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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 7962.3-2010
无色光学玻璃测试方法 第3部分:光学均匀性 全息干涉法(中英文版)
Test methods of colourless optical glass - Part 3: Optical homogeity - Holographic interferometry
GB/T 31923.1-2015
高炉炉料用铁矿石 低温还原粉化静态试验 第1部分:与CO、CO2、H2和N2的反应(中英文版)
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks—Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method—Part 1: Reduction with CO、CO2、H2 and N2
GB/T 39317-2020
军民通用资源 数据元映射要求(中英文版)
General resource of military and civilian─Requirement for data element mapping
GB/Z 29619.5-2013
测量和控制数字数据通信 工业控制系统用现场总线 类型8:INTERBUS规范 第5部分:应用层服务的定义(中英文版)
Digital data communication for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Type 8: INTERBUS specification -Part 5: Application Layer service definition
GB/T 37289-2019
基于LTE技术的宽带集群通信(B-TrunC)系统 接口技术要求(第一阶段) 终端到集群核心网接口(中英文版)
LTE based Broadband Trunking Communication (B-TrunC) system—Technical requirements for interface (Phase 1)—Interface between UE and trunking core network
GB/T 43637-2024
Measurement method of magnetic properties of isotropic rare earth bonded permanent magnet powder
GB/T 50589-2010
Technical code of construction for epoxy resins self-leveling flooring
GB/T 15611-1995
声学 高频水听器校准(中英文版)
Acoustics--Calibration of high frequency hydrophone
GB/Z 16506-2008
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 提供和支持OSI网络服务的协议组合(中英文版)
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol combinations to provide and support the OSI network service
GB/T 11951-2018
天然纤维 术语(中英文版)
Natural fibres—Terminology
GB 2726-2005
Hygienic standard for cooked meat products
GB/T 38471-2023
Secondary Copper Raw Materials
GB/T 3048.9-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第9部分:绝缘线芯火花试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 9:Spark test of insulated cores
GB/T 13361-2012
技术制图 通用术语(中英文版)
Technical drawings - General terms
GB/T 4291-2017
Synthetic cryolite
GB 29447-2022
Energy consumption quota per unit product of polysilicon and germanium
GB/T 10248-2005
气体分析 校准用混合气体的制备 静态体积法(中英文版)
Gas analysis-Preparation of calibration gas mixtures-Static volumetric methods
GB 17675-1999
汽车转向系 基本要求(中英文版)
Steering system of motor vehicles--Basic requirements
GB/T 22583-2009
Radiation-resistant knitwear
GB/T 33290.11-2016
文物出境审核规范 第11部分:明器(中英文版)
Specification for inspecting exit cultural relics—Part 11: Burial object
GB/T 31200-2014
Graphical signs and guidelines for the use of lifts, escalators and moving walks
GB/T 38265.11-2021
软钎剂试验方法 第11部分:钎剂残留物的可溶性(中英文版)
Test methods for soft soldering fluxes—Part 11: Solubility of flux residues
GB/T 7489-1987
水质 溶解氧的测定 碘量法(中英文版)
Water quality--Determination of dissolved oxygen--Iodometric method
GB/T 15677-2010
Lanthanum metal
GB 9133-1995
Classification of radioactive waste
GB/T 32190-2015
Standard practice for using flame photometric detectors in gas chromatography
GB/T 23761-2020
光催化材料及制品空气净化性能测试方法 乙醛(或甲醛)的降解(中英文版)
Test method for air-purification performances of photocatalytic materials--Degradation of acetaldehyde (or formaldehyde)
GB/T 14982-2008
Fireclay refractory mortars
GB/T 21825-2008
Glass fibre geogrid
GB/T 29794-2013
Cleaning blade for electrostatic copying(printing)device
GB/T 37601-2019
Hot rolled steel sheet and strip of alloy structure steel
GB/T 34877.4-2024
Industrial fans-Determination of sound power level of fans under standard laboratory conditions-Part 4: Sound intensity method
GB/T 13010-2006
Sliced veneer
GB/T 822-2000
Cheese head screws with cross recess
GB/T 25020.2-2010
电气化铁路接触网钢支柱 第2部分:方形钢管支柱(中英文版)
Steel pole for overhead contact system of electrified railway - Part 2:Square shape tube steel pole
GB/T 24840-2018
Technical specification for bushings of 1000kV AC system
GB/T 30335-2023
Pharmaceutical logistics service specifications
GB/T 28552-2012
Determination of acid number in transformer oils and turbine oils by BTB method
GB/T 11318.10-1996
电视和声音信号的电缆分配系统设备与部件 第10部分:分配器和用户分支器通用规范(中英文版)
Equipments and components used in cabled distribution systems primarily intended for television and sound signals--Part 10:Generic specifications for splitter and subscriber’s trap
GB/T 18690.2-2017
农业灌溉设备 微灌用过滤器 第2部分:网式过滤器和叠片式过滤器(中英文版)
Agricultural irrigation equipment—Filters for microirrigation—Part 2: Strainer-type filters and disc filters
GB/T 41273-2022
生产过程质量控制 系统模型与架构 机械加工(中英文版)
Production process quality control System model and architecture Machining
GB/T 18127-2009
商品条码 物流单元编码与条码表示(中英文版)
Bar code for commodity - Numbering and symbol marking of logistics units
GB/T 7551-2008
Load cells
GB/T 23172-2017
Plaited rattan products
GB/T 30269.701-2014
信息技术 传感器网络 第701部分:传感器接口:信号接口(中英文版)
Information technology―Sensor network―Part 701:Sensor interface:Signal interface
GB/T 40043-2021
Specification of information exchange between express service and electronic commerce
GB 20906-2007
Safety requirements for high pressure metal die casting units
GB/T 12334-2001
金属和其他非有机覆盖层 关于厚度测量的定义和一般规则(中英文版)
Metallic and other inorganic coatings--Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement of thickness
GB/T 26489-2011
Methods for measuring super amphiphilicity of nanomaterials
GB/T 6185.1-2016
Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts, style 2

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