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“Test methods for gra ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 44147-2024
Performance test methods for liquid chromatography and atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 43740-2024
Performance requirements and test methods of atomic gravimeter
GB/Z 43510-2023
Guide to Reliability Test Methods for Integrated Circuit TSV Three-Dimensional Packages
GB/T 43288-2023
塑料 农业和园艺地膜用土壤生物降解材料 生物降解性能、生态毒性和成分控制的要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Plastics. Soil biodegradable materials for agricultural and horticultural mulch films. Requirements and test methods for biodegradability, ecotoxicity and composition control.
GB/T 13465.12-2023
不透性石墨材料试验方法 第12部分:导热系数(中英文版)
Test methods for impermeable graphite materials Part 12: Thermal conductivity
GB/T 17530.2-2023
工业丙烯酸及酯的试验方法 第2部分:工业用丙烯酸酯有机杂质及纯度的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Test methods for industrial acrylic acid and esters Part 2: Determination of organic impurities and purity of industrial acrylic acid esters Gas chromatography
GB/Z 40602.4-2023
天线及接收系统的无线电干扰 第4部分:无线接收系统 集成无线模块电子设备电磁兼容测试方法(中英文版)
Radio interference from antennas and receiving systems Part 4: Wireless receiving systems Electromagnetic compatibility test methods for electronic equipment with integrated wireless modules
GB/T 43200-2023
Robot integrated joint performance and test methods
GB/T 42848-2023
半导体集成电路 直接数字频率合成器测试方法(中英文版)
Semiconductor integrated circuits - Test methods for direct digital frequency synthesizers
GB/T 7702.7-2023
煤质颗粒活性炭试验方法 第7部分:碘吸附值的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for coal-based granular activated carbon-Part 7: Determination of iodine adsorption value
GB/T 1927.11-2022
无疵小试样木材物理力学性质试验方法 第11部分:顺纹抗压强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of small unblemished specimens of wood - Part 11: Determination of compressive strength along the grain
GB/T 1927.16-2022
无疵小试样木材物理力学性质试验方法 第16部分:顺纹抗剪强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of small unblemished specimens of wood - Part 16: Determination of shear strength along the grain
GB/T 1927.15-2022
无疵小试样木材物理力学性质试验方法 第15部分:横纹抗拉强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of small unblemished specimens of wood - Part 15: Determination of tensile strength across grains
GB/T 1927.13-2022
无疵小试样木材物理力学性质试验方法 第13部分:横纹抗压弹性模量测定(中英文版)
Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of wood with small unblemished specimens - Part 13: Determination of transverse grain compressive modulus of elasticity
GB/T 1927.14-2022
无疵小试样木材物理力学性质试验方法 第14部分:顺纹抗拉强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of small unblemished specimens of wood - Part 14: Determination of tensile strength along the grain
GB/T 38265.17-2022
软钎剂试验方法 第17部分:钎剂残留物的表面绝缘电阻梳刷试验和电化学迁移试验(中英文版)
Soldering flux test methods - Part 17: Surface insulation resistance comb test and electrochemical migration test for flux residues
GB/T 9966.18-2021
天然石材试验方法 第18部分:岩相分析(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone-Part 18:Petrographic examination
GB/T 39748.9-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第9部分:称重法测定密度(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 9:Gravimetric determination of density
GB/T 39748.8-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第8部分:称重法测定流量(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 8:Gravimetric determination of flowrate
GB/T 39748.7-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第7部分:称重法测定压力作用下的吸液量(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 7:Gravimetric determination of absorption under pressure
GB/T 39748.6-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第 6 部分: 称重法测定离心后的生理盐水保液率(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 6:Gravimetric determination of fluid retention capacity in saline solution after centrifugation
GB/T 5095.2503-2021
电子设备用机电元件 基本试验规程及测量方法 第25-3部分:试验25c:上升时间衰减(中英文版)
Electromechanical components for electronic equipment—Basic testing procedures and measuring methods—Part 25-3: Test 25c: Rise time degradation
GB/T 41123.3-2021
无损检测 工业射线计算机层析成像检测 第3部分:验证(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Radiation methods for industrial computed tomography—Part 3:Qualification
GB/T 41123.2-2021
无损检测 工业射线计算机层析成像检测 第2部分:操作和解释(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Radiation methods for industrial computed tomography—Part 2:Operation and interpretation
GB/T 41123.1-2021
无损检测 工业射线计算机层析成像检测 第1部分:原理、设备和样品(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing -- Radiation methods for industrial computed tomography -- Part 1: Principles, equipment and samples
GB/T 12604.12-2021
无损检测? 术语? 第12部分:工业射线计算机层析成像检测(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing -- Terminology -- Part 12: Radiation methods for industrial computed tomography
GB/T 41109-2021
土方机械? 平地机燃油消耗量? 试验方法(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery -- Fuel consumption for grader -- Test methods
GB/T 1927.12-2021
无疵小试样木材物理力学性质试验方法 第12部分:横纹抗压强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for physical and mechanical properties of small clear wood specimens—Part 12:Determination of strength in compression perpendicular to grain
GB/T 32065.11-2021
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第11部分:冲击与碰撞试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 11:Shock and bump test
GB/T 38913-2020
Test methods for hydride orientation fraction of nuclear grade zirconium and zirconium alloy tubes
GB/T 38787-2020
塑料 材料生物分解试验用样品制备方法(中英文版)
Plastics—Methods for the preparation of samples for biodegradation testing of plastic materials
GB/T 4334-2020
金属和合金的腐蚀 奥氏体及铁素体-奥氏体(双相)不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys-Test methods for intergranular corrosion of austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels
GB/T 16900.4-2020
图形符号表示规则 第4部分:对象相关性测试方法(中英文版)
Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols—Part 4: Methods for testing symbol referent association
GB/T 16900.2-2020
图形符号表示规则 第2部分:理解度测试方法(中英文版)
Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols—Part 2: Methods for testing comprehensibility
GB/T 32065.8-2020
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第8部分:温度变化试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 8:Change of temperature test
GB/T 32065.19-2020
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第19部分:浸渍试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 19 : Immersion test
GB/T 32065.10-2020
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第10部分:盐雾试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 10:Salt fog test
GB/T 31334.6-2020
浸胶帆布试验方法 第6部分:尺寸、克重等基本项目测量(中英文版)
Test methods for dipped canvas—Part 6 : Determinations of size, grammage, etc
GB/T 38265.1-2019
软钎剂试验方法 第1部分:不挥发物质含量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Test methods for soft soldering fluxes—Part 1:Determination of non-volatile matter—Gravimetric method
GB/T 38265.1-2019
软钎剂试验方法 第1部分:不挥发物质含量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Test methods for soft soldering fluxes—Part 1:Determination of non-volatile matter—Gravimetric method
GB/T 3903.42-2019
鞋类 帮面、衬里和内垫试验方法(中英文版)
Footwear—Test methods for uppers,lining and insocks—Colour migration
GB/T 32065.15-2019
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第15部分:水压试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 9:Mould test
GB/T 32065.14-2019
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第14部分:振动试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 15:Hydrostatic pressure test
GB/T 32065.9-2019
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第9部分:长霉试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 14 : Vibration test
GB/T 37052-2018
Test methods for nominal module operating temperature of building integrated photovoltaic(BIPV) modules
GB/T 36479-2018
集成电路 焊柱阵列试验方法(中英文版)
Integrated circuits—Test methods for column grid array
GB/T 35005-2018
Test methods for flip chip integrated circuits
GB/T 34862-2017
Test methods for determining quantities of equivalent circuit diagrams for three-phase low-voltage cage induction motors
GB/T 34572-2017
轨道交通 受流系统 受电弓碳滑板试验方法(中英文版)
Railway applications—Current collection system—Pantographs,testing methods for carbon contact strips
GB/T 15260-2016
金属和合金的腐蚀 镍合金晶间腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Test methods for intergranular corrosion of nickel alloys

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