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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 26151-2010
E-business invoice message based on XML
GB/T 2900.60-2002
电工术语 电磁学(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology--Electromagnetism
GB/T 32760-2016
反刍动物甲烷排放量的测定 六氟化硫示踪—气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of methane emissions from ruminants—Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer-Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 40762-2021
Evaluation specification of administrative service satisfaction
GB/T 11443.4-1989
国内卫星通信地球站总技术要求 第四部分:电视 /调频载波通道(中英文版)
Domestic satellite communication earth stations--General technical requirements--Part 4:Television/ frequency modulation carrier channel
GB/T 15166.2-2008
高压交流熔断器 第2部分:限流熔断器(中英文版)
High-voltage alternating-current fuses - Part 2: Current-limiting fuses
GB/T 21865-2008
Standard test methods for determining average grain size using semiautomatic and automatic image analysis
GB/T 29641-2013
Poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) cast noise barriers
GB 29436.2-2015
甲醇单位产品能源消耗限额 第2部分:天然气制甲醇(中英文版)
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of methanol —Part 2:Natural gas to methanol
GB/T 50483-2019
Code for engineering design of environmental protection of chemical industry projects
GB/Z 20177.3-2006
控制网络LONWORKS技术规范 第3部分:自由拓扑双绞线信道规范(中英文版)
Control network LONWORKS technology specification Part 3: Free-topology twisted-pair channel specification
GB/T 24855-2010
粮油机械 装配通用技术条件(中英文版)
Grain and oil machinery - General technical specification for assembling
GB/T 12914-2018
Paper and board—Determination of tensile properties—Constant rate of elongation method(20mm/min)
GB/T 18156-2023
Maritime International Container Cargo Delivery Document
GB 28377-2012
Minimum allowable values of water efficiency and water efficiency grades for urinals
GB/T 19254-2003
Implementation guidelines for electronic datainterchange message
GB/T 36016-2018
Sheathed continuous thermocouple cables and sheathed continuous thermocouple
GB/T 24354-2023
Common Map Symbols for Public Geographic Information
GB/T 13835.5-2009
兔毛纤维试验方法 第5部分:单纤维断裂强度和断裂伸长率(中英文版)
Test method for rabbit hair - Part 5: Breaking tenacity and elongation at break of single fibre
GB/T 22138-2008
Slide projector - Determination of temperature rise in the picture area using a glass sandwich test slide
GB/T 31213.3-2014
无损检测 铸铁构件检测 第3部分:声发射检测方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Testing of cast iron equipments and components—Part 3: Test method for acoustic emission
GB/T 33664-2017
Replication quality inspection and evaluation specifications for optical disc publication(CD、DVD)
GB/T 21404-2022
内燃机 发动机功率的确定和测量方法 一般要求(中英文版)
Internal combustion engines - Methods of determining and measuring engine power - General requirements
GB/T 20896-2007
小艇 水密艉舱和快速泄水艉舱(中英文版)
Small craft - Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits
GB/T 26310.5-2010
原铝生产用煅后石油焦检测方法 第5部分:残留氢含量的测定(中英文版)
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Calclined coke - Part 5:Determination of residual hydrogen content
GB/Z 33013-2016
道路车辆 车用嵌入式软件开发指南(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Development guidelines for motor vehicle embedded software
GB/T 40896-2021
化妆品中二乙二醇单乙醚的测定 气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of diethylene glycol monoethyl ether in cosmetics—Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
GB/T 11763-2008
Cotton seed
GB 30000.6-2013
化学品分类和标签规范 第6部分:加压气体(中英文版)
Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals - Part 6: Gases under pressure
GB/T 3668.3-1983
组合机床通用部件 回转工作台和回转工作台用多边形中间底座尺寸(中英文版)
Modular units for machine tool construction--Rotary tables and multi-sided centre bases for rotary tables--Dimensions
GB 1886.124-2015
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 广藿香油(中英文版)
National food safety standard — Food additive — Patchouli oil
GB/T 13829.7-2004
槽销 半长倒锥槽(中英文版)
Grooved pins--Half-length reverse-taper grooved
GB/T 39702-2020
Test method for force and moment of motor vehicle tyres
GB/T 12921-1991
Marine oil-water interface detector specification
GB/T 25062-2010
信息安全技术 鉴别与授权 基于角色的访问控制模型与管理规范(中英文版)
Information security technology - Authentication and authorization - Role-based access control model and management specification
GB/T 3422-2008
Cast-iron pressure pipe made by continuous casting process
GB/T 37449-2019
Design requirements for offshore cranes under ice condition
GB/T 31497-2024
Information technology - Security technology - Information security management - Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
GB/T 21396-2008
鞋类 成鞋试验方法 帮底粘合强度(中英文版)
Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - -Upper sole adhesion
GB/T 28604-2012
Rubber seals used in living-water and drinking-water supply pipes and fittings
GB/T 24131.1-2018
生橡胶 挥发分含量的测定 第1部分:热辊法和烘箱法(中英文版)
Rubber, raw—Determination of volatile matter content—Part 1:Hot-mill method and oven method
GB/T 12274.401-2023
有质量评定的石英晶体振荡器 第4-1部分:空白详细规范 能力批准(中英文版)
Qualified Quartz Crystal Oscillators Part 4-1: Blank Detailed Specification Capability Approval
GB/T 19721.2-2005
海洋预报和警报发布 第2部分:海浪预报和警报发布(中英文版)
The issue of marine forecasts and warnings Part 2:The issue of wave forecasts and warnings
GB/T 23718.2-2009
机器状态监测与诊断 人员培训与认证的要求 第2部分:振动状态监测与诊断(中英文版)
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Requirements for training and certification of personnel - Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics
GB/T 31333-2014
浸胶线绳 黏合强度试验方法(中英文版)
Dipped cords—Test methods adhesion strength
GB/T 34046-2017
Reference architecture for service platform of manufacturing informatization
GB/T 28181-2022
Technical requirements for information transmission, exchange and control of public security video surveillance networking system
GB/T 26598-2011
Transparent conductive thin film speciation for optical instruments
GB/T 34001-2016
China ship repairing quality standard
GB/T 30027-2021
起重用钢制短环链 手动链式葫芦用高精度链 VH级(中英文版)
Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes—Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists—Grade VH

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