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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 19268-2021
Solid cyanide package
GB/T 12448-2010
木工机床 型号编制方法(中英文版)
Woodworking machines - Programming method for the types
GB/T 7676.4-1998
直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件 第4部分:频率表的特殊要求(中英文版)
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories--Part 4:Special requirements for frequency meters
GB/T 889.2-2016
1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 细牙(中英文版)
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 1—Fine pitch thread
GB/T 39062-2020
跨境电子商务 产品溯源信息管理规范(中英文版)
Cross-border E-commerce—Specification for products traceability information management
GB/T 20166.2-2012
稀土抛光粉化学分析方法 第2部分:氟量的测定 离子选择性电极法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods of rare earth polishing powder - Part 2: Determination fluorine content - Ion selective electrode analysis
GB/T 17457-2019
球墨铸铁管和管件 水泥砂浆内衬(中英文版)
Ductile iron pipes and fittings-Cement mortar lining
GB 15258-2009
General rules for preparation of precautionary label for chemicals
GB/T 7182-1987
Measurement of noise in engine room of diesel locomotives
GB/T 4728.8-2008
电气简图用图形符号 第8部分:测量仪表、灯和信号器件(中英文版)
Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 8:Measuring instruments, lamps and signalling devices
GB/T 31455.1-2015
快速公交(BRT)智能系统 第1部分:总体技术要求(中英文版)
Intelligent system of bus rapid transit—Part 1: General technical requirements
GB/T 25336-2018
铁路大型养路机械 检查与试验方法(中英文版)
Rail heavy-duty maintenance machinery—Test and inspection method
GB/T 10001.6-2006
标志用公共信息图形符号 第6部分: 医疗保健符号(中英文版)
Public information graphical symbols for use on sign―Part 6: Symbols for medical treatment and health care
GB/T 43409-2023
Metallographic examination of carbon steel and low alloy steel castings for general engineering and structural purposes
GB/T 26907-2011
Seedling quality grading of Camellia oleifera
GB/T 17980.8-2000
农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀虫剂防治苹果小卷叶蛾(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against leaf minor on apple
GB/T 34747-2017
Grades and specifications of dried sea cucumber
GB/T 918.1-1989
道路车辆分类与代码 机动车(中英文版)
Classification and code for road vehicles--Motor vehicle
GB/T 4393-2008
呆扳手、梅花扳手、两用扳手 技术规范(中英文版)
Open end wrenches, box wrenches and combination wrenches - Technical specifications
GB/T 41608-2022
Stainless steel precision foil
GB/T 24803.2-2013
电梯安全要求 第2部分:满足电梯基本安全要求的安全参数(中英文版)
Safety requirements for lifts―Part 2: Safety parameters meeting the global essential safety requirements (GESRs)
GB/T 35268-2017
纺织品 定量化学分析 聚四氟乙烯纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(中英文版)
Textiles—Quantitative chemical analysis—Mixtures of polytetrafluoroethylene and certain other fibres
GB/T 40302-2021
塑料 立式软薄试样与小火焰源接触的燃烧性能测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of burning behaviour of thin flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source
GB/T 17971.2-2010
信息技术 文本和办公系统的键盘布局 第2部分:字母数字区(中英文版)
Information technology - Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 2: Alphanumeric section
GB/T 1251.3-2008
人类工效学 险情和信息的视听信号体系(中英文版)
Ergonomics - system of auditory and visual danger and information signals
GB 51194-2016
Code for design of engineering for telecommunication power supply equipment installation
GB/T 40640.2-2021
化学品管理信息化 第2部分:信息安全(中英文版)
Informationalized management of chemicals—Part 2:Information security
GB/T 15160-2007
Land mobile communication system requirements using multi-channel access techniques without a central controller
GB/T 28966-2012
Cutter/bucket-wheel dredger supervisory control system
GB/T 14926.44-2001
实验动物 念珠状链杆菌检测方法(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Streptobacillus moniliformis
GB/T 31805-2015
Detection and identification of Cowpea sevre mosaic virus
GB/T 31334.6-2020
浸胶帆布试验方法 第6部分:尺寸、克重等基本项目测量(中英文版)
Test methods for dipped canvas—Part 6 : Determinations of size, grammage, etc
GB/T 10681-2009
家庭和类似场合普通照明用钨丝灯 性能要求(中英文版)
Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes - Performance requirements
GB/T 37145-2018
Cabinets for low-voltage switchgear—Mechanical structures for drawout functional unit
GB/T 34877.2-2023
工业风机 标准实验室条件下风机声功率级的测定 第2部分:混响室法(中英文版)
Industrial fans - Determination of fan sound power levels under standard laboratory conditions - Part 2: Reverberation chamber method
GB/T 27567-2011
Pyridine for industrial use
GB/T 5293-2018
Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels
GB/T 23193-2008
茶叶中茶氨酸的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of theanine in tea - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 42585-2023
信息技术 生物特征识别 指纹识别模块通用规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Biometric identification - General specification for fingerprint identification modules
GB/T 15972.21-2008
光纤试验方法规范 第21部分:尺寸参数的测量方法和试验程序 涂覆层几何参数(中英文版)
Specifications for optical fibre test methods - Part 21: Measurement methods and test procedures for dimensions - Coating geometry
GB/T 922-1986
Specifications for wood screws
GB 30178-2013
The norm of energy consumption per unit product from direct coal to oil
GB/T 18854-2002
液压传动 液体自动颗粒计数器的校准(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power--Calibration of liquid automatic particle counters
GB/T 33794-2017
Reactive blue K-RL(C.I.Reactive blue 105)
GB/T 6002.13-2005
纺织机械术语 第13部分:染整机械 拉幅定形机(中英文版)
Textile machinery Terminology -- Part 13: Dyeing and finishing machinery -- Tentering and heat-treatment machinery
GB/T 41720-2022
Heat Shrink Chlorinated Polyolefin Tubing
GB/T 12377-1990
空气中微量铀的分析方法 激光荧光法(中英文版)
Analytical method of microquantity uranium in air by laser-fluoremetry
GB/T 25668.2-2010
镗铣类模块式工具系统 第2部分:TMG21工具系统的型式和尺寸(中英文版)
Modular tooling system for boring and milling Part2: TMG21 Tooling system - Dimensions
GB/T 33174-2016
资产管理 管理体系 GB/T 33173应用指南(中英文版)
Asset management—Management systems—Guidelines for the application of GB/T XXXX
GB/T 1416-2021

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