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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
Technical specifications for the safety of children's shoes
GB/T 17126.2-2009
农业拖拉机和机械 动力输出万向节传动轴和动力输入连接装置 第2部分:动力输出万向节传动轴使用规范、各类联接装置用动力输出传动系和动力输入连接装置位置及间隙范围(中英文版)
Agricultural tractors and machinery - Power take-off drive shafts and power-input connection - Part 2:Specification for use of PTO drive shaft, and position and clearance of PTO drive line and PIC for various attachments
GB/T 36313-2018
电子商务供应商评价准则 优质服务商(中英文版)
Evaluation criteria for E-commerce supplier—High quality service provider
GB/T 43055-2023
General requirements for safe low-voltage electricity use in rural areas
GB/T 18310.14-2003
纤维光学互连器件和无源器件 基本试验和测量程序 第2-14部分:试验 最大输入功率(中英文版)
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components--Basic test and measurement procedures--Part 2-14:Tests--Maximum input power
GB/T 27835-2011
化学品危险性分类试验方法 12m跌落试验(中英文版)
Test method for hazard classification of chemicals - 12m drop test
GB/T 4698.1-2017
海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法 第1部分:铜量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium alloys—Part 1:Determination of copper content—Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 10604-2008
Mechanical mining shovel
GB/T 4109-2022
Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V
GB/T 393-1994
Daily used safety matches
GB 15763.1-2009
建筑用安全玻璃 第1部分:防火玻璃(中英文版)
safety glazing materials in building - Part 1: Fire-resistant glass
GB/T 7178.8-2006
铁路调车作业 第8部分:取送车辆作业(中英文版)
The operating for railway shunting―Part 8: Operating for taking out and placing in wagons
GB/T 35379-2017
Classification & general requirements of wooden door
GB/T 30775-2014
Pressure sensitive adhesive tapes of PE protective film
GB/T 27021.2-2021
合格评定 管理体系审核认证机构要求 第2部分:环境管理体系审核与认证能力要求(中英文版)
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems
GB/T 25918-2010
Portable calibration instrument for water meters
GB/T 32534-2016
Test methods for taper screw threads
GB/T 12753-2020
Steel wire ropes for conveyer belts
GB 50348-2004
technical code for engineering of security and protection system
GB/T 19264.2-2013
电气用压纸板和薄纸板 第2部分:试验方法(中英文版)
Pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
GB/T 38327-2019
健康信息学 中医药数据集分类(中英文版)
Health informatics—Classification of traditional Chinese medicine data sets
GB/T 8054-2008
Single sampling procedures and tables for Inspection having desired operating Characteristics by variables
GB/T 5682-1995
GB 5413.38-2010
食品安全国家标准 生乳冰点的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Determination of freezing point of raw milk
GB 9706.1-2007
医用电气设备 第1部分:安全通用要求(中英文版)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1:General requirements for safety
GB 1903.35-2018
National Food Safety Standard - Food Nutrition Enhancer - Zinc Acetate
GB/T 43406-2023
液货装卸设备 原油外输系统 串靠系泊绞车(中英文版)
Liquid cargo handling equipment, crude oil export system, tandem mooring winch
GB/T 17536-1998
Purchase order change request message
GB/T 7618-1987
Electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-current interchange circuits for general use with inte-grated circuit equipment in the field of data communications
GB 28362-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 苯氧乙酸烯丙酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additive - Allyl Phenoxyacetate
GB/T 34949-2017
C programming language interface specification of real-time database
GB/T 27894.3-2023
天然气 用气相色谱法测定组成和计算相关不确定度 第3部分:精密度和偏差(中英文版)
Natural gas - Determination of composition and calculation of associated uncertainties by gas chromatography - Part 3: Precision and bias
GB/T 23569-2009
重型卧式车床检验条件 精度检验(中英文版)
Test conditions for heavy duty horizontal lathe - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 35678-2017
公共安全 人脸识别应用 图像技术要求(中英文版)
Public security—Face recognition application—Technical requirements for face images
GB/T 10067.49-2014
电热装置基本技术条件 第49部分:自然对流井式电阻炉(中英文版)
Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 49: Natural convection pit resistance furnaces
GB/T 40445-2021
Detection and identification of Carpomya vesuviana Costa
GB/T 116-1986
Specifications for rivet
GB 9663-1996
Hygienic standard for hotel
GB/T 26436-2010
Diagnostic techniques for avian leukosis
GB/T 32778-2016
General guide for comprehensive utilization of pepper abandoning
GB/T 14427-2008
锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 铁的测定(中英文版)
Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of iron
GB/T 26548.10-2021
手持便携式动力工具? 振动试验方法? 第10部分:冲击式凿岩机、锤和破碎器(中英文版)
Hand-held portable power tools -- Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission -- Part 10: Percussive drills, hammers and breakers
GB/T 11079-2000
Standard test method for carbonizable substances in white mineral oil
GB/T 1951-2008
Marine low pressure bronze male threaded stop valves
GB/T 11042.3-2005
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐硫化色牢度 第3部分:直接蒸气(中英文版)
Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to Vulcanization part3:Open steam
GB/T 20001.2-2015
标准编写规则 第2部分:符号标准(中英文版)
Rules for drafting standards—Part 2: Symbol standards
GB/T 29762-2013
碳纤维 纤维直径和横截面积的测定(中英文版)
Carbon fibre - Determination of filament diameter and cross-section area
GB/T 32.3-2020
六角头头部带孔螺栓 细牙(中英文版)
Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head—Fine pitch thread
GB 18173.4-2010
高分子防水材料 第4部分:盾构法隧道管片用橡胶密封垫(中英文版)
Polymer water-proof materials - Part 4: Rubber gasket for shield-driven tunnel
GB/T 37097-2018
Specification for enterprise innovation method

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