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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 7920.10-2019
道路施工与养护设备 稳定土拌和机 术语和商业规格(中英文版)
Road construction and maintenance equipment—Soil stabilizers—Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 28277-2012
硅基MEMS制造技术 微键合区剪切和拉压强度检测方法(中英文版)
Silicon-based MEMS fabrication technology - Measurement method of cutting and pull-press strength of micro bonding area
GB/T 14926.14-2001
实验动物 金黄色葡萄球菌检测方法(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Staphylococcus aureus
GB/T 22800-2009
Textiles for star-tourist hotels
GB/T 37210-2018
Nuclear radiation-resistant inflatable and water-filled rubber sealing products
GB/T 17074-1997
Workplace air--Determination of acetaldehyde--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 43287-2023
塑料 在实际野外条件海洋环境中塑料材料崩解度的测定(中英文版)
Plastics Determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials in the marine environment under actual field conditions
GB/T 22232-2008
化学物质的热稳定性测定 差示扫描量热法(中英文版)
Test method for the thermal stability of chemicals by differential scanning calorimetry
GB/T 31114-2014
冷冻饮品 冰淇淋(中英文版)
Frozen drinks—Ice cream
GB/T 25000.24-2017
系统与软件工程 系统与软件质量要求和评价(SQuaRE) 第24部分:数据质量测量(中英文版)
Systems and software engineering—Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation(SQuaRE)—Part 24: Measurement of data quality
GB/T 17626.29-2006
电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 直流电源输入端口电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化的抗扰度试验(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips,short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity tests
GB/T 26299-2010
Copper alloy sheet and strip for anti-corrosion
GB/T 30268.3-2023
信息技术 生物特征识别应用程序接口(BioAPI)的符合性测试 第3部分:BioAPI框架的测试断言(中英文版)
Information technology—Conformity testing for the biometric application programming interface (BioAPI)—Part 3: Test assertions for the BioAPI framework
GB/T 14612-2008
粮油检验 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验 中种发酵法(中英文版)
Inspection of grain and oils - Bread baking test of wheat flour - Sponge-dough method
GB/T 33661-2017
Calculation and promulgation of the Chinese calendar
GB/T 41675-2022
Spacecraft Electric Propulsion Technical Terminology
GB/T 3923.2-2013
纺织品 织物拉伸性能 第2部分:断裂强力的测定(抓样法)(中英文版)
Textiles - Tensile properties of fabrics - Part 2 :Determination of maximum force using the grab method
GB/T 2947-2002
尿素、硝酸铵中游离水含量的测定 卡尔·费休法(中英文版)
Determination of free water in urea and ammonium nitrate by karl fischer method
GB 5009.258-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品中棉子糖的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Determination of raffinose in foodstuffs
GB/T 511-2010
Petroleum,petroleum products and additives - -Method for determination of mechanical admixtures
GB/T 40582-2021
Basic terminology of hydropower station
GB 22337-2008
Emission standard for community noise
GB/T 13709-2015
Blank detail specification of X-ray tubes for industry
GB/T 39264-2020
Technical specification for unified management and control platform of smart hydropower plant
GB/T 3048.1-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 1: General
GB 21976.4-2012
建筑火灾逃生避难器材 第4部分:逃生滑道(中英文版)
Escape apparatus for building fire - Part 4: Escape slide
GB/T 1569-2005
Cylindrical shaft ends
GB/T 23808-2009
Holographic anti-counterfeiting film
GB/T 17040-2019
石油和石油产品中硫含量的测定 能量色散X射线荧光光谱法(中英文版)
Determination of sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products—Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 20384-2024
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 16: Mixtures of polypropylene fibers and certain other fibers (xylene method)
GB/T 20302-2014
Phosphor-copper anodes
GB/T 4678.8-2003
压铸模零件 第8部分: 推板(中英文版)
Die-casting die components--Part 8: Ejectorplate
GB/T 4084-2018
Self-stressing concrete pipes
GB 26488-2011
Magnesium alloys die casting safety criterion
GB/T 36237-2023
风能发电系统 通用电气仿真模型(中英文版)
Wind Power Generation System General Electric Simulation Model
GB/T 7024-2008
Terminology of lifts,escalators,passenger conveyors
GB/T 33928-2017
往复式内燃机 排气消声器测量方法 声压法排气噪声声功率级和插入损失及功率损失比(中英文版)
Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Measurement method for exhaust silencers—Sound power level of exhaust noise and insertion loss using sound pressure and power loss ratio
GB/T 32484-2022
表壳体及其附件 气相沉积镀层(中英文版)
Watch case and its accessories Vapor deposition coating
GB/T 21862.5-2008
色漆和清漆 密度的测定 第5部分:比重计法(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes - Determination of the density - Part 5: Areometer method
GB/T 30015-2013
Bronze alloys rod and bar for overhead line
GB/T 33266-2016
General high-speed communication bus performance for modular robot
GB/T 5266-2006
声学 水声材料纵波声速和衰减系数的测量 脉冲管法(中英文版)
Acoustics - Measurements of the longitudinal wave velocity and attenuation coefficient for underwater acoustical materials - Pulse tube method
GB/T 25247-2010
饲料添加剂 糖萜素(中英文版)
Feed additive - Saccharicterpenin
GB/T 41135.2-2021
故障路径指示用电流和电压传感器或探测器?? 第2部分:系统应用(中英文版)
Current and voltage sensors or detectors, to be used for fault passage indication purposes -- Part 2: System aspects
GB/T 12615.3-2004
封闭型平圆头抽芯铆钉 06级(中英文版)
Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head--Property class 06
GB/T 2609-2015
显微镜 物镜(中英文版)
GB/T 38518-2020
Measurement of coating thickness on flexible film substrate
GB/T 28754-2012
Guidance for utilization of coal bed methane (coal mine gas)
GB/T 23987-2009
色漆和清漆 涂层的人工气候老化曝露 曝露于荧光紫外线和水(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes - Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering - Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water
GB/T 37520-2019
Titanium alloy extrusion profiles for aviation

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