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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 3494-2012
Zinc oxide produced by direct method
GB/T 40664-2021
General requirements for high-throughput sequencing technologies of detecting nucleic acid samples
GB/T 18618-2009
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 图形参数(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture - Profile method - Motif parameters
GB/T 6346.1101-2015
电子设备用固定电容器 第11-1部分:空白详细规范 金属箔式聚乙烯对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜介质直流固定电容器 评定水平EZ(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 11-1: Blank detail specification—Fixed polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil d.c.capacitors—Assessment level EZ
GB/T 39256-2020
绿色制造 制造企业绿色供应链管理 信息化管理平台规范(中英文版)
Green manufacturing—Green supply chain management in manufacturing enterprises—Specifications of informatization management platform
GB 7102.1-2003
Hygienic standard for edible vegetable oils used in frying food
GB/T 15873-1995
Directives for drafting semiconductor facilities interface specification
GB/T 27737-2011
Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in oxygen generation station system
GB/T 2930.11-2008
草种子检验规程 检验报告(中英文版)
Rules of seed testing for forage, turfgrass and other herbaceous plant in China - Testing report
GB/T 37270.2-2018
Vector map of marine fundamental geographic feature—Part 2:Symbol database design
GB/T 43505-2023
Ceramic lined oil pipe
GB/T 12002-1989
Sealing strips for plastic doors and windows
GB/T 23426-2009
船舶与海上技术 钢质小型风雨密舱口盖(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology - Small weathertight steel hatches
GB/T 9753-2007
色漆和清漆 杯突试验(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes - cupping test
GB/T 36062-2018
Use requirements and test methods for digital printing system
GB/T 30941-2014
Shave cream,Shave gel
GB/T 42755-2023
人工智能 面向机器学习的数据标注规程(中英文版)
Artificial Intelligence Data Annotation Procedures for Machine Learning
GB/T 12085.2-2010
光学和光学仪器 环境试验方法 第2部分:低温、高温、湿热(中英文版)
Optics and optical instruments - Environmental test methods - Part 2: Cold, heat, humidity
GB/T 944.1-1985
Cross recesses for screws
GB/T 33813-2017
Refining slag powder used for cement and concrete
GB/T 9771.7-2022
通信用单模光纤 第7部分:弯曲损耗不敏感单模光纤特性(中英文版)
Single-mode optical fibers for telecommunication - Part 7: Characteristics of bend loss insensitive single-mode optical fibers
GB/T 12689.12-2004
锌及锌合金化学分析方法 铅、镉、铁、铜、锡、铝、砷、锑、镁、镧、铈量的测定 电感耦合等离子体--发射光谱法(中英文版)
The methods for chemical analysis of zinc and zinc alloys—The determination of lead, cadmium, iron, copper, tin, aluminium, arsenic, stibium, magnesium lanthanum and cerium contents—The inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometric method
GB/T 4132-1996
Definitions of terms relating to thermal insulatingmaterials
GB/T 33146-2016
Valves for liquefied dimethyl ether cylinders
GB/T 13646-2013
橡胶 结合苯乙烯含量的测定 分光光度法(中英文版)
Rubber - Determination of bound styrene content - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1001.1-2021
标称电压高于1 000V的架空线路绝缘子 第1部分:交流系统用瓷或玻璃绝缘子元件 定义、试验方法和判定准则(中英文版)
Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000V—Part 1:Ceramic or glass insulator units for—Definitions,test methods and acceptance criteria
GB 10769-2010
食品安全国家标准 婴幼儿谷类辅助食品(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Cereal supplement food for infants and young children
GB/T 21760-2008
Guidelines for phytosanitary certificates
GB/T 9989.2-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第2部分:耐沸腾酸、沸腾中性液体及其蒸气化学侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 2: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids and/or their vapours
GB/T 39627-2020
Technical specification of intelligent measurement and control devices for smart hydropower plant
GB/T 3871.8-2006
农业拖拉机 试验规程 第8部分:噪声测量(中英文版)
Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 8: Noise measurement
GB 50763-2012
Codes for accessibility design
GB/T 37525-2019
Calculation guideline for solar direct radiation
GB/T 43885-2024
GB/T 3291.1-1997
纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第1部分:纤维和纱线(中英文版)
Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 1:Fibre and yarn
GB/T 23561.8-2009
煤和岩石物理力学性质测定方法 第8部分:煤和岩石变形参数测定方法(中英文版)
Methods for determining the physical and mechanical properties of coal and rock - Part 8: Methods for determining the deformation parameters of coal and rock
GB/T 36689-2018
设施管理交底 一般要求(中英文版)
Facility management briefing—General requirements
GB 19079.4-2014
体育场所开放条件与技术要求 第4部分:攀岩场所(中英文版)
Operation conditions and technical requirements for gymnasium and playground―Part 4:Sport climbing place
GB/T 42856-2023
Flight performance flight test requirements for large and medium-sized civil unmanned helicopter systems
GB 14883.4-1994
食品中放射性物质检验 钷-147的测定(中英文版)
Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of promethium-147
GB 26447-2010
危险货物运输 能够自持分解的硝酸铵化肥的分类程序、试验方法和判据(中英文版)
Transport of dangerous goods - Classification procedures,test methods relating to ammonium nitrate fertilizers capable of self-sustaining decomposition
GB/T 10836-2008
造船与船舶技术 船用焚烧炉要求(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology - Shipboard incinerators - Requirements
GB/T 17950-2000
半导体变流器 第6部分:使用熔断器保护半导体变流器防止过电流的应用导则(中英文版)
Semiconductor converter--Part 6:Application guide for the protection of semiconductor converters against overcurrent by fuses
GB/T 34255-2017
Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) (PBSA) resin
GB/T 42119-2022
畜禽屠宰加工设备 家禽胴体螺旋冷却设备(中英文版)
Livestock slaughtering and processing equipment Poultry carcass spiral cooling equipment
GB/T 22407-2008
摄影 加工用化学品 十水合四硼酸钠(中英文版)
Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for sodium tetraborate decahydrate
GB/T 2624.2-2006
用安装在圆形截面管道中的差压装置测量满管流体流量 第2部分:孔板(中英文版)
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 2: Orifice plates
GB/T 34746-2017
Genotyping method of canine parvovirus
GB 18350-2013
Denatured fuel ethanol+(No.2 modification sheet)
GB/T 39958-2021
CNC hole puncher

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