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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 20394-2013
Gymnastic artificial turf
GB 6675.2-2014
玩具安全 第2部分:机械与物理性能《第1号修改单》(中英文版)
Toy Safety Part 2: Mechanical and Physical Properties "Revision No. 1"
GB/T 17215.421-2008
交流测量-费率和负荷控制 第21部分:时间开关的特殊要求(中英文版)
Electricity metering equipment (a.c) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches
GB/T 17487-1998
四油口和五油口液压伺服阀 安装面(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power--Four-and five-port servovalves--Mounting surfaces
GB/T 25696-2010
道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青路面加热机 术语和商业规格(中英文版)
Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Asphalt pavement heater - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 1560-1979
Normal diameters for ventilation pipeline and accessories for ships metric series
GB/T 35138-2017
封闭管道中流体流量的测量 渡越时间法液体超声流量计(中英文版)
Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits—Ultrasonic transit-time meters for liquid
GB 4785-2007
Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 40386-2021
Recycling materials for pure aluminium
GB/T 827-1986
Rivets for name plate
GB/T 16894-1997
Blank detail specification for rectifier diodes (including avalanche rectifier diodes),ambient and case-rated,for currents greater than 100A
GB/T 19677-2005
Essential technical terms and symbols for hydrologic instrument
GB/T 32739-2016
Metadata for soil science data
GB/T 29373-2012
农产品追溯要求 果蔬(中英文版)
Traceability requirements for agricultural products - Fruits and vegetables
GB/T 40597-2021
电能质量规划 总则(中英文版)
Power quality planning—General
GB/T 24583.1-2009
钒氮合金 钒含量的测定 硫酸亚铁铵滴定法(中英文版)
Vanadium-Nitrogen alloy - Determination of vanadium content - The ammonium ferrous sulfate titration method
GB 51123-2015
Code for design of process of optical fiber component plant
GB/T 39411-2020
Technical requirements of BeiDou satellite common-view time transfer
GB/T 18029-2000
轮椅车 座(靠)垫阻燃性的要求和测试方法(中英文版)
Wheelchairs--Resistance to ignition of upholstered parts--Requirements and test methods
GB 27898.3-2011
固定消防给水设备 第3部分:消防增压稳压给水设备(中英文版)
Fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection - Part 3: Pressure boosting and stabilizing type water supply equipment used for fire-protection
GB/T 37037-2018
Data specification for wearable product
GB/T 3738-2008
24° cone connectors - Straight thread elbow
GB/T 43539-2023
Standards for electronic document archiving and electronic archive management of government websites and webpages
GB/T 17358-2009
Power consumption, measurement,and testing in heat treating production
GB/T 17230-1998
放射性物质安全运输 货包的泄漏检验(中英文版)
Safe transport of radioactive material--Leakage testing on packages
GB/T 7899-2006
Regulators for welding, cutting and the similar processes
GB/T 35991-2018
粮油检验 小麦粉馒头加工品质评价(中英文版)
Inspection of grain and oils—Steamed buns of wheat flour processing quality evaluation
GB 50996-2014
Code for construction and acceptance of underground oil storage in rock caverns
GB/T 42741-2023
Method for measuring electromagnetic parameters of solid materials using the free-space method
GB/T 1473-1988
Lead and lead-antimony alloy rod
GB/T 10051.4-2010
起重吊钩 第4部分:直柄单钩毛坯件(中英文版)
Lifting hooks - Part 4: Blanks of shank hook with point
GB/T 33784-2017
Specification of programmable logic device software documentation
GB/T 41813.2-2022
信息技术 智能语音交互测试方法 第2部分:语义理解(中英文版)
Information technology—Test methods for intelligent voice interaction—Part 2: Semantic understanding
GB/T 33017.1-2016
高效能大气污染物控制装备评价技术要求 第1部分:编制通则(中英文版)
Technical requirements of high efficiency air pollution control equipment for assessment—Part 1: General principle
GB/T 18453-2001
起重机 维护手册 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Cranes--Maintenance manual--Part 1:General
GB/T 8151.8-2012
锌精矿化学分析方法 第8部分:镉量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of zinc concentrates - Part 8: Determination of cadmium content - The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 41088-2021
Design requirements for marine energy systems
GB/T 9695.8-2008
肉与肉制品 氯化物含量测定(中英文版)
Meat and meat products - Determination of chloride content
GB/T 24676-2009
Vibratory subsoiling excavator
GB 32086-2015
Requirement of vertical flammability characteristic and test method for certain category automobile interior material
GB/T 2522-2007
Methods of test for determination of surface insulation resistance and lamination factor of electric sheet and strip
GB/T 39672-2020
GB/T 27857-2011
化学品 有机物在消化污泥中的厌氧生物降解性 气体产量测定法(中英文版)
Chemicals - Anaerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in digested sludge - By measurement of gas production
GB/T 37588-2019
炭素材料 氮含量的测定 杜马斯燃烧法(中英文版)
Carbon materials—Determination of nitrogen content—Dumas combustion method
GB/T 43850-2024
Classification and Coding of R&D Design Resources for Equipment Manufacturing
GB/T 13917.10-2009
农药登记用卫生杀虫剂室内药效试验及评价 第10部分:模拟现场(中英文版)
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration - Part 10: Analogous site
GB/T 36800.2-2018
塑料 热机械分析法(TMA) 第2部分:线性热膨胀系数和玻璃化转变温度的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Thermomechanical analysis(TMA)—Part 2: Determination of coefficient of linear thermal expansion and glass transition temperature
GB/T 18874.5-2002
起重机 供需双方应提供的资料 第5部分:桥式和门式起重机(中英文版)
Cranes--Information to be provided--Part 5:Overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes
GB/T 30790.5-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第5部分:防护涂料体系(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 5: Protective paint systems
GB/T 42832.1-2023
北斗星基增强系统空间信号接口规范 第1部分:单频增强服务信号BDSBAS-B1C(中英文版)
Beidou Satellite-based Augmentation System Space Signal Interface Specification Part 1: Single-frequency Augmentation Service Signal BDSBAS-B1C

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