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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 3260.5-2013
锡化学分析方法 第5部分:锑量的测定 孔雀绿分光光度法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tin―Part 5:Determination of antimony content―The malachite green photometric method
GB/T 37751.1-2019
家用和类似用途的剩余电流动作断路器 第1部分:剩余电流电器标准的独立模块和单元模块概述(中英文版)
Residual current operated circuit-breakers for household and similar use—Part 1: Outline of blocks and modules for residual current devices standard
GB/T 6974.17-1986
起重机械名词术语 堆垛起重机(中英文版)
Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Stacking cranes
GB/T 25370-2010
铸造机械 术语(中英文版)
Foundry machinery - Terminology
GB/T 30117.1-2024
Photobiological safety of incoherent optical products - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 2930.4-2001
牧草种子检验规程 发芽试验(中英文版)
Rules for forage seed testing--Germination test
GB/T 7755.1-2018
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 透气性的测定 第1部分:压差法(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic—Determination of permeability to gases—Part 1:Differential-pressure methods
GB/T 1728-1979
Methods of test for drying time of coatingsof paints and putties
GB/T 1871.5-1995
磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化镁含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和容量法(中英文版)
Phosphaterock and concentrate--Determination of magnesium oxide content--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric and volumetric methods
GB/T 1127-2023
Half round keyway milling cutter
GB/T 22032-2008
系统工程 系统生存周期过程(中英文版)
Systems engineering - System life cycle processes
GB/T 28743-2012
污水处理容器设备 通用技术条件(中英文版)
Sewage treatment vessel equipment - General technical requirements
GB/T 34317-2017
Distribution practice for quick-frozen mushroom
GB/T 17911-2006
耐火材料 陶瓷纤维制品试验方法(中英文版)
Refractory products - Methods of test for ceramic fibre products
GB/T 4340.4-2009
金属材料 维氏硬度试验 第4部分:硬度值表(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 4: Tables of hardness values
GB/T 17215.324-2022
电测量设备(交流) 特殊要求 第24部分:静止式基波分量无功电能表(0.5S级、1S级、1级、2级和3级)(中英文版)
Electrical Measuring Equipment (AC) Particular Requirements Part 24: Static Fundamental Component Reactive Energy Meters (Class 0.5S, Class 1S, Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3)
GB/T 30648.2-2015
色漆和清漆 耐液体性的测定 第2部分:浸水法(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes—Determination of resistance to liquids—Part 2: Water immersion method
GB/T 35684-2017
Technique requirements for explosion suppression material in fuel tank explosive atmospheres
GB/T 9966.14-2021
天然石材试验方法 第14部分:耐断裂能量的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone-Part 14:Determination of rupture energy
GB/T 26922-2011
Guide for evaluating water saving users in service industry
GB/T 18755.1-2002
工业自动化系统 制造自动化编程环境(MAPLE) 功能体系结构(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems--Manufacturing automation programming environment (MAPLE)--Functional architecture
GB/T 33154-2016
Rubber seals of slewing bearing used in the wind power industry
GB/T 2423.16-2008
电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验J及导则:长霉(中英文版)
Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test J and guidance: Mold growth
GB/T 38808-2020
Waves webs section steel for building structures
GB 16244-1996
Health standard for flax,jute and ramie dusts in the air of workplace
GB/T 6384-2008
The testing methods for seawater corrosion in natural environment of metallic materials for ship and offshore structures
GB/T 19392-2013
General specification for in-vehicle satellite navigation equipment
GB/T 37962-2019
信息安全技术 工业控制系统产品信息安全通用评估准则(中英文版)
Information security technology—Common criteria for industrial control system products security
GB/T 8231-2007
GB/T 25471-2010
Measuring methods for electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of coating
GB/T 35031.301-2018
用户端能源管理系统 第3-1部分:子系统接口网关一般要求(中英文版)
Customer energy management system—Part 3-1: General requirements for subsystem gateway
GB 31604.8-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 总迁移量的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Food Contact Materials and Products Determination of Total Migration
GB/T 29235.2-2012
接入设备节能参数和测试方法 第2部分:ADSL局端(中英文版)
Energy efficiency metrologies and test methods for access equipments - Part 2: ADSL DSLAM
GB 19170-2003
Pure culture of Lentinula edodes
GB/T 34588-2017
重型商用车辆 转弯制动 开环试验方法(中英文版)
Heavy commercial vehicles—Braking in a turn—Open-loop test methods
GB/T 24403-2009
Canned tuna
GB/T 41517-2022
船舶和海上技术 可行驶内燃机车辆的货舱的通风 气流总需量的理论计算(中英文版)
Ships and offshore technology - Ventilation of cargo spaces of vehicles capable of traveling with internal combustion engines - Theoretical calculation of the total airflow demand
GB/T 16731-1997
The graduation of sound absorption propertyfor absorbent products
GB/T 35625-2017
公共安全 业务连续性管理体系 业务影响分析指南(BIA)(中英文版)
Societal security—Business continuity management systems—Guidelines for business impact analysis(BIA)
GB/T 20368-2021
Production,storage and handling of liquefied natural gas(LNG)
GB/T 13397-2008
Technical specification for silver-metaloxide electrical contacts by alloy internal oxidation method
GB/T 27908-2011
管理体系绩效改进 持续改进的程序和方法指南(中英文版)
Performance improvement of management systems - Guidelines for procedures and methodology for continual improvement
GB/T 32707-2016
实验室仪器及设备安全规范 氧弹式热量计(中英文版)
Safety requirements for laboratory instruments and equipment—Oxygen bomb calorimeter
GB/T 20127.12-2006
钢铁及合金 痕量元素的测定 第12部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法测定锌含量(中英文版)
Steel and alloy - Determination of trace element contents Part 12: Determination of zinc content by flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 18029.23-2008
轮椅车 第23部分:护理者操作的爬楼梯装置的要求和测试方法(中英文版)
Wheelchairs - Part 23: Requirements and test methods for attendant-operated stair-climbing devices
GB 55016-2021
General code for the built environment
GB/T 30410-2013
制革机械 皮革崩裂强度测试仪(中英文版)
Leather machine—Leather bursing strength tester
GB/T 2352-2003
液压传动 隔离式充气蓄能器压力和容积范围及特征量(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power--Gas-loaded accumulators with separator--Ranges of pressures and volumes and characteristic quantities
GB/T 11713-2015
General analytical methods of high-purity germanium gamma spectrometer
GB/T 38333-2019
Radio frequency identification (RFID) for lead-acid battery electronic tags technical specification

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