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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 26075-2010
Steel bars for sucker rods
GB/T 12584-2008
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 低温冲击试验(中英文版)
Rubber or plastics coated fabrics - Low-temperature impact test
GB/T 38320-2019
信息技术 信息设备互连 智能家用电子系统终端设备与终端统一接入服务平台接口要求(中英文版)
Information technology—Information device interconnection—Interface requirements between smart home electric system terminals and general terminal access service platform
GB/T 6433-2006
Determinaiion of crude fat in feeds
GB/T 5463.2-2013
非金属矿产品词汇 第2部分:滑石(中英文版)
Non metallic mineral products vocabulary - Part 2: Talc
GB/T 16656.32-1999
工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第32部分:一致性测试方法论与框架:对测试实验室和客户的要求(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration--Product data representation and exchange--Part 32:Conformance testing methodology and framework:Requirements on testing laboratories and clients
GB 1903.38-2018
National Food Safety Standard - Food Nutrition Enhancer - Ferrous Succinate
GB/T 43279.2-2023
分子体外诊断检验 静脉全血检验前过程的规范 第2部分:分离基因组DNA(中英文版)
Molecular in vitro diagnostic tests. Specification of pre-test procedures on venous whole blood. Part 2: Isolation of genomic DNA.
GB 10439-1989
Hygienic standard for mixed dust fromfluorspar in the air of workplace
GB/T 4958.10-1988
地面无线电接力系统所用设备的测量方法 第三部分:仿真系统的测量 第一节 通则(中英文版)
Methods of measurement for equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems--Part 3:Simulated systems--Section one--General
GB/T 24733-2009
Austempered ductile iron(ADI) castings
GB/T 34920-2017
ebXML based delivery order messages
GB 12320-2022
Specifications for Compilation and Drawing of China's Nautical Charts
GB/T 14904-2011
钢丝增强橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 曲挠液压脉冲试验(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies with wire reinforcements Hydraulic impulse test with flexing
GB/T 35520-2017
化学品 胚胎毒性 胚胎干细胞试验(中英文版)
Chemicals—Embryotoxicity—Embryonic stem cell test
GB/T 22083-2008
Classification and requirements for building sealants
GB/T 40437-2021
电气安全 风险预警指南(中英文版)
Electrical safety—Guidelines for risk early-warning
GB/T 18766-2009
Technical requirements of NAVTEX system
GB/T 7739.7-2007
金精矿化学分析方法 第7部分:铁量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold concentrates - Part 7: Determination of iron contents
GB/T 32825-2016
Specifications and technical requirements for three-phase dry-type tridimensional wound-core distribution transformers
GB/T 19933.2-2014
土方机械 司机室环境 第2部分:空气滤清器试验方法(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery―Operator enclosure environment―Part 2: Air filter element test method
GB/T 2926-2000
Leaders and run-out trailers for 35mm and 16mm release prints--Specification
GB/T 33133.2-2021
信息安全技术 祖冲之序列密码算法 第2部分:保密性算法(中英文版)
Information security technology—ZUC stream cipher algorithm—Part 2:Confidentiality algorithm
GB/T 14862-1993
Junction-to-case thermal resistance test methods of packages for semiconductor integrated circuits
GB/T 25915.4-2010
洁净室及相关受控环境 第4部分:设计、建造、启动(中英文版)
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 4: Design, construction and start-up
GB/T 31879-2015
道路车辆 牵引座通用技术条件(中英文版)
Road vehicles—General technical requirements for fifth wheel
GB/T 39423-2020
道路车辆 评价乘员约束性能的事故数据收集(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Collection of accident data for evaluation of occupant restraint performance
GB/T 13395-2008
Regulation of hot washing for electric power apparatus
GB/T 16580-2013
D201 macroporous strongly basic styrene type anion exchange resins
GB/T 37111-2018
Basic information description of agricultural products—Nuts
GB/T 7163-2008
Requirements of reliability analysis for nuclear power plant safety systems
GB/T 43552-2023
家用和类似用途舒适风扇及其调速器 性能测试方法(中英文版)
Comfort fans and their speed regulators for household and similar purposes - Performance test methods
GB/T 2441.6-2010
尿素的测定方法 第6部分:水不溶物含量 重量法(中英文版)
Determination of urea - Part 6: Water insoluble matter content - Weight method
GB/T 20485.1-2008
振动与冲击传感器校准方法 第1部分: 基本概念(中英文版)
Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Part 1: Basic concepts
GB/T 36025-2018
Guides for energy efficiency assessment of continuous galvanizing process
GB 18322-2002
Limits and measurement methods for smoke at free acceleration from agricultural vehicles
GB/T 42438-2023
Service Specifications for Traceability System of Jewelry and Jade
GB/T 12300-1990
Test methods of safe operating area for power transistors
GB/T 17213.10-2005
工业过程控制阀 第2-4部分:流通能力 固有流量特性和可调比(中英文版)
Industrial-process control valves Part 2:Flow capacity Section Four:Inherent flow characteristics and rangeability
GB/T 15524-1995
Reliability requirements and testing methods for non-broadcast video tape recorders
GB/T 3094-2012
Cold drawn shaped steel tubes
GB/T 13477.8-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第8部分:拉伸粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 8:Determination of tensile properties
GB/T 2102-2022
Acceptance, packaging, marking and quality certificate of steel pipes
GB 16895.7-2009
低压电气装置 第7-704部分:特殊装置或场所的要求 施工和拆除场所的电气装置(中英文版)
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-704: Requirements for special installations or locations - Construction and demolition site installations
GB/T 33012.3-2016
道路车辆 车辆对窄带辐射电磁能的抗扰性试验方法 第3部分:车载发射机模拟法(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy—Part 3: On-board transmitter simulation
GB/T 31208-2014
The methods of quality evaluation for remanufacturing core
GB/T 228.1-2021
金属材料 拉伸试验 第1部分:室温试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Tensile testing—Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
GB/T 26292-2010
Gold-germanium evaportation material
GB/T 9158-2015
Test methods of mechanics performance for windows and doors in building
GB/T 21944.1-2008
碳化硅特种制品 反应烧结碳化硅窑具 第1部分:方梁(中英文版)
Special products of silicon carbide - Kiln furniture of reaction bonded silicon carbide - Part 1:Beam

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