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“Nuclear radiation-re ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

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GB/T 7164-2022
Characteristics and test methods of radiation detectors for nuclear reactors
GB/T 42141-2022
Design criteria for radiation protection of nuclear island buildings under accident conditions in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants
GB/T 42291-2022
Design criteria for radiation protection of doors and windows in the control area of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants
GB/T 42142-2022
Analysis criteria for radiation source term of auxiliary system and secondary circuit system of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant
GB/T 40291-2021
核仪器仪表 辐射探测器用高纯度锗晶体 基本特性的测量方法(中英文版)
Nuclear instrumentation—High-purity germanium crystals for radiation detectors—Measurement methods of basic characteristics
GB/T 41140-2021
Analysis criterion for radiation source term of reactor core and spent fuel assembly in PWR nuclear power plant
GB/T 37210-2018
Nuclear radiation-resistant inflatable and water-filled rubber sealing products
GB/T 12726.4-2013
核电厂安全重要仪表 事故及事故后辐射监测 第4部分:工艺流管内或管旁放射性连续监测设备(中英文版)
Nuclear power plants―Instrumentation important to safety―Radiation monitoring for accident and post-accident conditions―Part 4: Equipment for continuous in-line or on-line monitoring of radioactivity in process streams
GB/T 12726.3-2013
核电厂安全重要仪表 事故及事故后辐射监测 第3部分:高量程区域γ连续监测设备(中英文版)
Nuclear power plants―Instrunmentation important to safety―Radiation monitoring for accident and post-accident conditions―Part 3: Equipment for continous high range area gamma monitoring
GB/T 12726.1-2013
核电厂安全重要仪表 事故及事故后辐射监测 第1部分:一般要求(中英文版)
Nuclear power plants―Instrumentation important to safety―Radiation monitoring for accident and post-accident conditions―Part 1: General requirements
GB 6249-2011
Regulations for environmental radiation protection of nuclear power plant
GB/T 10263-2006
Environmental conditions and test procedures for nuclear radiation detectors
GB/T 7164-2004
用于核反应堆的辐射探测器 特性及其测试方法(中英文版)
Radiation detectors for nuclear reactors--Characteristics and test methods
GB 3102.10-1993
Quantities and units of nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations
GB 12379-1990
Regulations of monitoring for environmental nuclearradiations

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