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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 5170.18-2005
电工电子产品环境试验设备基本参数检定方法 温度/ 湿度组合循环试验设备(中英文版)
Inspection methods for basic parameters of Environmental testing equipments for electric and electronic products -- Composite temperature/humidity cyclic testing equipments
GB/T 3098.25-2020
紧固件机械性能 不锈钢和镍合金紧固件选用指南(中英文版)
Mechanical properties of fasteners—Guidance for the selection of stainless steels and nickel alloys for fasteners
GB/T 17390-2010
Recommended practice for electrical submersible pump teardown report
GB/T 18363-2001
Filling receptacle of CNG vehicle
GB/T 36896.1-2018
Light duty remotely operated vehicles—Part 1:General provisions
GB/T 43565-2023
Synthetic surface basketball courts for primary and secondary schools
GB/T 28811-2012
高压开关设备和控制设备 基于IEC 61850的数字接口(中英文版)
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Digital interfaces based on IEC 61850
GB/T 13427-1992
Performance requirement of the delta medulation equipment
GB/T 35807-2018
硫化橡胶 热扩散系数的测定 闪光法(中英文版)
Rubber, vulcanized—Determination of thermal diffusivity—Flash method
GB 19453-2009
Safety code for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods for calcium carbide
GB/T 33145-2023
Large volume steel seamless gas cylinder
GB/T 2967-2008
Cast tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 31457-2015
The testing and calculation methods for water balance in oil-gas field production system
GB/T 13477.4-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第4部分:原包装单组分密封材料挤出性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 4:Determination of extrudability of one-component sealants
GB/T 20573-2006
Terms of bee product
GB/T 28826.4-2022
信息技术 公用生物特征识别交换格式框架 第4部分:安全块格式规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Common biometric interchange format framework - Part 4: Security block format specification
GB/T 26992-2011
Specification for services on theme park
GB/T 4886-2002
Control charts for arithmetic average with warning limits
GB/T 6974.4-2016
起重机 术语 第4部分:臂架起重机(中英文版)
Cranes—Vocabulary—Part 4: Jib Cranes
GB/T 5433-2008
Test method for the transmittance of domestic glass
GB/T 6843-1986
Method for determining the coating melting point of photographic materials
GB/T 41060-2021
Test method for determining frost resistance of cement mortar
GB/T 30241.2-2013
齐纳二极管安全栅 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Zener diode safety barrier―Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 32170.2-2015
政务服务中心标准化工作指南 第2部分:标准体系(中英文版)
Guide to standardization of administrative service centre—Part 2: Standard system
GB/T 39718-2020
High mass flux catalyst for hydrogen peroxide decomposition
GB/T 18491.3-2010
信息技术 软件测量 功能规模测量 第3部分:功能规模测量方法的验证(中英文版)
Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 3: Verification of functional size measurement methods
GB/T 16308-2008
Ferrocement ribbed slab
GB/T 37648-2019
清洁生产评价指标体系 木家具制造业(中英文版)
Assessment indicator system of cleaner production—Wood furniture manufacturing
GB/T 21063.1-2007
政务信息资源目录体系 第1部分: 总体框架(中英文版)
Government information resource catalog system - Part 1: Framework
GB/T 4138-2024
Rare earth magnesium ferrosilicon alloys
GB/T 28975-2012
莴苣花叶病毒检疫鉴定方法 纳米颗粒增敏胶体金免疫层析法(中英文版)
Detection and identification of Lettuce mosaic virus - Nanoparticles-enlarged in colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay
GB 19195-2003
Common techniai conditions for popular karting
GB/T 36774-2018
Detection and identification of Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam.
GB/T 1483.4-2009
灯头、灯座检验量规 第4部分:杂类灯头、灯座的量规(中英文版)
Gauges for lamp caps and lampholders - Part 4: Gauges for miscellaneous caps and lampholders
GB/T 42831-2023
导引服务机器人 通用技术条件(中英文版)
General technical conditions for guided service robots
GB/T 7676.3-2017
直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件 第3部分:功率表和无功功率表的特殊要求(中英文版)
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories—Part 3:Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters
GB/T 21296.6-2022
动态公路车辆自动衡器 第6部分:平板模块式(中英文版)
Automatic weighing instruments for road vehicles in motion - Part 6: Flat modular
GB/T 27600-2011
Carton former machine
GB/T 3668.8-1983
组合机床通用部件 立柱侧底座尺寸(中英文版)
Modular units for machine tool construction--Wing base for columns--Dimensions
GB/T 14311-2017
Corduroy printed and dyed cotton fabric
GB/T 23221-2008
Rules for cultivation of flue-cured tobacco
GB/T 19702-2021
体外诊断医疗器械 生物源性样品中量的测量 参考测量程序的表述和内容的要求(中英文版)
In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin -- Requirements for content and presentation of reference measurement procedures
GB/T 7376-2008
Determination of micro-amounts of water in industrial Fluorinated alkane
GB 30186-2013
Safety specification for alumina production
GB/T 19425-2003
Universal technical requirements of anti-counterfeiting technical products
GB/T 32354-2015
Technical specification of screw expander(unit)
GB/T 20063.1-2006
简图用图形符号 第1部分:通用信息与索引(中英文版)
Graphical symbols for diagrams -Part 1: General information and indexes
GB/T 15468-2020
Fundamental technical requirements for hydraulic turbines
GB/T 25675-2010
印刷机械 资源利用技术条件(中英文版)
Printing machinery - Technology conditions of resources utilization
GB/T 37921-2019
Wind turbines generator system under high altitude

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