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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 3488.4-2022
硬质合金 显微组织的金相测定 第4部分:孔隙度、非化合碳缺陷和脱碳相的金相测定(中英文版)
Cemented carbide - Metallographic determination of microstructure - Part 4: Metallographic determination of porosity, non-combined carbon defects and decarburized phases
GB/T 9333-2009
船舶电气设备 船用通信电缆和射频电缆 一般仪表、控制和通信电缆(中英文版)
Electrical installation in ships - Shipboard telecommunication cables and radio-frequency cables - General instrumentation, control and communication cables
GB/T 21449-2008
Water glycol fire-resistant hydraulic fluids
GB 14561-2003
Fire hydrant box
GB/T 3952-2016
Copper drawing stock for electrical purpose
GB/T 30806-2014
建筑用绝热制品 在指定温度湿度条件下尺寸稳定性的测试方法(中英文版)
Thermal insulating products for building applications—Determination of dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions
GB/T 36450.5-2021
信息技术 存储管理 第5部分:文件系统(中英文版)
Information technology—Storage management—Part 5: File systems
GB/T 4083-2005
General safety principles of nuclear reactor protection system
GB 16794.1-2010
信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集(CJK统一汉字) 48点阵字型 第1部分:宋体(中英文版)
Information technology - Universal multiple-octet coded character set (CJK unified ideographs) 48-dot matrix font - Part 1:Song Ti
GB/T 5240-2015
Neodymium oxide
GB/T 39239-2020
无损检测 超声检测 不连续的特征和定量(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic testing—Characterization and sizing of discontinuities
GB/T 29544-2013
离网型风光互补发电系统 安全要求(中英文版)
Safety requirements for off-gird type wind-solar photovoltaic hybrid electricity generating system
GB/T 3142-2019
润滑剂承载能力的测定 四球法(中英文版)
Standard test method for determination of load-carrying capacity of lubricants—Four-ball method
GB/T 32066-2024
Forklift design specifications
GB/T 24764-2009
Steel slag sand for polymer modified mortar for external thermal insulation on outer-walls
GB/T 21919-2008
检验医学 参考测量实验室的要求(中英文版)
Laboratory medicine - Requirements for reference measurement laboratories
GB/T 15369-2004
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第3部分:拖拉机(中英文版)
Tractors and machineryfor agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 3:Tractors
GB/T 35976-2018
板带精整与表面处理装备 安全技术条件(中英文版)
Strip finishing and processing equipment—Safety requirements
GB/Z 42759-2023
智慧城市 人工智能技术应用场景分类指南(中英文版)
Smart City: Guidelines for the Classification of AI Technology Application Scenarios
GB/T 4469-2006
还原染料 还原速率的测定 汽蒸法(中英文版)
Vat dyes - determination of the reduction speed - Steam process
GB/T 9581-2011
炭黑原料油 乙烯焦油(中英文版)
Oil for use in the carbon black products - Ethylene bottom
GB/T 33894-2017
ebXML based packing list messages
GB/T 41871-2022
信息安全技术 汽车数据处理安全要求(中英文版)
Information Security Technology - Security Requirements for Automobile Data Processing
GB/T 17312-1998
Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters
GB/T 23507.3-2009
石油钻机用电气设备规范 第3部分:电动钻机用柴油发电机组(中英文版)
Criterion for electriacl equipment for oil drilling rig - Part 3: The diesel generating set for electric drilling rig
GB/T 33273-2016
纺织品 三氯生残留量的测定(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of triclosan residues
GB/T 26930.10-2014
原铝生产用炭素材料 煤沥青 第10部分:仪器法测定硫含量(中英文版)
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium―Pitch for electrodes―Part 10:Determination of sulful content by an instrumental method
GB/T 41139-2021
Requirements of standard conformance testing for information classification coding and metadata
GB/T 26335-2010
Specification of industry enterprise informationization integration system
GB/T 15126-2008
信息技术 开放系统互连 网络服务定义(中英文版)
Information technology - Open system interconnection - Network service definition
GB/T 19769.1-2015
功能块 第1部分:结构(中英文版)
Function blocks—Part 1: Architecture
GB/T 38566-2020
军民通用资源 信息代码的安全转换与防伪技术规范(中英文版)
Civil-military common resources—Security conversion and anti-counterfeiting specification for information code
GB/T 6403.2-2008
Lubricating grooves
GB/T 16556-2007
self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus
GB 50116-2013
Code for design of automatic fire alarm system
GB/T 24583.2-2019
钒氮合金 氮含量的测定 惰性气体熔融热导法(中英文版)
Vanadium-nitrogen—Determination of nitrogen content—Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas
Marine rope thrower
GB/Z 15629.1-2000
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 局域网和城域网 特定要求 第1部分:局域网标准综述(中英文版)
Information technology--Telecommunication and information exchange between systems--Local and metro-politan area networks--Specific requirements--Part 1:Overview of Local Area Network standards
GB/T 24936-2010
全地形车 术语(中英文版)
Terms for all terrain vehicles
GB/T 36363-2018
Polyolefin separator for lithium-ion battery
GB/T 24804-2023
Standards to improve the safety of elevators in use
GB 18068.2-2012
非金属矿物制品业卫生防护距离 第2部分:石灰制造业(中英文版)
Health protection zone for non-metallic mineral products industry - Part 2:Lime industry
GB/T 34499.1-2017
铱化合物化学分析方法 第1部分:铱量的测定 硫酸亚铁电流滴定法(中英文版)
Method for chemical analysis of iridium compounds—Part 1: Determination of iridium content—Electricity titration using ferrous sulfate
GB/T 41243-2022
Green warehousing and distribution requirements and assessment
GB/T 23654-2009
硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶 建筑用预成型密封条的分类、要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized and thermoplastic - Preformed gaskets used in buildings - Classification,specification and test methods
GB/T 985.4-2008
Recommended joint preparation for welding on clad steels
GB/T 35439-2017
General requirement of safety, reliability and maintainability assurance for the application payloads of space station
GB/T 31219.2-2014
图书馆馆藏资源数字化加工规范 第2部分:文本资源(中英文版)
Specification of library collections digitization―Part 2: Text resources
GB/T 40072-2021
Strength test method for submersible metallic framework
GB 19965-2005
The fluride content of brick tea

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