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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 21263-2007
地理标志产品 牛栏山二锅头酒(中英文版)
Product of geographical indication - Niulanshan erguotou Liquor
GB/T 40956-2021
Specification for handover of food cold chain logistics
GB/T 342-1997
Dimension,shape,mass and tolerance for cold-drawn round,square and hexagonal steel wires
GB/T 6443-1986
Involute cylindrical gears--Information of the dimensional data to be given on the drawing
GB/T 1481-2012
Metallic powders (excluding powders for hardmetals) - Determination of compressibility in uniaxial compression
GB/T 17049-2005
All-glass evacuated solar collector tubes
GB 1886.14-2015
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 没食子酸丙酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Propyl gallate
GB/T 24507-2020
Laminate engineered wood flooring
GB/T 24664-2009
Evaluation and measurement method for beam quality of high power laser system for industry manufacturing
GB/T 37473-2019
Assessment of main general performance level for sea-going transport ships
GB/T 43755-2024
Preformed solder
GB/T 28161-2011
Specification of service information for digital television broadcasting
GB/T 5009.81-2003
Method for analysis of hygienic standard of stainless steel food containers and table wares
GB/T 36851-2018
Detection and identification of Xanthomonas vesicatoria
GB/T 5686.2-2008
锰铁、锰硅合金、氮化锰铁和金属锰 硅含量的测定 钼蓝光度法、氟硅酸钾滴定法和高氯酸重量法(中英文版)
Ferromanganese,ferromanganese-silicon , nitrogen-bearing ferromanganese and manganese metal - Determination of silicon content - Molybdenum blue photometric method ,silicon potassium fluoride titrimetric method and perchloric acid dehydration gravimet
GB/T 42661-2023
金属和合金的腐蚀 模拟海洋环境中钢筋应力腐蚀敏感性试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys Test method for stress corrosion susceptibility of steel bars in simulated marine environment
GB/T 4909.5-2009
裸电线试验方法 第5部分:弯曲试验 反复弯曲(中英文版)
Test methods for bare wires - Part 5: Bend test - Reverse bend test
GB 17149.4-1997
Diagnostic criteria and principles ofmanagement of hair damage induced by cosmetics
GB/T 11833-2014
绝热材料稳态传热性质的测定 圆球法(中英文版)
Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties of thermal insulation―Spherical method
GB/T 11349.1-2006
振动与冲击 机械导纳的试验确定 第1部分:基本定义与传感器(中英文版)
Vibration and shock - Experimental determination of mechanical mobility - Part 1: Basic definitions and transducers
GB/T 34129-2017
Specification for test of microgrid connected to distribution network
GB/T 19557.7-2022
植物品种特异性(可区别性)、一致性和稳定性测试指南 水稻(中英文版)
Guidelines for testing of plant variety specificity (distinguishability), identity and stability of rice
GB/Z 26082-2010
Nanomaterials-Measuring method for DC magnetic susceptibility (magnetic moment)
GB 1903.19-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品营养强化剂 骨粉(中英文版)
National food safety standard -Nutritional fortification substances in foods - Bone powder
GB/T 39693.3-2021
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 硬度的测定 第3部分:用超低橡胶硬度(VLRH)标尺 测定定试验力硬度(中英文版)
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic—Determination of hardness—Part 3:Dead-load hardness using the very low rubber hardness (VLRH) scale
GB 19044-2013
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and the energy efficiency grades of self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting service
GB 16737-2004
道路车辆 世界制造厂识别代号(WMI)(中英文版)
Road vehicle--World manufacturer identifier(WMI)code
GB/T 32322.2-2015
滚动轴承 直线运动滚动支承成型导轨副 第2部分:4、5系列外形尺寸和公差(中英文版)
Rolling bearings—Profiled rail guides for linear motion rolling bearings—Part 2:Boundary dimensions and tolerances for series 4 and 5
GB/T 38757-2020
设施农业小气候观测规范 日光温室和塑料大棚(中英文版)
Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate observation—Heliogreenhouse and plastic tunnel
GB/T 17393-2008
Specification for thermal insulation for use in contact with austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 3780.10-2009
炭黑 第10部分:灰分的测定(中英文版)
Carbon black - Part 10: Determination of ash
GB/T 20899.1-2007
金矿石化学分析方法 第1部分:金量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold ores - Part 1:Determination of gold contents
GB/T 25104-2019
原油水含量的自动测定 射频法(中英文版)
Automatic measurement of water content in crude oil—RF method
GB/T 44142-2024
Central kitchens - Construction Requirements
GB/T 4472-2011
Detemination of density and relative density for chemical products
GB/T 33260.2-2018
检出能力 第2部分:线性校准情形检出限的确定方法(中英文版)
Capability of detection—Part 2: Methodology in the linear calibration case
GB/T 43150-2023
Design and metrological characteristics of electronic digital display indicators
GB/T 23480.1-2009
电火花小孔高速加工机床 第1部分:术语和精度检验(中英文版)
Small hole high speed drilling electro-discharge machines - Part 1: Terminology and testing of accuracy
GB/T 30983-2014
Test method for optical properties of photovoltaic glass
GB/T 34400-2017
消费品召回 生产者指南(中英文版)
Consumer product recall—Guidelines for manufacturers
GB/T 41310-2022
Image-based detection method for optoelectronic properties of vision modules
GB 15146.3-2008
反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全 第3部分:易裂变材料贮存的核临界安全要求(中英文版)
Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors - Part 3: Requirements for nuclear criticality safety in the storage of fissile materials
GB/T 26275.2-2010
数字电视接收设备机道分离DTV-CSI接口规范 第2部分:测试规范(中英文版)
DTV-CSI interface specification for channel separation of digital television receiver Part 2: Test specification
GB/T 35688-2017
Specification for large air-cooled steam turbine
GB/T 21472-2008
Stainless steel bends and tees for the food industry
GB/T 40127-2021
全断面隧道掘进机 顶管机安全要求(中英文版)
Full face tunnel boring machine - Safety requirements of pipe jacking machine
GB/T 3478.3-2008
圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第3部分:37.5°压力角尺寸表(中英文版)
Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 3: 37.5°pressure angle dimensions tables
GB 2772-1999
Rules for forest tree seed testing
GB/T 29654-2013
Cold roll formed sheet piling
GB/T 8381.5-2005
Detemination of kitasamycin in feedstuff

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