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“Corrosion protection ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 40377-2021
金属和合金的腐蚀 交流腐蚀的测定 防护准则(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Determination of AC corrosion—Protection criteria
GB/T 39154-2020
金属和合金的腐蚀 混凝土用钢筋的阴极保护(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Cathodic protection of steel in concrete
GB/T 39155-2020
金属和合金的腐蚀 海港设施的阴极保护(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Cathodic protection of harbour installations
GB/T 37594-2019
Technical specification for anti-UV three-layer external fusion powder coating corrosion protection for steel pipe
GB/T 33630-2017
海上风力发电机组 防腐规范(中英文版)
Offshore wind turbine generator systems—Specification for corrosion protection
GB/T 19355.3-2016
锌覆盖层 钢铁结构防腐蚀的指南和建议 第3部分:粉末渗锌(中英文版)
Zinc coatings—Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures—Part 3: Sherardizing
GB/T 19355.2-2016
锌覆盖层 钢铁结构防腐蚀的指南和建议 第2部分:热浸镀锌(中英文版)
Zinc coatings—Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures—Part 2: Hot dip galvanizing
GB/T 19355.1-2016
锌覆盖层 钢铁结构防腐蚀的指南和建议 第1部分:设计与防腐蚀的基本原则(中英文版)
Zinc coatings—Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures—Part 1: General principles of design and corrosion resistance
GB/T 31972-2015
Requirement of corrosion protection for floating production and storage units offshore
GB/T 31817-2015
Specification of coating for corrosion protection of windpower equipments
GB/T 31586.2-2015
防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 涂层附着力/内聚力(破坏强度)的评定和验收准则 第2部分:划格试验和划叉试验(中英文版)
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating—Part 2: Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing
GB/T 31586.1-2015
防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 涂层附着力/内聚力(破坏强度)的评定和验收准则 第1部分:拉开法试验(中英文版)
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Assessment of ,and acceptance criteria for,the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating—Part 1: Pull-off testing
GB/T 30790.8-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第8部分:新建和维护技术规格书的制定(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 8:Development of specification for new work and maintenance
GB/T 30790.7-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第7部分:涂装的实施和管理(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 7: Execution and supervision of paint work
GB/T 30790.6-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第6部分:实验室性能测试方法(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 6: Laboratory performance test methods
GB/T 30790.5-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第5部分:防护涂料体系(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 5: Protective paint systems
GB/T 30790.4-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第4部分:表面类型和表面处理(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation
GB/T 30790.3-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第3部分:设计依据(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 3: Design considerations
GB/T 30790.2-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第2部分:环境分类(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 2: Classification of environments
GB/T 30790.1-2014
色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 1: General introduction
GB/T 19285-2014
Inspection of corrosion protection for buried steel pipelines
GB/T 29037-2012
热喷涂 抗高温腐蚀和氧化的保护涂层(中英文版)
Thermal spraying - Coatings for protection against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures
GB/T 20852-2007
金属和合金的腐蚀 大气腐蚀防护方法的选择导则(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys - guidelines for selection of protection methods against atmospheric corrosion
GB/T 19355-2003
钢铁结构耐腐蚀防护 锌和铝覆盖层 指南(中英文版)
Protection against corrosion ofiron and steel in structures--Zinc and aluminum coatings--Guidelines
GB/T 12466-1990
Terminology for corrosion and protection for ship and marine engineering
GB/T 7631.6-1989
润滑剂和有关产品(L类)的分类 第6 部分:R组 (暂时保护防腐蚀)(中英文版)
Lubricants and related products (class L)--Classification--Part 6:Family R (Temporary protection against corrosion)

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