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“Stainless steels--Me ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 40393-2021
金属和合金的腐蚀 奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性加速腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Accelerated corrosion test for intergranular corrosion susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels
GB/T 39534-2020
金属和合金的腐蚀 液体中不锈钢和镍基合金均匀腐蚀速率测定方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Method for determination of the uniform corrosion rate of stainless steels and nickel based alloys in liquids
GB/T 39077-2020
Test methods for detecting detrimental phases in lean duplex austenitic-ferritic stainless steels
GB/T 4334-2020
金属和合金的腐蚀 奥氏体及铁素体-奥氏体(双相)不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys-Test methods for intergranular corrosion of austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels
GB/T 3098.25-2020
紧固件机械性能 不锈钢和镍合金紧固件选用指南(中英文版)
Mechanical properties of fasteners—Guidance for the selection of stainless steels and nickel alloys for fasteners
GB/T 37778-2019
Recommended process for laser beam welding on stainless steels
GB/T 17854-2018
Solid wire electrodes /flux combinations for submerged arc welding of stainless steels
GB/T 32571-2016
金属和合金的腐蚀 高铬铁素体不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Corrosion test for intergranular corrosion susceptibility of high—Cr ferritic stainless steels
GB/T 17897-2016
金属和合金的腐蚀 不锈钢三氯化铁点腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Corrosion test for pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steels in the ferric chloride solution
GB/T 4334.6-2015
Test method for stainless steels in 5% sulfuric acid
GB/T 31935-2015
金属和合金的腐蚀 低铬铁素体不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Corrosion test for intergranular corrosion susceptibility of low-Cr ferritic stainless steels
GB/T 983-2012
Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels
GB/T 4334-2008
金属和合金的腐蚀 不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Test methods for intergranular corrosion of stainless steels
GB/T 13305-2008
Micrographic method for determining area content of the α-phases in stainless steels
GB/T 4334.6-2000
不锈钢 5%硫酸腐蚀试验方法(中英文版)
Method of 5 percent sulfuric acid test for stainless steels
GB/T 17899-1999
Method of pitting potential measurement for stainless steels
GB/T 13671-1992
Stainless steels--Method of electrochemical test for crevice corrosion

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