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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 17957-2021
凿岩机械与气动工具 安全要求(中英文版)
Rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools—Safety requirements
GB/T 29488-2013
Medium/high-power Biogas generating set
GB/T 818-2016
Pan head screws with cross recess
GB/Z 24845-2009
Specification of metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for 1000kV ac system
GB/T 39071-2020
品牌评价 消费者感知测量指南(中英文版)
Brand evaluation—Guidelines for consumer perception measuring
GB/T 22263.1-2008
物流公共信息平台应用开发指南 第1部分:基础术语(中英文版)
Application development guide of logistics public information platform - Part 1:Foundation term
GB/T 15845.1-1995
视听用户终端技术要求 视听用户终端业务中64~1920kbit/s信道的帧结构(中英文版)
Performance requirements of audiovisual terminals--Frame structure for a 64 to 1920kbit/s channel in audiovisual teleservices
GB/T 15000.4-2019
标准样品工作导则 第4部分:证书、标签和附带文件的内容(中英文版)
Directives for the work of reference materials—Part 4:Contents of certificates,labels and accompanying documentation
GB/T 14415-2007
Water for industrial circulating cooling system and boiler - Determination of solids matter
GB/T 28219-2011
General rules of intelligentization technology for intelligent household appliances
GB/T 23296.13-2009
食品接触材料 塑料中氯乙烯单体的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Food contact materials - Determination of vinyl chloride monomer in plastics - Gas chromatography
GB 36246-2018
Sports areas with synthetic surfaces for primary and middle schools
GB/T 15558.2-2023
燃气用埋地聚乙烯(PE)管道系统 第2部分:管材(中英文版)
Buried polyethylene (PE) piping systems for gas use Part 2: Pipes
GB/T 30960-2014
Tibetan sheep
GB/T 34842-2017
鞋类 化学试验方法 甲酰胺的测定(中英文版)
Footwear—Chemical tests—Determination of formamide
GB 26255.2-2010
燃气用聚乙烯管道系统的机械管件 第2部分:公称外径大于63mm的管材用钢塑转换管件(中英文版)
Mechanical fittings for polyethylene piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Part 2: Metal fittings for pipes of nominal outside diameter greaten than 63mm
GB/T 41508-2022
增材制造 通则 增材制造零件采购要求(中英文版)
Additive Manufacturing General Rules Additive Manufacturing Parts Purchasing Requirements
GB/T 6012-1999
Butadiene for industrial use--Testing of appearance
GB 16206-1996
Health standard for diatomite dust in theair of workplace
GB/T 35760-2017
烟花爆竹 高氯酸钾(中英文版)
Fireworks—Potassium perchlorate
GB/T 40297-2021
Seamless austenitic stainless steel pipes for high pressure hydrogenation unit
GB/T 11543-2008
表面活性剂 中、高粘度乳液的特性测试及其乳化能力的评价方法(中英文版)
Surface active agents - The identification of emulsion for moderate to high viscosity and the evaluation method of emulsifying capability
GB/T 29558-2013
表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱 强度标的重复性和一致性(中英文版)
Surface chemical analysis - Auger electron spectroscopy - Repeatability and constancy of intensity scale
GB 12379-1990
Regulations of monitoring for environmental nuclearradiations
GB/T 50312-2016
Code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system
GB 50013-2006
Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering
GB/T 24865-2010
Maiwa yak
GB/T 40635-2021
Determination of banned trichloroacetic acid in cosmetics
GB/T 31799-2015
Detection and identification of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.
GB/T 25795-2020
C.I. Reactive blue 250(Reactive blue KN-RGB)
GB/T 28272-2012
米制超细牙螺纹 系列和基本尺寸(中英文版)
Metric screw threads with extra fine pitch - Series and basic dimensions
GB/T 6199-2000
Veneer net-belt dryer
GB/T 16678.1-1996
信息处理系统 光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI) 第1部分:令牌环物理层协议(PHY)(中英文版)
Information processing systems--Fibre distributed data interface (FDDI)--Part 1:Token ring physical layer protocol (PHY)
GB/T 17760-2009
Method of inspection for printed or dyed fabric surface defects
GB/T 2031-2018
Marine fire coupling
GB/T 33665-2023
Audio and video technical requirements and detection methods for digital publications
GB/T 9881-2008
橡胶 术语(中英文版)
Rubber - Vocabulary
GB/T 31215-2014
混合型饲料添加剂 甜味剂通用要求(中英文版)
Feed additive blender―Guidelines for sweetener
GB/T 20961-2018
Single-rope mine drum hoist
GB/T 20626.3-2006
特殊环境条件 高原电工电子产品 第3部分:雷电、污秽、凝露的防护要求(中英文版)
Specific environmental condition - Electric and electronic products for plateau - Part 3: Protection requiremrnt of thunder and lightning, filth, condensation
GB/T 26297.3-2010
铝用炭素材料取样方法 第3部分:预焙阳极(中英文版)
Sampling of carbonaceous materials used for aluminium production - Part 3: Prebaked blocks
GB/T 42539-2023
滚动轴承 轴承用陶瓷球 强度测定(缺口球试验)(中英文版)
Rolling bearings - Ceramic balls for bearings - Determination of strength (notched ball test)
GB/T 13360-2008
Hulles oats flour
GB/T 33795-2017
反应染料 水解速率的测定(中英文版)
Reactive dyes—Determination of hydrolysis rate
GB/T 32561.4-2022
红外光学硫系玻璃测试方法 第4部分:光吸收系数(中英文版)
Infrared Optical Chalcogenide Glass Test Method Part 4: Optical Absorption Coefficient
GB/T 30001.3-2013
信息技术 基于射频的移动支付 第3部分: 设备技术要求(中英文版)
Information technology - Mobile payment based on radio frequency - Part 3: Device technical requirements
GB/T 7967-2002
声学 水声发射器的大功率特性和测量(中英文版)
Acoustics--High-power characteristics of underwater sound projectors and their measurements
GB/T 33049-2016
偏光片用光学薄膜 涂层附着力的测定方法(中英文版)
Polarizing optical film—Determination for adhesion of coating
GB/T 4018.2-1997
圆柱立式钻床 精度检验 第2部分:工作精度检验(中英文版)
Pillar type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 2:Testing of the working accuracy
GB/T 25114.3-2010
基于ebXML的商业报文 第3部分:订单(中英文版)
ebXML based business message - Part 3: Core order

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