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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 28107-2011
Detection and identification of Eulecanium gigantea (Shinji).
GB/T 35678-2017
公共安全 人脸识别应用 图像技术要求(中英文版)
Public security—Face recognition application—Technical requirements for face images
GB/T 40445-2021
Detection and identification of Carpomya vesuviana Costa
GB 19573-2004
Limited values of energy efficiency and rating criteria for high-pressure sodium vapour lamps
GB/T 4909.1-2009
裸电线试验方法 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Test methods for bare wires - Part 1: General
GB/T 32778-2016
General guide for comprehensive utilization of pepper abandoning
GB/T 30844.1-2014
1 kV及以下通用变频调速设备 第1部分:技术条件(中英文版)
Variable-frequency drive of 1 kV and below—Part 1: Technical conditions
GB/T 26548.10-2021
手持便携式动力工具? 振动试验方法? 第10部分:冲击式凿岩机、锤和破碎器(中英文版)
Hand-held portable power tools -- Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission -- Part 10: Percussive drills, hammers and breakers
GB/T 8167-2008
Testing method of dynamic compression for packaging cushioning materials
GB/T 6182-2010
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert) ,style 2
GB/T 20001.2-2015
标准编写规则 第2部分:符号标准(中英文版)
Rules for drafting standards—Part 2: Symbol standards
GB/T 12375-1990
Analytical method of tritium in water
GB/T 32.3-2020
六角头头部带孔螺栓 细牙(中英文版)
Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head—Fine pitch thread
GB/T 17530.4-1998
Acrylate esters for industrial use--Determination of acidity
GB/T 21006-2007
表面化学分析 X射线光电子能谱仪和俄歇电子能谱仪 强度标的线性(中英文版)
Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectrometers - Linearity of intensity scale
GB 50891-2013
Code for automation design of non-ferrous metals smelters
GB/T 37097-2018
Specification for enterprise innovation method
GB/T 43558-2023
National Integrated Government Service Platform Mobile Terminal Specifications
GB/T 24808-2009
电磁兼容 电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的产品系列标准 抗扰度(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks - Immunity
GB/T 35996-2018
磷矿石和磷精矿中八种元素含量的快速测定 X射线荧光光谱法(中英文版)
Rapid determination of eight elements content for phosphate rock and concentrate—X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 13277.1-2023
压缩空气 第1部分:污染物净化等级(中英文版)
Compressed air - Part 1: Pollutant purification levels
GB/T 2878.2-2011
液压传动连接 带米制螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺柱端 第2部分:重型螺柱端(S系列)(中英文版)
Connections for hydraulic fluid power - Ports and stud ends with metric threads and O-ring sealing - Part 2: heavy-duty stud ends (S series)
GB/T 13477.3-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第3部分:使用标准器具测定密封材料挤出性的方法(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 3:Determination of extrudability of sealants using standardized apparatus
GB/T 22766.1-2022
家用和类似用途电器售后服务 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
After-sales service of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 14150-1993
Guangdong onglaze decoration porcelain
GB/T 2690-2000
Bamboo timber
GB/T 21619-2008
危险品 易燃固体遇水放出易燃气体试验方法(中英文版)
Dangerous goods - Test method for flammable solids, which in contacting with water emit flammable gases
GB/T 14896.3-2009
特种加工机床 术语 第3部分:电解加工机床(中英文版)
Non-traditional machines - Terminology - Part 3: Electrochemical machines
GB/T 33118-2016
Detection and identification of Hoplocampa flava(L.)
控制网络LONWORKS技术规范 第4部分:基于隧道技术在IP信道上传输控制网络协议的规范(中英文版)
Control network LONWORKS technology specification Part 4: Tunneling component network protocols over internet protocol channels
GB/T 8750-2014
Gold bonding wire for semiconductor package
GB/T 41186-2021
Grading for fresh and live abalone
GB/T 26271-2010
Technology requirements and measurement methods for the coincidence of luminance and color difference signal of terrestrial digital TV receiver equipment
GB/T 7465-2015
High activity cobalt-60 sealed radioactive sources
GB/T 39690.1-2020
塑料 源自柔性和刚性消费品包装的聚丙烯(PP)和聚乙烯(PE)回收混合物 第1部分: 命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Mixtures of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) recyclate derived from PP and PE used for flexible and rigid consumer packaging—Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification
GB/T 18842-2008
Taper cylindrical involute splines
GB/T 238-2013
金属材料 线材 反复弯曲试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Wire - Reverse bend test
GB/T 37641-2019
化妆品中2,3,5,4’-四羟基二苯乙烯-2-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of 2,3,5,4’-tetrahydroxystilbene-O-β-D-glucoside in cosmetics―High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 4722-1992
Test methods for copper-clad laminatedsheets for printed circuits
GB/T 4330-2024
Agricultural trailers
GB/T 15057.11-1994
Limestone for chemical industry--Determination of size
GB/T 18474-2001
交联聚乙烯(PE-X)管材与管件 交联度的试验方法(中英文版)
Pipes and fittings made of crosslinked polyethylene(PE-X)--Estimation of the degree of crosslinkingby determination of the gel content
GB/T 16483-2008
化学品安全技术说明书 内容和项目顺序(中英文版)
Safety data sheet for chemical products content and order of sections
GB/T 8223-1987
价值工程 基本术语和一般工作程序(中英文版)
Value engineering--General terms and work program
GB/T 11060.3-2010
天然气 含硫化合物的测定 第3部分:用乙酸铅反应速率双光路检测法测定硫化氢含量(中英文版)
Natural gas - Determination of sulfur compound - Part 3: Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by lead acetate reaction rate dual photo path method
GB/T 36777-2018
Detection and identification of Xyleborus spp.(non-Chinese)
GB/T 13324-2006
Terminology of heat treatment equipment
GB/T 42843.1-2023
微细气泡技术 测量取样及样品制备 第1部分:超细气泡水分散体系(中英文版)
Microbubble Technology Measurement Sampling and Sample Preparation Part 1: Ultrafine Bubble Water Dispersion System
GB 50741-2012
Code for investigation and surveying of 1000kV overhead transmission line
GB/T 7676.6-2017
直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件 第6部分:电阻表(阻抗表)和电导表的特殊要求(中英文版)
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories—Part 6:Special requirements for ohmmeters(impedance meters ) and conductance meters

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