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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 29037-2012
热喷涂 抗高温腐蚀和氧化的保护涂层(中英文版)
Thermal spraying - Coatings for protection against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures
GB/T 37730-2019
Test method for Linux server operating system
GB/T 20937-2007
Potassium magnesium of sulphate fertilizer
GB/T 24632.2-2009
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 圆度 第2部分:规范操作集(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Roundness - Part 2: Specification operators
GB/T 36416.3-2018
试验机词汇 第3部分:振动试验系统与冲击试验机(中英文版)
Testing machine vocabulary—Part3: Vibration test system and shock testing machines
GB/T 17980.136-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第136部分:烟草抑芽剂试验(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 136:Restrain shoot medicament trials on tobacoo
GB/T 43208.1-2023
信息技术服务 智能运维 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Information Technology Services Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Part 1: General Requirements
GB/T 17121-1997
防伪印油 第1部分:紫外激发荧光防伪渗透印油技术条件(中英文版)
Anti-counterfeiting stamp-ink--Part 1:Technical requirements of UV-excitation flourescent anti-counterfeiting permeating stamp-ink
GB/T 9314-2011
General specification of serial impact dot matrix printer
GB/T 34406-2017
珍珠粉鉴别方法 近红外光谱法(中英文版)
Identification of pearl powder—Near infrared spectroscopy method
GB/T 41460-2022
Technical requirements for payment business facilities of non bank payment institutions
GB/T 23326-2009
Stainless steel fibers and cotton-polyester blended grey fabric with electromagnetic shielding performance
GB/T 20406-2017
Potassium sulfate for agricultural use
GB/T 28784.2-2014
机械振动 船舶振动测量 第2部分:结构振动测量(中英文版)
Mechanical vibration—Measurement of vibration on ships—Part 2: Measurement of structural vibration
GB/T 40243-2021
Tornado intensity scale
GB/T 2900.71-2008
电工术语 电气装置(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical installations
GB 25904.1-2010
信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 锡伯文、满文名义字符、显现字符与合体字 24点阵字型 第1部分:大黑体(中英文版)
Information technology - Universal multi-octet coded character set - Sibe, Manchu nominal characters, presentation forms and composite characters - 24 Dot matrix fonts - Part 1: Dahei Ti
GB/T 17421.7-2016
机床检验通则 第7部分:回转轴线的几何精度(中英文版)
Test code for machine tools—Part 7: Geometric accuracy of axes of rotation
GB/T 19922-2005
Standard test methods for measuring site flatness on silicon wafers by noncontact scanning
GB/T 10573-2020
Tensile testing method for fine wire of nonferrous metals
GB/T 2903-2015
Copper/Copper-Nickel(Constantan) thermocouple wires
GB/T 14-2013
Mushroom head square neck bolts
GB/T 38416-2019
毛皮 材质鉴别 显微镜法(中英文版)
Fur-Identification—Method of microscopy
GB/T 24809.5-2009
起重机 对机构的要求 第5部分:桥式和门式起重机(中英文版)
Cranes - Requirements for mechanisms - Part 5: Bridge and gantry cranes
GB/T 17857-1999
Medical radiology--Terminology(Equipment for radiotherapy,nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry)
GB/T 29514-2018
Technical specification of steel slag treatment technology
GB/T 21413.3-2023
轨道交通 机车车辆电气设备 第3部分:电工器件 直流断路器规则(中英文版)
Rail transit - Electrical equipment for rolling stock - Part 3: Electrical devices - Rules for DC circuit breakers
GB/T 9870.2-2008
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶动态性能的测定 第2部分:低频扭摆法(中英文版)
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of dynamic properties - Part 2:Torsion pendulum methods at low frequencies
GB 28051-2011
Regulation for filling of welded insulated cylinder
GB/T 34773-2017
Chlorpyrifos micro-emulsion
GB 13590-2006
Portland steel slag cement
GB/T 42488-2023
土壤质量 土壤中无机态氮15N丰度的测定 稳定同位素比值质谱法(中英文版)
Soil quality - Determination of 15N abundance of inorganic nitrogen in soil - Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry
GB/T 22838.11-2009
卷烟和滤棒物理性能的测定 第11部分:卷烟熄火(中英文版)
Determination of physical characteristics for cigarettes and filter rods - Part 11: Cigarettes extinguish
GB/T 25724-2017
Technical specifications for surveillance video and audio coding for public security
GB 30981-2014
Limit of harmful substances of anticorrosion coatings for construction steel structures
GB/T 41705-2022
碳纤维 长丝纱的代号(中英文版)
Carbon fiber filament yarn code
GB/T 26420-2010
Disinfestation technical rules of forest quarantine pest insect
GB 9237-2001
Mechanical refrigerating systems usedfor cooling and heating--Safety requirements
GB/T 32978-2016
Silicon carbide filter element for high temperature
GB/T 40610-2021
Technical specifications for binary description and interchange of power system online power flow data
GB 50223-2008
Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings constructions
GB/T 17645.102-2008
工业自动化系统与集成 零件库 第102部分:符合GB/T 16656一致性规范的视图交换协议(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration - Parts library - Part 102: View exchange protocol by ISO 10303 conforming specification
GB/T 32004-2015
信息与文献 纸张上书写、打印和复印字迹的耐久和耐用性 要求与测试方法(中英文版)
Information and documentation—Permanence and durability of writing,printing and copying on paper—Requirements and test methods
GB/T 29679-2013
Hair shampoo,cream shampoo
GB/T 33588.4-2020
Lightning protection system components (LPSC)—Part 4: Requirements for conductor fasteners
GB/T 20257.4-2007
国家基本比例尺地图图式 第4部分:1:250 000 1:500 000 1:1000 000地形图图式(中英文版)
Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps - Part 4: Specifications for cartographic symbols 1:250 000 1:500 000 & 1:1000 000 topographic maps
GB/T 24962-2010
冷冻烃类流体 静态测量 计算方法(中英文版)
Refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids - Static measurement - Calculation procedure
GB/T 9542-1988
Programming languages PL/1
GB 7303-2018
Feed additive—L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
GB/T 43690-2024
General technical conditions for brushless DC torque motors

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