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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 34590.5-2022
道路车辆 功能安全 第5部分:产品开发:硬件层面(中英文版)
Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 5: Product development: Hardware level
GB 28932-2012
Regulation of infectious diseases prevention and control in primary and secondary schools
GB/T 3398.1-2008
塑料 硬度测定 第1部分:球压痕法(中英文版)
Plastics - Determination of hardness - Part 1: Ball indentation method
GB/T 35580-2017
Guidelines for water-draw and utilization assessment on construction projects
GB/T 39749-2021
Evaluation method and graduation for energy efficiency performance of insulating glass unit
GB/T 14737-2009
Specification for the operation of sling used in the port for cargo handling
GB/T 21174-2007
动物源性食品中β-内酰胺类药物残留测定方法 放射受体分析法(中英文版)
Determination of β-Lactams residues in animal derived food - Radio-receptor assay method
GB 13078-2001
Hygienical standard for feeds
GB 7000.1-2015
灯具 第1部分:一般要求与试验(中英文版)
Luminaires—Part 1:General requirements and tests
GB/T 9065.6-2020
液压传动连接 软管接头 第6部分:60°锥形(中英文版)
Connections for hydraulic fluid power—Hose fittings—Part 6: 60° cone ends
GB/T 4959-2011
Methods of measurement for the characteristics of sound reinforcement in auditoria
GB/T 37912-2019
CNC punching and shearing composite machines
GB/T 13025.2-2008
制盐工业通用试验方法 白度的测定(中英文版)
General test method in salt industry - Determination of whiteness
GB/T 30190-2013
Concrete with ground limestone
GB/T 36195-2018
Technical specification for sanitation treatment of livestock and poultry manure
GB 1886.302-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 聚乙二醇(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Food Additives Polyethylene Glycol
GB 25575-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 氢氧化钾(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Potassium hydroxide
GB/T 1483.2-2008
灯头、灯座检验量规 第2部分:插脚式灯头、灯座的量规(中英文版)
Gauges for caps and lampholders - Part 2:Gauges for pin caps and lampholders
GB/T 11686-2002
小艇 厕所废水集存系统(中英文版)
Small craft--Toilet waste retention systems
GB 4865-1985
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational chronic allyl chloride poisoning
GB/T 10478-2017
Railway tank car for liquefied gases
GB 14749-2006
Safety requirements for baby walking frames
GB/T 14708-1993
Adhesive coated polyester film for flexibleprinted circuits
GB/T 41444-2022
Basic requirements of agricultural geographic information system
GB 17625.1-2012
电磁兼容 限值 谐波电流发射限值(设备每相输入电流≤16A)(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility - Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase)
GB/T 35432-2017
Classification and codes for testing technology services
GB/T 40553-2021
塑料 适合家庭堆肥塑料技术规范(中英文版)
Plastics—Specifications for plastics suitable for home composting
GB/T 18477.3-2009
埋地排水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)结构壁管道系统 第3部分:双层轴向中空壁管材(中英文版)
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) structure wall pipeline system for underground soil waste and drainage - Part 3: Bilayer and hollow-wall construction with axial hollow pipes
GB/T 3810.14-2016
陶瓷砖试验方法 第14部分:耐污染性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles—Part 14: Determination of resistance to stains
GB/T 39537-2020
Regulation for petroleum exploration
GB 28132-2011
Imidacloprid micro-emulsion
GB/T 22066-2008
Evaluation for computerized data acquisition systems for used in static uniaxial testing machines
GB/T 19216.21-2003
在火焰条件下电缆或光缆的线路完整性试验 第21部分:试验步骤和要求 额定电压0.6/1.0 kV及以下电缆(中英文版)
Tests for electric cables under fire conditions--Circuit integrity--Part 21: Procedures and requirements--Cables of rated voltage up to and including 0.6/1.0kV
GB/T 31545-2015
Portland cement for Nuclear power engineering
GB/T 38288-2019
塑料 聚丙烯再生改性专用料(中英文版)
Plastics—Recycled polypropylene compound
GB/T 3249-2009
Test method for fisher number of metal powders and related compounds
GB 5749-2006
Standards for drinking water quality
GB/T 15505-1995
水质 硒的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法(中英文版)
Water quality--Determination of selenium--Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 30521-2014
经济贸易展览会 数据统计(中英文版)
Trade exhibition―Statistics
GB 50433-2018
Technical standards for soil and water conservation in production and construction projects
GB 15607-2023
涂装作业安全规程 粉末静电喷涂工艺安全(中英文版)
Safety regulations for coating operations Safety of powder electrostatic spraying process
GB 50049-2011
Code for design of small fossil fired power plant
GB/T 8854-1988
Vegetables--Nomenclature--First list
GB/T 2900.100-2017
电工术语 超导电性(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology—Superconductivity
GB/T 21054-2023
信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 PKI系统安全测评方法(中英文版)
Information Security Technology Public Key Infrastructure PKI System Security Evaluation Method
GB 29450-2012
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of glass fibers
GB/T 6670-2008
软质泡沫聚合材料 落球法回弹性能的测定(中英文版)
Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of resilience by ball rebound
GB/T 19437-2004
印刷技术 印刷图像的光谱测量和色度计算(中英文版)
Graphic technology--Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation for graphic arts images
GB/T 18916.8-2017
取水定额 第8部分:合成氨(中英文版)
Norm of water intake—Part 8:Synthetic ammonia
GB/T 41732.1-2022
动物射频识别 增强型射频识别标签 第1部分:空中接口(中英文版)
Radio frequency identification of animals - Enhanced radio frequency identification tags - Part 1: Air interface

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