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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 35206-2017
Thin section examination of shale and mudstone
GB/T 27926.2-2021
金融服务 金融业通用报文方案 第2部分:UML概况(中英文版)
Financial services—Universal financial industry message scheme—Part 2:UML profile
GB/T 25216-2010
Regional prediction methods for the danger of coal and gas outburst
GB/T 14304-2008
Sizes for wollen suits
GB 15582-1995
Dimethoate technical
GB/T 32670-2016
电子商务交易产品信息描述 服装(中英文版)
Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Clothing
GB/T 20633.1-2006
Coatings for loaded printed wire boards(conformal coating)- Part 1: Definitions,classification and general requirements
GB 16423-2020
Safety regulation for metal and nonmetal mines
GB/T 28708-2012
Specification for size selection of seamless and welded steel pipe used in piping engineering
GB/T 31562-2015
铸造机械 清洁度测定方法(中英文版)
Foundry machinery—Determination of cleanliness
GB/T 38211-2019
Sulfuryl fluoride
GB/T 23891.3-2009
滑动轴承 稳态条件下流体动压瓦块止推轴承 第3部分:瓦块止推轴承计算的许用值(中英文版)
Plain bearings - Hydrodynamic plain thrust pad bearings under steady-state conditions - Part 3: Guide values for the calculation of thrust pad bearings
GB/T 31048-2014
Copper stave
GB/T 2423.54-2005
电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Xc:流体污染(中英文版)
Environmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2:Test Methods-Test Xc:Fluid contamination
GB/T 51328-2018
Urban comprehensive transportation system planning standard
GB/T 43353-2023
建材产品的气味释放测试 环境测试舱法(中英文版)
Odor release testing of building materials products Environmental test chamber method
GB 26538-2011
Fired heat preservation brick and block
GB/T 14733.11-2008
电信术语 传输(中英文版)
Terminology for telecommunication - Transmission
GB/T 16137-1995
Methods for estimation of examine’sorgan doses in X-ray diagnosis
GB/T 7251.3-2017
低压成套开关设备和控制设备 第3部分: 由一般人员操作的配电板(DBO)(中英文版)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies—Part 3: Distribution boards intended to be operated by ordinary persons(DBO)
GB/T 22662.2-2008
氟钛酸钾化学分析方法 第2部分:湿存水含量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods of potassium fluotitanate - Part 2: Determination of moisture content - By gravimetric method
GB 15235-2007
Photometric characteristics of reversing lamps for power-driven vehicles
GB/T 12583-1998
Standard test method for measurement of extreme-pressure properties of lubricating fluids(four-ball method)
GB/T 3371-2013
Optical dividing head
GB/T 19674.3-2005
液压管接头用螺纹油口和柱端 金属对金属密封柱端(B型)(中英文版)
Connections for general use and fluid power-Ports and stud ends with thread-Stud ends with metal-to-metal sealing(type B)
GB/T 33597-2017
Continuously transposed conductors
GB/T 18931-2022
Classification of alkaline dense shaped refractory products with carbon content less than 7%
GB/T 1149.3-2010
内燃机 活塞环 第3部分:材料规范(中英文版)
Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 3: Material specifications
GB 1886.101-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 硬脂酸(又名十八烷酸)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Stearic acid (aka octadecanoic acid)
GB/T 29379-2021
Code of practice for virus free seed potatoes storage and transportation
GB/T 18669-2012
Steel bars for ship archor chain
GB/T 4238-2015
Heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip
GB/T 3671.2-1996
Determination of cold water solubility of water-soluble dyes
GB/T 39353-2020
空间数据与信息传输系统 邻近空间链路协议 同步和编码子层(中英文版)
Space data and information transfer systems—Proximity space link protocol—Synchronization and coding sublayer
GB/T 4802.4-2009
纺织品 织物起毛起球性能的测定 第4部分:随机翻滚法(中英文版)
Textiles - Determination of fabric propensity to surface fuzzing and to pilling - Part 4: Random rolling method
GB/T 14383-2008
Forged fittings, socket-welding and threaded
GB/T 3595-2000
肥料中氨态氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法(中英文版)
Fertilizers--Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content--Titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 31451-2015
航空器救援设备 起落架挂具(中英文版)
Aircraft rescue equipment—Landing gear traction hanging rigging
GB/T 20376-2006
变性淀粉中羟丙基含量的测定 质子核磁共振波谱法(中英文版)
Modified starch - Determination of hydroxypropyl content - Method using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry
GB/T 37326-2019
船舶与海上技术 海上环境保护 船上垃圾的管理和处理(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology—Marine environment protection—Management and handling of shipboard garbage
GB/T 43680-2024
Ecosystem assessment-Terrestrial ecological degradation assessment methods
GB/T 26903-2011
Technical regulations on conserving water forests construction
GB/T 36622.1-2018
智慧城市 公共信息与服务支撑平台 第1部分:总体要求(中英文版)
Smart city—Support platform for public information and services—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 4288-2008
Household and similar electrical washing machine
GB/T 42371-2023
Standards for evaluating the level of public ice hockey
GB/T 16508.7-2013
锅壳锅炉 第7部分:安装(中英文版)
Shell boilers—Part 7: Installation
GB/T 8845-2017
模具 术语(中英文版)
Dies and moulds—Terminology
GB/T 16976-1997
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 使用X.25提供OSI连接方式网络服务(中英文版)
Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Use of X.25 to provide the OSI Connection-mode Network Service
GB/T 42239.2-2022
洗涤用酶制剂 第2部分:脂肪酶(中英文版)
Enzyme preparations for washing - Part 2: Lipases
GB/T 16649.4-2010
识别卡 集成电路卡 第4部分:用于交换的结构、安全和命令(中英文版)
Identification Cards - Integrated circuit cards - Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange

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