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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 17880.2-1999
Countersunk head riveted nuts
GB/T 32151.14-2023
碳排放核算与报告要求 第14部分:其他有色金属冶炼和压延加工企业(中英文版)
Carbon emission accounting and reporting requirements Part 14: Other non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing enterprises
GB/T 23294-2009
Abrasion resistant refractory materials
GB/T 3564-1993
Classification and names of components of bicycles, and basic technology
GB 4793.6-2008
测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第6部分:实验室用材料加热设备的特殊要求(中英文版)
Safety requirements for electrical for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 6: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
GB/T 30824-2014
Testing method for temperature uniformity of gas heat treatment furnace
GB/T 14028-2018
半导体集成电路 模拟开关测试方法(中英文版)
Semiconductor integrated circuits—Measuring method of analogue switch
GB/T 42591-2023
燃气轮机 质量控制规范(中英文版)
Gas turbines - Specifications for quality control
GB/T 12236-2008
Steel swing check valve for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries
GB/T 26112-2010
微机电系统(MEMS)技术 微机械量评定总则(中英文版)
Micro-electromechanical system technology - General rules for the assessment of micro-mechanical parameters
GB/T 33821-2017
Seamless steel tubes for automobile stabilizer bar
GB/T 5073-2005
耐火材料 压蠕变试验方法(中英文版)
Refractory Products-Test method of Creep in Compression
GB/T 41896-2022
Quality requirements for food deoxidizers
GB/T 4325.2-2013
钼化学分析方法 第2部分:镉量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 2: Determination of cadmium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 33180-2016
国家基本比例尺地图 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000地形图(中英文版)
National fundamental scale maps 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 topographic maps
GB/T 26978-2021
Design and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed steel tanks for the storage of cryogenic liquefied gas
GB/T 8629-2001
纺织品 试验用家庭洗涤和干燥程序(中英文版)
Textiles--Domestic washing and dryingprocedures for textile testing
GB/T 13171.1-2009
Laundry powders(Phosphorous)
GB/T 905-1994
Dimension,shape,weight and tolerance for cold-drawn round,square and hexagonal steels
GB/T 32085.1-2015
汽车 空调滤清器 第1部分:粉尘过滤测试(中英文版)
Automobiles—Cabin air filter—Part 1: Test for particulate filtration
GB/T 31489.3-2020
额定电压500kV及以下直流输电用挤包绝缘电力电缆系统 第3部分:直流海底电缆(中英文版)
D.C. extruded cable systems for power transmission at a rated voltage up to and including 500kV—Part 3: D.C. submarine cables
GB 21902-2008
Emission standard for pollutants form synthetic leather and artificial leather industry
GB/T 27945.2-2011
热处理盐浴有害固体废物的管理 第2部分:浸出液检测方法(中英文版)
The management of hazardous solid wastes from heat treatment salts Part 2:Test method of extractives
GB/T 2423.10-2019
环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fc: 振动(正弦)(中英文版)
Environmental testing—Part 2:Test methods—Test Fc:Vibration(sinusoidal)
GB/T 20321.2-2006
离网型风能、太阳能发电系统用逆变器 第2部分:试验方法(中英文版)
Inverter of wind and solar energy supply power system for off-grid - Part 2: Testing method
GB/T 43965-2024
Electronic grade tetraethyl orthosilicate
GB/T 13821-2009
Zinc alloy die castings
GB 30439.9-2014
工业自动化产品安全要求 第9部分: 数字显示仪表的安全要求(中英文版)
Safety requirements for industrial automation products―Part 9: Safety requirements for digit display instrument
GB/T 36600.10-2018
全国主要产品分类 产品类别核心元数据 第10部分:传感器(中英文版)
National central product classification—Product category core metadata—Part 10:Sensors
GB/T 6609.25-2023
氧化铝化学分析方法和物理性能测定方法 第25部分:松装和振实密度的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis and determination of physical properties of alumina - Part 25: Determination of loose and tapped density
GB/T 18762-2002
Filler precious metal and their alloy brazing materials
GB/T 7467-1987
水质 六价铬的测定 二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法(中英文版)
Water quality--Determination of chromium(Ⅵ)--1,5 Diphenylcarbohydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB/T 26198-2010
Fireworks and firecracker - Iron powder
GB 15984-1995
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of cholera
GB/T 34165-2017
Monitoring and testing code for energy conservation of oil and gas transportation pipeline system
GB/T 42129-2022
Data management capability maturity assessment method
GB/T 3783-2008
General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships
GB/T 6974.3-2008
起重机 术语 第3部分:塔式起重机(中英文版)
Crane - Vocabulary - Part 3: Tower crane
GB/T 29673-2013
化妆品中六氯酚的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of hexachlorophene in cosmetics - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 33431-2016
Guide for bell mouth thickness design
GB/T 39835-2021
Water quality for domestic seawater
GB/T 1124.1-2007
凸凹半圆铣刀 第1部分:型式和尺寸(中英文版)
Convex and concave milling cutters - Part1:The types and dimensions
GB 50511-2010
Code for construction of shaft and roadway of coal mine
GB/T 28267.2-2015
钢丝绳芯输送带 第2部分:优选带型(中英文版)
Steel cord conveyor belts—Part 2:Preferred belt types
GB/T 38793-2020
Technical specification of efficacy evaluation for degradation of heterocyclic pesticides by biological products
GB/T 7631.2-2003
润滑剂、工业用油和相关产品(L类)的分类 第2部分:H组(液压系统)(中英文版)
Lubricants,industrial oils and related products(class L)--Classification--Part 2: Family H(Hydraulic systems)
GB 50764-2012
Design code of power of piping for power plant
GB/T 11868-1996
Diesel engine set for lifeboats
GB/T 37780-2019
Test method for elastic modulus,shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of glass
GB/T 23589-2009
Gadolinium oxalate

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