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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 21715.8-2020
健康信息学 患者健康卡数据 第8部分:链接(中英文版)
Health informatics—Patient healthcard data—Part 8: Links
GB/T 31.2-1988
六角头螺杆带孔螺栓 细杆 B级(中英文版)
Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank--Reduced shank--Product grade B
GB/Z 23283-2009
long-term preservation of electronic document-based information
GB/T 30724-2014
Specifications of solar water heating systems for industrial applications
GB/T 37926-2019
Guidelines of meteorological disaster prevention and reduction for beautiful villages
GB/T 16491-2008
Electronic universal testing machines
GB/T 26011-2010
Lead alloy for cable sheath bond
GB/T 23456-2018
GB/T 9074.18-2002
Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washers
GB 1886.326-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 酸式焦磷酸钙(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Acid Calcium Pyrophosphate
GB/T 20863.5-2007
起重机 分级 第5部分: 桥式和门式起重机(中英文版)
Cranes - Classification - Part 5: Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes
GB 29273-2012
信息技术 藏文编码字符集(基本集及扩充集A) 16×32点阵字型 甘丹白体(中英文版)
Information technology - Tibetan ideogram coded character set (basic set & extension set A) - 16×32 dot matrix font - Bkav bstan lean
GB/T 34596-2017
汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 机油泵(中英文版)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components—Oil pump
GB/T 12184.2-2022
信息处理 磁墨字符识别 第2部分:CMC7的印制规范(中英文版)
Information processing - magnetic ink character recognition - Part 2: printing specification for CMC7
GB/T 14896.5-1994
特种加工机床 术语 复合加工机床(中英文版)
Non-traditional machine tools--Terminology--Combined machining machine tools
GB/T 24717-2009
Preformed pavement marking tape
GB/T 35263-2017
纺织品 接触瞬间凉感性能的检测和评价(中英文版)
Textiles—Testing and evaluation for cool feeling in contact instant
GB/T 40551-2021
消费品和有关服务的比较试验 总则(中英文版)
Comparative testing of consumer products and related services-General principles
GB/T 27305-2008
食品安全管理体系 果汁和蔬菜汁类生产企业要求(中英文版)
Food safety management system - Requirements for fruit and vegetable juices producing establishments
GB/T 27798-2011
GB/T 32654-2016
Seismic acceleration geophone
GB/T 39509-2020
Specification for healthcare service of health-management
GB/T 5009.44-2003
Method for analysis of hygienic standard of meat and meat products
GB/T 6648-1986
半导体集成电路静态读/ 写存储器空白详细规范(可供认证用)(中英文版)
Blank detail specification for semiconductor inte-grated circuit static read/write memories
GB/T 21406-2008
内燃机 发动机的重量(质量)标定(中英文版)
Internal combustion engines - Engine weight (mass) declaration
GB/T 23392.4-2009
十字花科蔬菜病虫害测报技术规范 第4部分:甜菜夜蛾(中英文版)
Technical specification for the forecast of diseases and insects on cruciferous plants - Part 4: Spodoptera exigua(Hvbner)
GB/T 30919-2014
苯乙烯-丁二烯生橡胶 N-亚硝基胺化合物的测定 气相色谱-热能分析法(中英文版)
Styrene-butadiene rubber, raw―Determination of N-nitrosamines content by gas chromatography―Thermo energy analyzer method
GB 31459-2015
Safety requirements for temperature control systems for floor heating for household and similar use
GB/T 38302-2019
防护服装 热防护性能测试方法(中英文版)
Protective clothing—Thermal protective performance test method
GB/T 19861-2005
Determination for strong-base group,weak-base group and weak-acid group exchange capacity of acrylic type anion exchange resins
GB/T 15273.4-1995
信息处理 八位单字节编码图形字符集 第四部分:拉丁字母四(中英文版)
Information processing--8-Bit single-byte coded graphic character sets--Part 4:Latin alphabet No.4
GB/T 26316-2010
市场、民意和社会调查 服务要求(中英文版)
Market,opinion and social research - Service requirement
GB/T 36966-2018
Test method of short message service for public early warning
GB 43473-2023
照明产品用控制装置及其部件 安全要求(中英文版)
Control devices and components for lighting products Safety requirements
GB/T 9833.1-2013
紧压茶 第1部分:花砖茶(中英文版)
Compressed tea - Part 1: Hua zhuan tea
GB/T 34794-2017
Guidelines for DNA gel purification kit
GB/T 42307-2023
肥料和土壤调理剂 尿素基肥料中缩二脲含量的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Fertilizers and soil conditioners - Determination of biuret content in urea-based fertilizers - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 17980.78-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第78部分:杀虫剂防治小麦吸浆虫(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 78:Insecticides against blossom midge on wheat
GB/T 24044-2008
环境管理 生命周期评价 要求与指南(中英文版)
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines
GB/T 50557-2010
Technical code for barite concrete against radiation
GB/T 33588.1-2017
雷电防护系统部件(LPSC) 第1部分:连接件的要求(中英文版)
Lightning protection system components(LPSC)—Part 1: Requirements for connection components
GB/T 41979.3-2022
搅拌摩擦点焊 铝及铝合金 第3部分:焊接操作工的技能评定(中英文版)
Friction stir spot welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys - Part 3: Skill assessment of welding operators
GB/T 14367-2006
声学 噪声源声功率级的测定 基础标准使用指南(中英文版)
Acoustics―Determination of sound power levels of noise sources―Guidelines for the use of basic standards
GB/T 16104-1995
Workplace air--Determination of tungsten or tungsten carbide--Potassium thiocyanate-titanous trichloride spectrophotometric method
GB/T 18960-2012
林业机械 便携式油锯 词汇(中英文版)
Forestry machinery - Portable hand-held china-saws - Vocabulary
GB 1886.49-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 D-异抗坏血酸(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-D-isoascorbic acid
GB/T 40665.3-2021
中医四诊操作规范 第3部分:问诊(中英文版)
Operation specifications for four diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine—Part 3:Inquiry
GB/T 10071-1988
Measurement method of environmental vibrationof urban area
GB/T 23607-2009
铜阳极泥化学分析方法 砷、铋、铁、镍、铅、锑、硒、碲量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of copper anode mud - Determination of arsenic,bismuth,iron,nickel,lead,antimony,selenium and tellurium content - Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 31014-2014
声学 水声目标强度测量实验室方法(中英文版)
Acoustics―Laboratory methods of underwater target strength measurement

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