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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 15092.102-2020
器具开关 第1-2部分:电子开关要求(中英文版)
Switches for appliances—Part 1-2: Requirements for electronic switches
GB/T 8156.4-1987
工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定铝量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 20035.2-2005
纺织机械与附件 交叉卷绕用圆锥形筒管 第2部分:半锥角3°30′圆锥形筒管的尺寸、公差和标记(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories -- Cones for cross winding -- Part2: Dimensions,tolerances and designation of cones with half angle 3°30′
GB/T 14778-2008
General rules of coloured light for safety
GB 29929-2013
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 乙酰化二淀粉磷酸酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Identification Acetylated distarch phosphate
GB/T 37670-2019
农业生产资料供应服务 农资销售服务通则(中英文版)
:Supply service of agricultural production means—General guideline for sales service of agricultural production means
GB/T 44010-2024
Disaster Relief Tents - General Technical Requirements
GB/T 25260.1-2010
合成胶乳 第1部分:羧基丁苯胶乳(XSBRL)56C、55B(中英文版)
Synthetic rubber latex - Part 1: Carboxyl styrene-butadiene rubber latex (XSBRL)56C、55B
GB 19306-2003
Sodium cyanide for industrial use
GB/T 36597-2018
Guidelines on establishing a single window
GB/T 17640-2023
土工合成材料 长丝机织土工布(中英文版)
Geosynthetics Filament woven geotextiles
GB/T 393-1994
Daily used safety matches
GB/T 18147.1-2008
大麻纤维试验方法 第1部分:含油率试验方法(中英文版)
Test method for hemp fibre - Part 1: Test method for oil content of hemp fibre
GB/T 16608.52-2012
有或无机电继电器 第52部分:空白详细规范 电信用有质量评定的有或无机电继电器 两组转换触点,20mm×10mm底座(中英文版)
Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 52: Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing telecom relays of assessed quality - Two change-over contacts, 20mm×10mm base
GB/T 34065-2017
Safety requirements for analyzers
GB/T 26751-2022
Granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag powder for cement and concrete
GB/T 5243-2006
Marking,packing,transport and storage of cemented carbide products
GB/T 24122-2009
Corona-resistant enamelled wire coatings
GB 31340-2014
The norm of energy consumption per unit products of tungsten concentrates
GB/T 33389-2016
Woven fabrics and woven composite fabrics for automotive interior
GB/T 39798-2021
Test methods for optical properties of glass used on multiple units
GB/T 21715.4-2011
健康信息学 患者健康卡数据 第4部分:扩展临床数据(中英文版)
Health informatics - Patient healthcard data - Part 4: Extended clinical data
GB/T 11313.29-2015
射频连接器 第29部分:50Ω和75Ω用特性阻抗为50Ω、具有螺纹、推拉、快锁或滑轨式机架或面板用小型射频同轴连接器(1.0/2.3型)分规范(中英文版)
Radio frequency connectors—Part 29: Sectional specification for miniature radio frequency coaxial connector(type 1.0/2.3)with screw, snap-on, push-pull or quick-lock,slide-in (rack and panel applications)mechanism with characteristic impedance 50Ω
GB/T 2900.67-2004
电工术语 非广播用摄像机(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology--Video cameras for non-broadcasting
GB/T 18770-2020
Management quality rating and technology requirement for edible salt wholesale enterprises
GB/T 22830-2008
Watercolor painting paper
GB/T 5682-1995
GB/T 5917.1-2008
饲料粉碎粒度测定 两层筛筛分法(中英文版)
Determination for feed particle size - Two-sieve screening method
GB 20840.3-2013
互感器 第3部分:电磁式电压互感器的补充技术要求(中英文版)
Instrument transformers—Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers
GB/T 37720-2019
识别卡 金融IC卡芯片技术要求(中英文版)
Identification cards—Chip technical requirements for financial IC card
GB/T 28827.8-2022
Information Technology Services - Operation and Maintenance - Part 8: Hospital Information System Management Requirements (Amendment No. 1)
GB/T 17366-1998
Methods of mineral and rock specimen preparation for EPMA
GB/T 21111-2007
室内放映 透射放映银幕的分类和亮度测定(中英文版)
Projection in indoor rooms - Classification of transmitting projection screens and measurement of their transmitted luminance levels
GB/T 16927.3-2010
高电压试验技术 第3部分: 现场试验的定义及要求(中英文版)
High-voltage test techniques - Part3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testing
GB/T 15711-2018
钢中非金属夹杂物的检验 塔形发纹酸浸法(中英文版)
Inspection of non-metallic inclusions of steel—Etching test method of tower samples
GB/T 43199-2023
Robot multi-dimensional force/torque sensor detection specifications
GB/T 223.46-1989
钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定镁量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of magnesium content
GB 29225-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 凹凸棒粘土(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additive - Attapulgite Clay
GB/T 34521-2017
Controller of small wind turbines
GB/T 41666.3-2022
地下无压排水管网非开挖修复用塑料管道系统 第 3 部分:紧密贴合内衬法(中英文版)
Plastic piping systems for Trenchless repair of underground pressureless drainage networks - Part 3: close fitting lining method
GB/T 24240-2009
直接还原铁 热压铁块(HBI)表观密度和吸水率的测定(中英文版)
Direct reduced iron - Determination of apparent density and water absorption of hot briquetted iron (HBI)
GB 9663-1996
Hygienic standard for hotel
GB/T 34053.3-2017
纸质印刷产品印制质量检验规范 第3部分:图书期刊(中英文版)
Specifications of quality inspection for printed paper products—Part 3: Books and periodicals
GB/T 40231-2021
电子电气产品中的限用物质 六价铬的测定方法 离子色谱法(中英文版)
Restricted substance in electrical and electronic products—Determination of hexavalent chromium—Ion chromatography method
GB/T 17980.22-2000
农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀菌剂防治禾谷类白粉病(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against cereal powdery mildew
GB/T 21681-2008
Analog load testing system for CNC presses and hydraulic presses
GB/T 13982-2011
The reflective and transmitting projection screens
GB/T 15766.2-2016
道路机动车辆灯泡 性能要求(中英文版)
Lamps for road vehicles—Performance requirements
GB/T 1531-2020
Copper and copper alloy capillary tube
GB/T 20193-2006
Bone meal, meat and bone meal for feedstuffs

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