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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 21715.6-2020
健康信息学 患者健康卡数据 第6部分:管理数据(中英文版)
Health informatics—Patient healthcard data—Part 6: Administrative data
GB/T 19271.2-2005
雷电电磁脉冲的防护 第2部分:建筑物的屏蔽、内部等电位连接及接地(中英文版)
Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse(LEMP)-Part 2:Shielding of structures,bonding inside structures and earthing
GB/T 25054-2010
Technical directives for the designation of special marine protected area
GB/T 37927-2019
Specifications for collecting information of scientific research credit
GB/T 28717-2012
饲料中丙二醛的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of malonaldehyde in feed - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 35050-2018
Code of practice of assessment for development and utilization of ocean energy
GB 1886.327-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 磷酸三钾(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Tripotassium Phosphate
GB/T 12689.4-2004
锌及锌合金化学分析方法 铜量的测定 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸铅分光光度法、火焰原子吸收光谱法和电解法(中英文版)
The methods for chemical analysis of zinc and zinc alloys--The determination of copper content--The lead diethyldithio-carbamate spectrophotometric method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method and the electrolytic method
GB/T 23890-2009
油菜籽中芥酸及硫苷的测定 分光光度法(中英文版)
Rapid determination of erucic acid and glucosinolate in rapeseed - Photometry
GB/T 12087-2008
淀粉水分测定 烘箱法(中英文版)
Starch - Determination of moisture content - Oven-drying method
GB/T 34598-2017
插电式混合动力电动商用车 技术条件(中英文版)
Plug-in hybrid electric commercial vehicles—Specifications
GB 16383-2014
Quality control for radiation sterilization of medical and hygienical products
GB/T 27913-2022
用于金融服务的公钥基础设施 实施和策略框架(中英文版)
Implementation and policy framework of public key infrastructure for financial services
GB/T 19889.8-2006
声学 建筑和建筑构件隔声测量 第8部分:重质标准楼板覆面层撞击声改善量的实验室测量(中英文版)
Acoustics―Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements―Part 8 :Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor coverings on a heavyweight standard floor
GB/T 21650.3-2011
压汞法和气体吸附法测定固体材料孔径分布和孔隙度 第3部分:气体吸附法分析微孔(中英文版)
Pore size distribution and porosity of solid materials by mercury porosimetry and gas adsorption - Part3: Analysis of micropores by gas adsorption
GB/T 17215.831-2017
交流电测量设备 验收检验 第31部分:静止式有功电能表的特殊要求(0.2S级、0.5S级、1级和2级)(中英文版)
Electricity metering equipment (AC)—Acceptance inspection—Part 31: Particular requirements for static meters for active energy (classes 0.2 S, 0.5 S, 1 and 2)
GB/T 40492-2021
GB/T 22733-2008
食品速冻装置 螺旋式速冻装置(中英文版)
Food quick freezer - Spiral freezer
GB/T 5284-1985
Slotted raised countersunk head tapping screws
GB/Z 32126-2015
Climatic field data including validation
GB/T 30118-2013
Single crystal wafers for surface acoustic wave (SAW) device applications―Specifications and measuring methods
GB/T 39508-2020
Knitted garments for infants and children
GB/T 17414.2-2010
铍矿石化学分析方法 第2部分:铍量测定 催化极谱法(中英文版)
Method for chemical analysis of Beryllium ores - Part 2:Determination of Beryllium content - Catalytic polarographic method
GB/T 14455.5-2008
香料 酸值或含酸量的测定(中英文版)
Fragrance/Flavor substances - Determination of acid value or acid content
GB 31533-2015
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of pure terephthalic acid
GB/T 38303-2019
农业社会化服务 农民技能培训规范(中英文版)
Agricultural service—Specifications of skills training for farmers
GB/T 3044-2007
白刚玉、铬刚玉 化学分析方法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods for white fused alumina and pink fused alumina
GB/T 17962-2000
信息技术 信息资源词典系统(IRDS)服务接口(中英文版)
Information technology--Information Resource Dictionary System(IRDS) services interface
GB 17464-2012
连接器件 电气铜导线 螺纹型和无螺纹型夹紧件的安全要求 适用于0.2 mm2以上至35 mm2(包括)导线的夹紧件的通用要求和特殊要求(中英文版)
Connecting devices - Electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units - Part 1: General requirements and particular requirements for clamping units for conductors from 0.2 mm2 up to 35 mm2 (included)
GB/T 36965-2018
Test method for cross-linking degree of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer applied in photovoltaic modules—Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)
GB 43630-2023
Tower and rack server energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency levels
GB/T 20000.2-2009
标准化工作指南 第2部分:采用国际标准(中英文版)
Guides for standardization - Part 2: Adoption of international standards
GB/T 7554-1987
Protected 5-unit numerical code for telegram service
GB/T 34777-2017
中国仓鼠卵巢(CHO)细胞表达产品残留DNA检测 荧光定量PCR法(中英文版)
Detection of residual DNA in biological product which expressed from Chinese hamster ovary(CHO) cell—Fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay
GB/T 31486-2015
Electrical performance requirements and test methods for traction battery of electric vehicle
GB/T 14072-1993
Conservation principle and method of germplasm resources of forest trees
GB/T 15613-2023
Model acceptance tests of turbines, storage pumps and pump turbines
GB/T 15795-2011
Rules for monitoring and forecast of the wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis West)
GB/T 31052.4-2017
起重机械 检查与维护规程 第4部分:臂架起重机(中英文版)
Lifting appliances—Code of inspection and maintenance—Part 4: Jib cranes
GB/T 41979.4-2022
搅拌摩擦点焊 铝及铝合金 第4部分:焊接工艺规程及评定(中英文版)
Friction stir spot welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys - Part 4: Welding procedure specification and qualification
GB/T 23170-2008
发制品 假发头套及头饰(中英文版)
Hair products - Wigs and hair pieces accessories
GB/T 2526-2008
Gadolinium oxide
GB 1886.57-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 单辛酸甘油酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Glyceryl monocaprylate
GB/T 5291.1-2001
电火花成形机 精度检验 第1部分:单立柱机床(十字工作台型和固定工作台型)(中英文版)
Die sinking electro-discharge machines(EDM)--Testing of accuracy--Part 1:Single column machines (cross slide table type and fixed table type)
GB/T 30389-2013
辣椒及其油树脂 总辣椒碱含量的测定 分光光度法(中英文版)
Chillies and chilli oleoresins—Determination of total capsaicinoid content—Spectrophotometric methods
GB/T 40890-2021
General quality requirements and test methods for the teaching vitreous equipment
GB 19212.13-2005
电力变压器、电源装置和类似产品的安全 第13部分:恒压变压器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices -- Part 13: Particular requirements for constant voltage transformers
GB/T 25624-2010
土方机械 司机座椅 尺寸和要求(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery - Operator’s seat - Dimensions and requirements
GB 21345-2015
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of yellow phosphorus
GB/T 39450-2020
Credit evaluation index of commercial and trade circulation enterprise

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