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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 11848.9-1989
铀矿石浓缩物中硅的测定 重量法测定硅(中英文版)
Determination of silicon in uranium ore concentrate by gravimetry
GB/T 29243-2012
信息安全技术 数字证书代理认证路径构造和代理验证规范(中英文版)
Information security technology - Specifications of delegated certification path construction and delegated validation for digital certificate
GB/T 35250-2017
Intermetallic compound film filter
GB/T 39756-2021
General specification for the scanning voice reading machine
GB/T 2490-2007
固结磨具 硬度检验(中英文版)
Bonded abrasive products - Hardness grade measurement
GB/T 24422-2009
信息与文献 档案纸 耐久性和耐用性要求(中英文版)
Information and documentation - Archival paper - Requirements for permanence and durability
GB/Z 32339-2015
General requirements for creative agricultural park
GB/T 2272-2020
GB/T 19360-2003
工业用金属穿孔板 技术要求和检验方法(中英文版)
Industrial plate screens--Specifications and test methods
GB/T 27914-2011
Guidelines on enterprise legal risk management
GB/T 37891.5-2019
带平键和端键传动的铣刀杆 第5部分:带法兰接触面的多棱锥柄刀杆的尺寸和标记(中英文版)
Cutter arbors with parallel key and tenon drive—Part 5:Dimensions and designation of tool holders with polygonal taper interface with flange contact surface
GB 22997-2008
机床安全 小规格数控车床与车削中心(中英文版)
Safety of machine tools - Small numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres
GB/T 30419-2013
玩具材料中可迁移元素锑、砷、钡、镉、铬、铅、汞、硒的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Determination of antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium,chromium, lead,mercury, selenium element migration from toy materials―Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 5591.3-2018
电气绝缘用柔软复合材料 第3部分:单项材料规范(中英文版)
Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation—Part 3:Specifications for individual materials
GB 31660.4-2019
食品安全国家标准 动物性食品中醋酸甲地孕酮和醋酸甲羟孕酮残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
National food safety standards Determination of megestrol acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate residues in animal foods Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 21652-2008
Copper and copper alloy wire
GB/T 14999.6-2010
Test methods for characterizing duplex grain sizes and primary carbides distribution of superalloy forgings
GB/T 34339-2017
Ammonia injection and mixing system in coal-fired flue gas denitration system
GB/T 4095-2005
Disc wheels for Trucks Dimensional character istics of attachment on hub
GB/Z 41385-2022
Overall technical requirements for M2M service
GB/T 19546-2004
Medical and functional classificational of standing volleyball for disabled athletes
GB/T 29475-2012
Design principles and basic requirements for mobile laboratory
GB/T 35126-2017
Terms for astronomical telescopes
GB/T 40473.9-2021
银行业应用系统 非功能需求 第9部分:可移植性(中英文版)
Banking application system—Nonfunctional requirement—Part 9: Portability
GB/T 24565-2009
Monitoring and testing for energy saving of tunnel kiln
GB/T 13241-1991
铁矿石 还原性的测定方法(中英文版)
Iron ores--Determination of reducibility
GB/T 9102-2016
锦纶 6 浸胶帘子布(中英文版)
Nylon 6 dipped tyre cord fabric
GB/T 17505-1998
Steel and steel products--General technicaldelivery requirements
GB 39552.1-2020
太阳镜和太阳镜片 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Sunglasses and sunglare filters—Part 1: General requirements
GB 16843-2008
Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
GB/T 25123.3-2011
电力牵引 轨道机车车辆和公路车辆用旋转电机 第3部分:用损耗总和法确定变流器供电的交流电动机的总损耗(中英文版)
Electric traciton - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 3: Determination of the total losses of convertor-fed alternating current motors by summation of the component losses
GB/T 325.5-2015
包装容器 钢桶 第5部分:200L及以下闭口钢桶(中英文版)
Packing containers—Steel drums—Part 5:Non-removable head(tight head)drums with a maximum total capacity of 200L
GB/T 38266-2019
机床数控系统 可靠性工作总则(中英文版)
Numerical control system of machine tool—General for reliability
GB/T 20538.7-2006
基于XML的电子商务业务数据和过程 第7部分:技术评审指南(中英文版)
Electronic business eXtensible Markup Language(ebXML)business data and process - Part 7: Guidelines for technical assessment
GB/T 2900.86-2009
电工术语 声学和电声学(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology - Acoustics and electroacoustics
GB/T 30742-2014
海洋大气干沉降物中总碳的测定 非色散红外吸收法(中英文版)
Determination of total carbon in ocean atmospheric dry deposition―Nondispersive infrared absorption spectrometry
GB/T 51320-2018
Construction engineering chemical grouting material application technical standard
GB 4234.9-2023
外科植入物 金属材料 第9部分:锻造高氮不锈钢(中英文版)
Surgical implants Metallic materials Part 9: Forged high nitrogen stainless steel
GB/T 7326-1987
Lubricating grease--Corrosiveness to copper--Copper strip test
GB/T 2524-2010
Titanium sponge
GB/T 22720.1-2017
旋转电机 电压型变频器供电的旋转电机无局部放电(Ⅰ型)电气绝缘结构的鉴别和质量控制试验(中英文版)
Rotating electrical machines—Qualification and quality control tests of partial discharge free electrical insulation systems (Type I) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters
GB 18064-2000
Hygienic standard for diethylenetriamine inwater sources
GB/T 2317.4-2023
电力金具试验方法 第4部分:验收规则(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical fittings - Part 4: Rules for acceptance
GB/T 5009.69-2008
Method for analysis of hygienic standard of epoxy phenolic coatings for inner wall of food cans
GB 5296.4-2012
消费品使用说明 第4部分:纺织品和服装(中英文版)
Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - Part 4: Textiles and apparel
GB/T 33606-2017
Flexible and torsion resistant cables of rated voltages from 6 kV(Um = 7.2 kV) up to 35 kV (Um = 40.5 kV) for wind power generation
GB/T 36148.3-2022
船舶与海上技术 海上环境保护 围油栏 第3部分:端部连接器(中英文版)
Ships and offshore technology - Protection of the offshore environment - Oil booms - Part 3: End connectors
GB/T 9754-2007
色漆和清漆 不含金属颜料的色漆漆膜的20°、60°和85°镜面光泽的测定(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20°,60°and 85°
GB 50521-2009
Code for design of uranium mining and metallurgy engineering in nuclear industry
GB 1886.279-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 洋茉莉醛(又名胡椒醛)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Jasmine aldehyde (also known as piperonal)

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