—Entity authentication—Part 2: Mechanisms using symmetric encipherment algorithms
GB/T 19905-2005
Liquefied gas tanker
GB/T 15972.31-2021
光纤试验方法规范 第31部分:机械性能的测量方法和试验程序 抗张强度(中英文版)
Specifications for optical fibre test methods—Part 31: Measurement methods and test procedures for mechanical characteristics—Tensile strength
GB/T 24901-2010
粮油检验 玉米粗蛋白质含量测定 近红外法(中英文版)
Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of crude protein in maize - Near-infrared method
GB/T 32691-2016
Automobile A/C electromagnetic clutch
GB 13548-1992
General principle of safety assessment for phosgene and its products plant
GB/T 40618-2021
Terminology for cyclotron
GB 28373-2012
Tank vehicles of categories N and O with regard to rollover stability
GB/T 20793-2015
Degummed ramie
GB/T 39440-2020
Guidance for compiling the catalog of public credit information resources
GB/T 17494-2009
Diagnostic techniques of indirect ELISA technique for equine infectious anemia disease
GB/T 16055-1995
Workplace air--Determination of diphenyl-diphenyl ether--Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method
GB/T 16881-2008
Coagulation-Deposition jar test of water

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