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“1: Specification for ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 38557.1-2020
系统与软件工程 接口和数据交换 第1部分:企业资源计划系统与制造执行系统的接口规范(中英文版)
Systems and software engineering—Interface and data exchange—Part 1:Interface specification for enterprise resource planning system and manufacturing execution system
GB/T 39690.1-2020
塑料 源自柔性和刚性消费品包装的聚丙烯(PP)和聚乙烯(PE)回收混合物 第1部分: 命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Mixtures of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) recyclate derived from PP and PE used for flexible and rigid consumer packaging—Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification
GB/T 39559.1-2020
城市轨道交通设施运营监测技术规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Specifications for operational monitoring of urban rail transit facilities—Part 1: General
GB/T 24635.1-2020
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 坐标测量机(CMM) 确定测量不确定度的技术 第1部分:概要和计量特性(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Coordinate measuring machines (CMM): Technique for determining the uncertainty of measurement—Part 1: Overview and metrological characteristics
GB/T 39697.1-2020
橡胶或塑料包覆辊 规范 第1部分:硬度要求(中英文版)
Rubber or plastics covered rollers—Specifications—Part 1: Requirements for hardness
GB/T 39414.1-2020
北斗卫星导航系统空间信号接口规范 第1部分:公开服务信号B1C(中英文版)
Interface specification for signal in space of Beidou navigation satellite system—Part 1: Open service signal B1C
GB/T 39415.1-2020
包装袋 特征性能规范方法 第1部分:纸袋(中英文版)
Packaging sacks—Method of specifications for characteristics—Part 1: Paper sacks
GB/T 38273.1-2019
塑料 热塑性聚酯/酯和聚醚/酯模塑和挤塑弹性体 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specification
GB/T 38273.1-2019
塑料 热塑性聚酯/酯和聚醚/酯模塑和挤塑弹性体 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specification
GB/T 37911.1-2019
电力系统北斗卫星授时应用接口 第1部分:技术规范(中英文版)
Application interface of BDS timing for power system—Part 1: Technical specification
GB/T 10067.1-2019
电热和电磁处理装置基本技术条件 第1部分:通用部分(中英文版)
Basic specifications for electroheating and electromagnetic processing installations—Part 1: General
GB/T 37772.1-2019
养老保险待遇审核服务规范 第1部分:企业职工基本养老保险(中英文版)
Specification of verification service on old-age insurance—Part 1: Old-age insurance for the enterprise workers
GB/T 12668.7201-2019
调速电气传动系统 第7-201部分: 电气传动系统的通用接口和使用规范 1型规范说明(中英文版)
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems—Part 7-201: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems—Profile type 1 specification
GB/T 13062-2018
Semiconductor devices—Integrated circuits—Part 21-1:Blank detail specification for film integrated circuits and hybrid film integrated circuits on the basis of the qualification approval procedures
GB/T 34691.1-2018
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester (TP) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 37194.1-2018
Plastics—Poly(phenylene sulfide)(PPS) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 35070.1-2018
停车场电子收费 第1部分:CPU卡数据格式和技术要求(中英文版)
Parking electronic toll collection—Part 1: Data format and technical specification for CPU card
GB/T 36374.1-2018
塑料 砜聚合物模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics-Sulfone polymer moulding and extrusion materials—Part1:Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 36501-2018
土壤制图 1:25000 1:50000 1:100000中国土壤图用色和图例规范(中英文版)
Soil mapping—Specifications for color and legend of soil maps of China at the scale of 1:25000 1:50000 and 1:100000
GB/T 36373.1-2018
特种设备信息资源管理 数据元规范 第1部分:气瓶(中英文版)
Special equipment information resource management—Specification of data element—Part 1:Gas cylinder
GB/T 6346.2601-2018
电子设备用固定电容器 第26-1部分:空白详细规范 导电高分子固体电解质铝固定电容器 评定水平EZ(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 26-1:Blank detail specification—Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte—Assessment level EZ
GB/T 36555.1-2018
智慧安居应用系统接口规范 第1部分:基于表述性状态转移(REST)技术接口(中英文版)
Interface specification for application system of smart residing—Part 1: Interface based on REST
GB/T 29618.5231-2018
现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第5231部分:通用语言基础结构的通信实现 IEC 61784 CP3/1和CP3/2(中英文版)
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 5231: Communication implementation for common language infrastructure—IEC 61784 CP 3/1 and CP 3/2
GB/T 14914.1-2018
海洋观测规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
The specification for marine observation—Part 1: General
GB/Z 6113.401-2018
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第4-1部分:不确定度、统计学和限值建模 标准化EMC试验的不确定度(中英文版)
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 4-1:Uncertainties,statistics and limit modelling—Uncertainties in standardized EMC tests
GB/T 34981.1-2017
机构编制统计及实名制管理系统数据规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Specification of data for organization statistics and real-name management system—Part 1: General
GB/T 34994.1-2017
教育卡应用规范 第1部分:教育卡技术要求(中英文版)
Application specifications for education card—Part 1: Technical requirements for education card
GB/T 34979.1-2017
智能终端软件平台测试规范 第1部分:操作系统(中英文版)
Test specification for smart terminal software platform—Part 1: Operating system
GB/T 34830.1-2017
信用信息征集规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Collection specifications for credit information—Part 1: General principles
GB/T 20257.2-2017
国家基本比例尺地图图式 第2部分:1:5 000 1:10 000地形图图式(中英文版)
Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps—Part 2:Specifications for cartographic symbols 1:5 000 & 1:10 000 topographic maps
GB/T 20257.1-2017
国家基本比例尺地图图式 第1部分:1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000地形图图式(中英文版)
Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps—Part 1:Specifications for cartographic symbols 1︰500 1︰1 000 & 1︰2 000 topographic maps
GB/T 20257.4-2017
国家基本比例尺地图图式 第4部分:1:250 000 1:500 000 1:1 000 000地形图图式(中英文版)
Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps—Part4:Specifications for cartographic symbols 1︰250 000 1︰500 000﹠ 1︰1 000 000 topographic maps
GB/T 20257.3-2017
国家基本比例尺地图图式 第3部分:1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000地形图图式(中英文版)
Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps—Part 3:Specifications for cartographic symbols 1:25 000 1:50 000 & 1:100 000 topographic maps
GB/T 34053.1-2017
纸质印刷产品印制质量检验规范 第1部分:术语(中英文版)
Specifications of quality inspection for printed paper products—Part 1: Terms
GB/T 34078.1-2017
基于云计算的电子政务公共平台总体规范 第1部分:术语和定义(中英文版)
General specification of electronic government common platform based on cloud computing—Part 1: Terminology and definition
GB/T 34080.1-2017
基于云计算的电子政务公共平台安全规范 第1部分:总体要求(中英文版)
Security specifications of electronic government common platform based on cloud computing—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 29618.61-2017
现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第61部分:通用对象模型的设备类型管理器样式指南(中英文版)
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 61: Device type manager (DTM) styleguide for common object model
GB/T 6113.201-2017
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第2-1 部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量方法 传导骚扰测量(中英文版)
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 2-1: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity—Conducted disturbance measurements
GB/T 33780.1-2017
基于云计算的电子政务公共平台技术规范 第1部分:系统架构(中英文版)
Technical specification of electronic government common platform based on cloud computing—Part 1: System architecture
GB/T 33556.1-2017
医院洁净室及相关受控环境应用规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Application specification for hospital cleanrooms and associated controlled environment—Part 1: General guidelines
GB/T 33463.1-2017
钢铁行业海水淡化技术规范 第1部分:低温多效蒸馏法(中英文版)
Technology specification of seawater desalination for iron and steel industry—Part 1: Low temperature multiple effect distillation
GB/T 33523.701-2017
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 区域法 第701部分:接触(触针)式仪器的校准与测量标准(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Surface texture: Areal— Part 701: Calibration and measurement standards for contact (stylus) instruments
GB/T 14912-2017
1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000外业数字测图规程(中英文版)
Specifications for 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 field digital mapping
GB/T 35789.1-2017
机动车电子标识通用规范 第1部分:汽车(中英文版)
General specification for the electronic identification of motor vehicles—Part 1: Automobile
GB/T 18015.1-2017
数字通信用对绞或星绞多芯对称电缆 第1部分:总规范(中英文版)
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications—Part 1: Generic specification
GB/T 35790.1-2017
机动车电子标识安装规范 第1部分:汽车(中英文版)
Specification for installation of the electronic identification of motor vehicles—Part 1:Automobile
GB/T 35513.1-2017
塑料 聚碳酸酯(PC)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Polycarbonate (PC) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 35403.1-2017
国家物品编码与基础信息通用规范 第1部分:总体框架(中英文版)
National articles numbering and basic information specification—Part 1: Framework and basic rules
GB/T 17850.1-2017
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理用非金属磨料的技术要求 第1部分:导则和分类(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products—Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives—Part1:General introduction and classification
GB/T 33476.1-2016
党政机关电子公文格式规范 第1部分:公文结构(中英文版)
Format specification for electronic official document of Party and government organs—Part 1: Official document structure

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