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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 1886.344-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 DL-丙氨酸(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive DL-Alanine
GB/T 13248-2008
橡胶和胶乳 锰含量的测定 高碘酸钠光度法(中英文版)
Rubber and rubber latices - Determination of manganese content - Sodium periodate photometric methodes
GB/T 23333-2009
Evaporative air cooler
GB/T 34590.7-2017
道路车辆 功能安全 第7部分:生产和运行(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Functional safety—Part 7: Production and operation
GB/T 23497-2022
General rules for the quality of shredded squid
GB/T 5059.1-2014
钼铁 钼含量的测定 钼酸铅重量法、偏钒酸铵滴定法和8-羟基喹啉重量法(中英文版)
Ferromolybdenum―Determination of molybdenum content―Lead molybdate gravimetric method,ammonium metavanadate titration method and 8-hydroxyquinoline gravimetric method
GB 19171-2003
Pure culture of Agaricus bisporus
GB/T 12684-2006
工业硼化物 分析方法(中英文版)
Methods of test for boron compound for industrial use
GB/T 35675-2017
General technical requirements for metallized fiber used in electromagnetic shielding
GB/T 26074-2010
Germanium monocrystal-measurement of resistivity-DC linear four-point probe
GB/T 40493-2021
Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury content in the finishing material of wood-based panel
GB/T 32675-2016
塑料 酚醛树脂 液体甲阶酚醛树脂在酸性条件下固化时假绝热温升的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Phenloic resins—Determination of the pseudo-adiabatic temperature rise of liquid resols when cured under acid conditions
GB 51428-2021
Standard for fire protection design of coal chemical engineering
GB/T 29501-2013
Thermal insulation painted glass
GB/T 31593.1-2015
消防安全工程 第1部分:计算方法的评估、验证和确认(中英文版)
Fire safety engineering—Part 1: Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods
GB/T 15629.2-2008
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 局域网和城域网 特定要求 第2部分:逻辑链路控制(中英文版)
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 2: Logical link control
GB/T 20063.15-2009
简图用图形符号 第15部分:安装图和网络图(中英文版)
Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 15: Installation diagrams and network maps
GB/T 38317.31-2019
智能电能表外形结构和安装尺寸 第31部分:电气接口(中英文版)
Space and fixing dimensions for smart electricity meter—Part 31: Electrical interface
GB/T 2821-2003
Gear--Symbols for geometrical data
GB/T 9377-1988
Methods of measurement for broadcasting transmitters used in MW or SW band
GB/T 12763.8-2007
海洋调查规范 第8部分: 海洋地质地球物理调查(中英文版)
Specifications for oceanographic survey - Part 8:marine geology and geophysics survey
GB/T 51331-2018
Coal coking tar processing engineering design standard
GB/T 13288.2-2011
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理后的钢材表面粗糙度特性 第2部分:磨料喷射清理后钢材表面粗糙度等级的测定方法 比较样块法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned substrates - Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel - Comparator procedure
GB/T 3939.1-2023
主要渔具材料命名与标记 第1部分: 网线(中英文版)
Naming and marking of main fishing gear materials Part 1: Net lines
GB/T 18441-2009
港口起重机 供需文件(中英文版)
Harbour crane - Technical characteristics and acceptance documents
GB 34914-2017
Minimum allowable value of water efficiency and water efficiency grades for reverse osmosis drinking water treatment purifiers
GB/T 19025-2023
质量管理 能力管理和人员发展指南(中英文版)
Quality Management Competency Management and People Development Guidelines
GB 12052-1989
Korean character coded character set for information interchange
GB/T 19933.1-2014
土方机械 司机室环境 第1部分:术语和定义(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery―Operator enclosure environment―Part 1: Terms and definitions
GB/T 19830-2017
石油天然气工业 油气井套管或油管用钢管(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells
GB/T 25915.2-2010
洁净室及相关受控环境 第2部分:证明持续符合GB/T 25915.1的检测与监测技术条件(中英文版)
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 2: Specifications for testing and monitoring to prove continued compliance with GB/T 25915.1
GB/T 34315.1-2022
小艇 气胀式救生筏 第1部分:I型(中英文版)
Small boats - Inflatable liferafts - Part 1: Type I
GB/T 19609-2004
卷烟 用常规分析用吸烟机测定 总粒相物和焦油(中英文版)
Cigarette--Determination of total and nicotine-free dry particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine
GB/T 9871-2008
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶老化性能的测定 拉伸应力松弛试验(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Determination of aging characteristics by measurement of stress relaxation
GB/T 13035-2008
Live working-insulating ropes
GB 1886.176-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 异构化乳糖液(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Isomerized lactose solution
GB/T 40926.2-2021
冰球运动护具 第2部分:头部护具(中英文版)
Protective equipment for use in ice hockey—Part 2:Head protection for skaters
GB/T 16579-2013
D001 macroporous strongly acidic styrene type cation exchange resins
GB/T 20046-2006
光伏(PV)系统 电网接口特性(中英文版)
Photovoltaic(PV) systems-Characteristics of the utility interface
GB/T 31975-2015
Technical requirements of compressed air for respiratory protection
GB/T 2441.5-2010
尿素的测定方法 第5部分:碱度 容量法(中英文版)
Determination of urea - Part 5: Alkalinity - Titrimetric method
GB/T 39466.3-2020
ERP、MES与控制系统之间软件互联互通接口 第3部分:测试要求(中英文版)
ERP,MES and control system interconnection and intercommunication interface—Part 3:Test requirements
GB/T 6078.1-1998
中心钻 第1部分:不带护锥的中心钻 A型 型式和尺寸(中英文版)
Centre drills--Part 1:Centre drills for centre holes without protecting chamfers--Type A--Dimensions
GB/T 9106.2-2019
包装容器 两片罐 第2部分:铝易开盖钢罐(中英文版)
Packaging containers—Two-piece can—Part 2:Aluminum easy open end and steel can
GB/T 28372-2012
铁合金 取样和制样总则(中英文版)
Ferroalloys - Sampling and preparation of samples-General rules
GB/T 43686-2024
Guidelines for post-evaluation of electrochemical energy storage power plants
GB/T 7766-2008
橡胶制品 化学分析方法(中英文版)
Rubber Products - Test Methods for Chemical Analysis
GB 13960.4-2009
可移式电动工具的安全 第二部分:平刨和厚度刨的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for planers and thicknessers
GB/T 36732-2018
Specification for the construction and service of ecological recreation and health cultivation ( with elderly service) base
GB/T 16903.2-2023
标志用图形符号表示规则 第2部分:公共信息图形符号的通用符号要素(中英文版)
Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for signs Part 2: Common symbol elements for graphic symbols of public information

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