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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 17825.5-1999
CAD文件管理 基本程序(中英文版)
Management of CAD documents--Basic procedure
GB/Z 42007-2022
Service quality evaluation of cross-border e-commerce transactions
GB/T 616-2006
化学试剂 沸点测定通用方法(中英文版)
Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of boiling point
GB/T 33270-2016
Test method for the distortion on the worsted fabric after soaking in water
GB/T 41122-2021
Requirements for lifts used to assist in building evacuation
GB 19044-2013
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and the energy efficiency grades of self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting service
GB/T 20818.1-2015
工业过程测量和控制 过程设备目录中的数据结构和元素 第1部分:带模拟量和数字量输出的测量设备(中英文版)
Industrial-process measurement and control—Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues—Part 1: Measuring equipment with analogue and digital output
GB/T 3780.10-2009
炭黑 第10部分:灰分的测定(中英文版)
Carbon black - Part 10: Determination of ash
GB/T 6577-1986
Hydraulic fluid power--Cylinders--Piston seal housings incorporating bearing rings--Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 20801.1-2020
压力管道规范 工业管道 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Pressure piping code--Industrial piping--Part 1: General
GB/T 5471-2008
塑料 热固性塑料试样的压塑(中英文版)
Plastics - Compression moulding of test specimens of thermosetting materials
GB/T 15319-1994
Monitoring and testing method for energy savingof flame heating furnace
GB/T 25832-2019
Hot rolled steel plate and strip for porcelain enameling
GB/T 4472-2011
Detemination of density and relative density for chemical products
GB/T 18272.3-2000
工业过程测量和控制 系统评估中系统特性的评定 第3部分:系统功能性评估(中英文版)
Industrial-process measurement and control--Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment--Part 3:Assessment of system function-ality
Safety requirements for tank cleaning of chemical tankers
GB/T 21315-2007
动物源性食品中青霉素族抗生素残留量检测方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of penicillins residues in foodstuffs animal origin - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23480.1-2009
电火花小孔高速加工机床 第1部分:术语和精度检验(中英文版)
Small hole high speed drilling electro-discharge machines - Part 1: Terminology and testing of accuracy
GB/T 30269.804-2018
信息技术 传感器网络 第804部分:测试:传感器接口(中英文版)
Information technology—Sensor networks—Part 804: Testing: Sensor interface
GB/T 25334.2-2023
铁路机车车体 第2部分:电力机车(中英文版)
Railway locomotive bodies Part 2: Electric locomotives
GB/T 30983-2014
Test method for optical properties of photovoltaic glass
GB/T 4678.11-2017
压铸模 零件 第11部分:推杆(中英文版)
Diecasting dies—Components—Part 11: Ejector pin
GB/T 26275.2-2010
数字电视接收设备机道分离DTV-CSI接口规范 第2部分:测试规范(中英文版)
DTV-CSI interface specification for channel separation of digital television receiver Part 2: Test specification
GB/T 16508.5-2022
锅壳锅炉? 第5部分:安全附件和仪表(中英文版)
Shell boilers Part 5: Safety accessories and instruments
GB/T 3478.3-2008
圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第3部分:37.5°压力角尺寸表(中英文版)
Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 3: 37.5°pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 34835-2017
电气安全 与信息技术和通信技术网络连接设备的接口分类(中英文版)
Electrical safety—Classification of interfaces for equipment to be connected to information and communications technology networks
GB/T 1876-1995
磷矿石和磷精矿中二氧化碳含量的测定 气量法(中英文版)
Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of carbon dioxide content--Gasometric method
GB/T 40079-2021
Classification system and qualification procedures for fugitive emission type testing of valves
GB/T 29654-2013
Cold roll formed sheet piling
GB/T 9096-2002
Sintered metal materials,excluding hardmetals--Impact test method
GB/T 20944.3-2008
纺织品 抗菌性能的评价 第3部分:振荡法(中英文版)
Textiles - Evaluation for antibacterial activity - Part 3: Shake flask method
GB/T 10171-2016
建筑施工机械与设备 混凝土搅拌站(楼)(中英文版)
Building construction machinery and equipment—Concrete mixing plant(tower)
GB/T 13032-2010
Marine diesel generator set
GB/T 38785-2020
General technical requirements of thin-film photovoltaic module recycling and reusing for use in building
GB/T 20223-2006
Cotton linter
GB 15322.4-2019
可燃气体探测器 第4部分:工业及商业用途线型光束可燃气体探测器(中英文版)
Combustible gas detectors—Part 4: Line-type optical beam combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use
GB/T 50795-2012
Code for construction organization planning of photovoltaic power project
GB/T 16588-2009
带传动 工业用多楔带与带轮 PH、PJ、PK、PL和PM型:尺寸(中英文版)
Belt drives - Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications - PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles:dimensions
GB/T 15054.2-2018
小螺纹 第2部分:公差和极限尺寸(中英文版)
Miniature screw threads—Part 2:Tolerances and limits of size
GB 16248-1996
Health standard for respirable coal dust in the air of workplace
GB/T 17273-2023
集装箱 设备数据交换 一般通信代码(中英文版)
Container Equipment Data Exchange General Communication Code
GB/T 31281-2014
品牌价值评价 石油和化学工业(中英文版)
Brand valuation—Petroleum and chemical industry
GB 19053-2003
Safety limits of pathogenic bacteria for funeral and interment place
GB/T 7631.1-2008
润滑剂、工业用油和有关产品(L类)的分类 第1部分:总分组(中英文版)
Lubricants,industrial oils and related products(class L) - Classification - Part 1:General
GB/T 34979.2-2017
智能终端软件平台测试规范 第2部分:应用与服务(中英文版)
Test specification for smart terminal software platform—Part 2: Application and service
GB 4404.3-2010
粮食作物种子 第3部分:荞麦(中英文版)
Seeds of food crops - Part 3:Buckwheat
GB/T 41583-2022
Nuclear power plant core damage assessment method
GB/T 5750.3-2006
生活饮用水标准检验方法 水质分析质量控制(中英文版)
Standard examination methods for drinking water - Water analysis quality control
GB/T 5501-2008
粮油检验 鲜薯检验(中英文版)
Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of fresh sweet potato
GB/T 14513.1-2017
气动 使用可压缩流体元件的流量特性测定 第1部分:稳态流动的一般规则和试验方法(中英文版)
Pneumatic fluid power—Determination of flow-rate characteristics of components using compressible fluids—Part 1: General rules and test methods for steady-state flow

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