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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 33814-2017
Welded H-section steel
GB/T 18253-2000
钢及钢产品 检验文件的类型(中英文版)
Steel and steel products--Types of inspection documents
GB/T 24181-2022
Diamond welding saw blade base steel
GB/T 28827.1-2012
信息技术服务 运行维护 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Information technology service - Operations and maintenance -Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 12763.9-2007
海洋调查规范 第9部分:海洋生态调查指南(中英文版)
Specifications for oceanographic survey - Part 9: Guidelines for marine ecological survey
GB/T 33018.3-2016
炭素企业节能技术规范 第3部分:机械加工(中英文版)
Energy-saving technical specification for carbon enterprise—Part 3: Machining
GB/T 23919-2009
三轮汽车和低速货车 减振器(中英文版)
Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Shock absorbers
GB/T 18818-2021
Inspecting specification for railway wagon dumper and bulk cargo unfreezing warehouse
GB 16895.4-1997
建筑物电气装置 第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装 第53章:开关设备和控制设备(中英文版)
Electrical installations of buildings--Part 5:Selection and erection of electrical equipment--Chapter 53:Switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 31357-2014
复合橡胶 通用技术规范(中英文版)
Compounded rubber―General technical specification
GB/T 32096-2015
Mannitol for industry
GB/T 39677-2020
Guideline for OFD application to government website webpage archiving
GB 50007-2011
Code for design of building foundation
GB/T 22785-2008
Determination of essential parameters of aluminum powder for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 37628-2019
化妆品中黄芪甲苷、芍药苷、连翘苷和连翘酯苷A的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of astragaloside, paeoniflorin, forsythin and forsythoside A in cosmetics—High performance liquid chromatography
GB 18667-2002
Assessment for body impairment of the injured in road traffic accident
GB/T 43843-2024
Data service requirements for network collaborative manufacturing platform
GB 11291.2-2013
机器人与机器人装备 工业机器人的安全要求 第2部分:机器人系统与集成(中英文版)
Robots and robotic devices―Safety requirements for industrial robots―Part 2: Robot systems and integration
GB 12732-2008
Automotive V-belts
GB/T 11313.202-2018
射频连接器 第202部分:电气试验方法 插入损耗(中英文版)
Radio-frequency connectors—Part 202: Electrical test methods—Insertion loss
GB/T 25421-2010
No-tillage seeding drill for the grass
GB/T 42883-2023
智慧城市基础设施 评估和改善成熟度模型(中英文版)
Smart City Infrastructure Assessment and Improvement Maturity Model
GB/T 20047.1-2006
光伏(PV)组件安全鉴定 第1部分:结构要求(中英文版)
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction
GB/T 34290-2017
公共体育设施 室外健身设施的配置与管理(中英文版)
Public sports facilities—Configuration and management of outdoor fitness equipments
GB/T 42080.2-2022
分子体外诊断检验 冷冻组织检验前过程的规范 第2部分:分离蛋白质(中英文版)
Molecular in vitro diagnostic tests - Specification of pre-examination procedures for frozen tissues - Part 2: Isolation of proteins
GB/T 28940-2012
病媒生物感染病原体采样规程 鼠类(中英文版)
Sampling procedure of vector infected by pathogens - Rodent
GB/T 35426.1-2017
声学 动刚度测定 第1部分:普通浮筑楼板下的弹性材料(中英文版)
Acoustics—Determination of dynamic stiffness—Part 1: Materials used under floating floors in dwellings
GB/T 8704.1-2009
钒铁 碳含量的测定 红外线吸收法及气体容量法(中英文版)
Ferrovanadium - Determination of carbon content - The infrared absorption method and the gasometric method
GB/T 39751-2021
装备制造系统能耗检测方法 导则(中英文版)
Energy detection method for equipment manufacturing system—Guideline
GB/T 10760.1-2003
离网型风力发电机组用发电机 第1部分:技术条件(中英文版)
Generator of off-grid wind turbines generator system--Part 1: Technical condition
GB/T 8322-2008
分子吸收光谱法 术语(中英文版)
Molecular absorption spectrometry - Terminology
GB/T 32376-2015
Elastic constants test method for fibre reinforced composites
GB/T 4461-2020
Thermostat metal strip
GB/T 26944.3-2011
隧道环境检测设备 第3部分:能见度检测器(中英文版)
Tunnel environment detection equipment - Part 3: Visibility indicator
GB/T 20625-2006
特殊环境条件 术语(中英文版)
Special environmental condition - Terminology
GB 17466.1-2008
家用和类似用途固定式电气装置电器附件安装盒和外壳 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 37903-2019
Reliability assessment method of NC mechanical presses
GB/T 30292-2013
Physical storage format for navigation electronic map in personal position
GB/T 35057-2018
Technical specification of waste heat utilization in coal gangue sintered brick tunnel kiln
GB 10395.2-2010
农林机械 安全 第2部分:自卸挂车(中英文版)
Agricultural and forestry machinery - Safety - Part 2:Trailers with tipping body
GB 31604.50-2020
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 壬基酚迁移量的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Food Contact Materials and Products Determination of Migration Amount of Nonylphenol
GB 19376-2003
Breeding goat of boer
GB/T 16284.1-2008
信息技术 信报处理系统(MHS) 第1部分: 系统和服务概述(中英文版)
Information technology - Message handling systems(MHS) - Part 1: System and service overview
GB/T 34635-2017
Flange connections
GB/T 41410-2022
Evaluation index system of development level of Characteristic Towns
GB/T 29305-2012
Measurement of the average viscometric degree of polymerization of new and aged cellulosic electrically insulating materials
GB/T 21161-2007
农用挂车 单作用套筒伸缩油缸25MPa(250bar)系列Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型互换尺寸(中英文版)
Agricultural trailers - Single-acting telescopic tipping cylinders - 25MPa(250bar)series - Types1,2and3 - Interchangeability dimensions
GB/T 35472.6-2017
湿式自动变速箱摩擦元件试验方法 第6部分:摩擦性能与压力、速度、温度关系试验方法(中英文版)
Test method for friction element of wet automatic transmission—Part 6: μ-PVT test method
GB 10010-2009
Plasticized polyvinyl chloride(PVC) tubing for medical uses
GB 6095-2021
坠落防护 安全带(中英文版)
Fall protection—Personal fall protection systems

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