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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 51185-2016
Code for mine seismic design of coal industry
GB/T 20603-2006
冷冻轻烃流体 液化天然气的取样 连续法(中英文版)
Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Sampling of liquefied natural gas - Continuous method
GB/T 23347-2021
Olive oil and olive-pomace oil
GB/T 25605-2010
土方机械 自卸车 术语和商业规格(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery - Dumpers - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 6286-1986
Determination of bulk density for molecular sieve
GB 17149.1-1997
化妆品皮肤病诊断标准及处理原则 总则(中英文版)
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of skin diseases induced by cosmetics--General guideline
GB/T 31787-2015
Molecular detection of Carnation ringspot virus
GB/T 23514-2020
Methods for chemical analysis of nuclear-grade Ag-In-Cd alloys
GB/T 9813-2000
Generic specification for microcomputers
GB/T 15472-2012
General specification for distortion measure instrument
GB/T 36990-2018
Classification of automotive service lubricating greases
GB/T 32151.13-2023
碳排放核算与报告要求 第13部分:独立焦化企业(中英文版)
Carbon Emissions Accounting and Reporting Requirements Part 13: Independent Coking Enterprises
GB/T 4889-2008
数据的统计处理和解释 正态分布均值和方差的估计与检验(中英文版)
Statistical interpretation of data - Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances
GB/T 24359-2009
Quality requirements for third party logistics service
GB/T 35009-2018
Specification for serial NAND flash interface
GB/T 21057-2007
无机化工产品中氟含量测定的通用方法 离子选择性电极法(中英文版)
Inorganic chemical for industrial use - General method for determination of fluorine content-Ion selective electrode method
GB/T 42560-2023
系统与软件工程 开发运维一体化 能力成熟度模型(中英文版)
System and software engineering development operation and maintenance integration capability maturity model
GB/T 27552-2011
金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 焊接接头显微硬度试验(中英文版)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Microhardness testing of welded joints
GB/T 30240.5-2017
公共服务领域英文译写规范 第5部分:体育(中英文版)
Guidelines for the use of English in public service areas—Part 5: Sports
GB/T 41897-2022
Quality requirements for food desiccant
GB/T 22969-2008
奶粉和牛奶中链霉素、双氢链霉素和卡那霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 18657.4-2002
远动设备及系统 第5部分:传输规约 第4篇:应用信息元素的定义和编码(中英文版)
Telecontrol equipment and systems--Part 5:Transmission protocols--Section 4:Definition and coding of application information elements
GB/T 30456-2013
Rare earth ultraviolet emission phosphors for fluorescent lamps
GB/T 33179-2016
国家基本比例尺地图 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000正射影像地图(中英文版)
National fundamental scale maps 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 orthophoto maps
GB/T 23511-2021
石油天然气工业 海洋结构的通用要求(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industires—eneral requirements for offshore structures
GB/T 25743-2010
Cryogenic treatment of steel parts
GB/T 32084-2015
Diesel-powered air start unit
GB/T 31489.2-2020
额定电压500kV及以下直流输电用挤包绝缘电力电缆系统 第2部分:直流陆地电缆(中英文版)
D.C. extruded cable systems for power transmission at a rated voltage up to and including 500kV—Part 2: D.C. land cables
GB/T 4958.11-1988
地面无线电接力系统所用设备的测量方法 第三部分:仿真系统的测量 第三节 黑白和彩色电视传输的测量(中英文版)
Methods of measurement for aquipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems--Part 3:Simulated systems--Section three--Measurements for mono-chrome and colour television transmission
GB/T 16267-2008
包装材料试验方法 气相缓蚀能力(中英文版)
Test method of packaging materials - Vapors corrosion inhibiting ability
GB/T 29009-2012
建筑施工机械与设备 移动式破碎机 术语和商业规格(中英文版)
Building construction machinery and equipment - Mobile crushers - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB 20074-2006
External projections from motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 2293-2019
The method of quinoline-insolube for pitch products of coal carbonization
GB/T 43966-2024
General rules for high performance liquid chromatography - quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined method
GB/T 12467.2-2009
金属材料熔焊质量要求 第2部分:完整质量要求(中英文版)
Quality reqirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
GB/T 10916-2003
农业轮式拖拉机 前置装置 第1部分:动力输出轴和三点悬挂装置(中英文版)
Agricultural wheeled tractors--Front-mounted equipment--Part 1: Power take-off and three-point linkage
GB/T 36596-2018
Drafting rules for international trade commercial invoice identifier
GB/T 6150.15-2023
钨精矿化学分析方法 第15部分:铋含量的测定 氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法和火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten concentrates Part 15: Determination of bismuth content Hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 27662-2011
Test methods for pointing and positional stability of laser beam
GB/T 16781.1-2017
天然气 汞含量的测定 第1部分:碘化学吸附取样法(中英文版)
Natural gas—Determination of mercury—Part 1: Sampling of mercury by chemisorption on iodine
GB/T 41924.2-2022
轻型输送带 第2部分:等同术语表(中英文版)
Lightweight conveyor belts - Part 2: Glossary of equivalent terms
GB/T 13772.1-2008
纺织品 机织物接缝处纱线抗滑移的测定 第1部分:定滑移量法(中英文版)
Textiles - Determination of the slippage resistance of yarns at a seam in woven fabrics - Part 1: Fixed seam opening method
GB 50459-2009
Code for design of oil and gas transportation pipeline aerial crossing engineering
GB/T 30552-2014
Aluminium alloy wires for conductors of insulated cables
GB/T 20846-2016
造船 厨房和具有烹调设备的配餐室的通风及空气处理(中英文版)
Shipbuilding—Ventilation and air-treatment of galleys and pantries with cooking appliances
GB/T 20629.1-2006
电气用非纤维素纸 第1部分:定义和一般要求(中英文版)
Non-cellulosic paper for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
GB/T 39834-2021
Technical requirement of fully mechanized bag filling mining with paste
GB/T 23725.3-2010
起重机 信息标牌 第3部分:塔式起重机(中英文版)
Cranes - Information labels - Part 3: Tower cranes
GB/T 19352.3-2003
热喷涂 热喷涂结构的质量要求 第3部分:标准的质量要求(中英文版)
Thermal spraying--Quality requirements of thermally sprayed structures--Part 3:Standard qualityrequirements
GB/T 25123.4-2015
电力牵引 轨道机车车辆和公路车辆用旋转电机 第4部分:与电子变流器相连的永磁同步电机(中英文版)
Electric traction—Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles—Part 4: Permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines connected to an electronic converter

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