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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 24269-2009
Specification for CuCrFe electric contact material
GB/T 15054.1-2018
小螺纹 第1部分:牙型、系列和基本尺寸(中英文版)
Miniature screw threads—Part 1:Profiles, general plan and basic dimensions
GB/T 19042.6-2023
医用成像部门的评价及例行试验 第3-6部分:乳腺断层合成成像模式下乳腺摄影X射线设备成像性能验收与稳定性试验(中英文版)
Evaluation and routine testing of medical imaging departments Part 3-6: Imaging performance acceptance and stability testing of mammography X-ray equipment in breast tomosynthesis imaging mode
GB/T 31439.2-2015
波形梁钢护栏 第2部分:三波形梁钢护栏(中英文版)
Guardrail—Part 2: Corrugated sheet steel thrie-beams for road guardrail
GB/T 16316-1996
电气安装用导管配件的技术要求 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Specification for conduit fittings for electrical installations--Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 34980.2-2017
智能终端软件平台技术要求 第2部分:应用与服务(中英文版)
Technical requirement for smart terminal software platform—Part 2 : Application and service
GB/T 26890-2011
粮油机械 磨辊磨光拉丝机(中英文版)
Grain and oil machinery - Grinding and fluting machine
GB/T 41582-2022
Rapid Estimation Method of Accident Source Term in Nuclear Power Plant
GB/T 22275.4-2008
良好实验室规范实施要求 第4部分:良好实验室规范原则在现场研究中的应用(中英文版)
Requirements of conduct for good laboratory practice - Part 4: The application of the GLP principles to field studies
GB/T 3903.38-2008
鞋类 帮面试验方法 可绷帮性(中英文版)
Footwear - Test methods for uppers - Resistance to damage on lasting
GB/T 35275-2017
信息安全技术 SM2密码算法加密签名消息语法规范(中英文版)
Information security technology—SM2 cryptographic algorithm encrypted signature message syntax specification
GB/T 25915.8-2021
洁净室及相关受控环境 第8部分:按化学物浓度划分空气洁净度(ACC)等级(中英文版)
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 8: Classification of air cleanliness by chemical concentration (ACC)
GB/T 16507.3-2013
水管锅炉 第3部分:结构设计(中英文版)
Water-tube boilers—Part 3: Structure design
GB/T 625-2007
化学试剂 硫酸(中英文版)
Chemical reagent - Sulfuric acid
GB/T 12579-2002
Determination of foaming characteristics of lubricating oils
GB 51079-2016
Code for urban planning on flood control
GB/T 25648-2010
道路施工与养护机械设备 稳定土拌和机(中英文版)
Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Soil stabilizer
GB/T 40790-2021
Sintered cerium-based and cerium-rich permanent magnet materials
GB/T 16803-1997
采暖、通风、空调、净化设备 术语(中英文版)
Equipment of heating, ventilating,air conditioning and air cleaning terminology
GB/T 31734-2015
Bamboo pyroligneous liquid
GB/T 22517.6-2020
体育场地使用要求及检验方法 第6部分:田径场地(中英文版)
Technical requirements and test methods for sports field—Part 6: Track and field
GB/T 21972.2-2012
起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机技术条件 第2部分:YZP系列起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机(轴流风机冷却)(中英文版)
Specification for variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications - Part 2: YZP series variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications(cool
GB/T 24319-2009
Technical conditions of cauldron-using mechanical seal for high pressure
GB/T 8659-2018
Butadiene rubber(BR)9000
GB/T 25789-2023
GB/T 21707-2008
Insulation specification for variable frequency adjustable speed definite purpose converter-fed three-phase induction motors
GB 50017-2003
Code for design of steel structures
GB/T 36088-2018
Information management requirements of cold chain logistics
GB/T 27598-2011
照相化学品 无机物中微量元素的分析 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法(中英文版)
Photographic chemicals - Measurement methods of the trace elements in the inorganic compounds - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES)
GB/T 6113.402-2006
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第4-2部分:不确定度、统计学和限值建模 测量设备和设施的不确定度(中英文版)
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty
GB/T 42538.1-2023
农林拖拉机 安全 第1部分:基本型拖拉机(中英文版)
Agricultural and forestry tractors - Safety - Part 1: Basic tractors
GB/T 10567.1-1997
铜及铜合金加工材残余应力检验方法 硝酸亚汞试验方法(中英文版)
Wrought copper and copper alloys--Detection of residual stress--Mercury nitrate test
GB/T 9454-2008
饲料添加剂 维生素E(中英文版)
Feed additive - Vitamin E
GB/T 33755-2017
基于项目的温室气体减排量评估技术规范 钢铁行业余能利用(中英文版)
Technical specification at the project level for assessment of greenhouse gas emission reductions—Utilization of waste energy in iron and steel industry
GB/T 40783.2-2022
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 磁域网 第2部分:带内无线充电控制协议(中英文版)
Information technology - Telecommunication and information exchange between systems - Magnetic domain network - Part 2: In-band wireless charging control protocol
GB 19079.13-2013
体育场所开放条件与技术要求 第13部分:气球与飞艇场所(中英文版)
Operation conditions and technical requirements for gymnasium and playground―Part 13: Balloon and airship place
GB/T 25000.51-2016
系统与软件工程 系统与软件质量要求和评价(SQuaRE) 第51部分:就绪可用软件产品(RUSP)的质量要求和测试细则(中英文版)
Systems and software engineering—Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)—Part 51:Requirements for quality of Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) and instructions for testing
GB/T 25658.2-2010
数控仿形定梁龙门镗铣床 第2部分:技术条件(中英文版)
Copying type CNC plano-boring and milling machines with a fixed cross rail - Part 2: Specifications
GB/T 41202-2021
Grade of carnation cut flower
GB/T 21838.2-2008
金属材料 硬度和材料参数的仪器化压痕试验 第2部分: 试验机的检验和校准(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters - Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines
GB/T 5290.2-2003
电火花成形机 参数 第2部分:双立柱机床 (移动主轴头型和十字工作台型)(中英文版)
Die sinking electro-discharge machines(EDM)----Parameters----Part 2:Two column machines (Slide-head type and cross slide table type)
GB 4806.2-2015
食品安全国家标准 奶嘴(中英文版)
National food safety standard — Nipple
GB/T 11638-2020
Acetylene cylinders
GB/T 29110-2012
道路交通信息服务 公共汽电车线路信息基础数据元(中英文版)
Road traffic information service - Basic data element of bus line information
GB/T 20780-2006
工业循环冷却水 碳酸盐碱度的测定(中英文版)
Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of carbonate alkalinity
GB/T 6098.2-1985
棉纤维长度试验方法 光电长度仪法(中英文版)
Test method for length of cotton fibres--Photoelectric length method
GB/T 14601-2009
电子工业用气体 氨(中英文版)
Gas for electronic industry - Ammonia
GB/T 18623-2011
地理标志产品 镇江香醋《第3号修改单》(中英文版)
GB/T 4701.13-2024
Ferrotitanium - Determination of silicon, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, aluminum, magnesium, copper, vanadium and nickel content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 36845-2018
Detection and identification of Spiroplasma citri Saglio et al

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