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“Packaging Packaging ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 40372-2021
General technical specifications for disinfectant packaging line
GB/T 40373-2021
一次性口罩制造包装生产线 通用技术要求(中英文版)
Single-use face mask manufacturing and packaging production line—General technical requirements
GB/T 40334-2021
包装 无障碍设计 信息和标识(中英文版)
Packaging—Accessible design—Information and marking
GB/T 40306-2021
包装 无障碍设计 易于开启(中英文版)
Packaging—Accessible design—Ease of opening
GB/T 40266-2021
Quality general rules of oxides barrier transparent plastics laminated films and pouches for food packaging
GB/T 22685-2021
Packaging and label on controls for househole and similar use
GB/T 325.6-2021
包装容器 钢桶 第6部分:锥形开口钢桶(中英文版)
Packaging container—Steel drum—Part 6:Tapered-opening steel drum
GB/T 40001-2021
General technical rules of evaluation for food packaging
GB/T 13297-2021
General rules of packaging,marking and quality certification for precision alloys
GB/T 39842-2021
Itegrated circuit (IC)card packaging framework
GB/T 39947-2021
Selection and design for food packaging
GB/T 39943-2021
Selection and design for food packaging
GB/T 41102-2021
General technical requirements for injection moulding system for PET preform in packaging field
GB/T 41169-2021
Paper, aluminum foil and plastic laminated film and pouch for food packaging
GB/T 41168-2021
Plastics and aluminum foil laminated retort film and pouch for food packaging
GB/T 41220-2021
Laminated lidding film for food packaging
GB/T 40991-2021
Collecting and packaging methods for trace evidence
GB/T 19789-2021
包装材料 塑料薄膜和薄片氧气透过性试验 库仑计检测法(中英文版)
Packaging material—Test method for oxygen gas permeability characteristics of plastic film and sheeting—Coulometric sensor
GB/T 4857.23-2021
包装 运输包装件基本试验 第23部分:垂直随机振动试验方法(中英文版)
Packaging—Basic tests for transport packages—Part 23:Vertical random vibration test method
GB/T 40564-2021
Test method of epoxy molding compound for electronic packaging
GB/T 17858.3-2020
包装袋 术语和类型 第3部分:编织袋(中英文版)
Packaging sacks—Vocabulary and types—Part 3:Woven sacks
GB/T 38501-2020
Automatic premade bag packaging machine
GB/T 38460-2020
Multi-lane stick packaging line
GB/T 38457-2020
Specification of packaging quality inspector for bottled liquid products
GB/T 39690.2-2020
塑料 源自柔性和刚性消费品包装的聚丙烯(PP)和聚乙烯(PE)回收混合物 第2部分:试样制备和性能测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Mixtures of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) recyclate derived from PP and PE used for flexible and rigid consumer packaging—Part 2:Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 39690.1-2020
塑料 源自柔性和刚性消费品包装的聚丙烯(PP)和聚乙烯(PE)回收混合物 第1部分: 命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Mixtures of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) recyclate derived from PP and PE used for flexible and rigid consumer packaging—Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification
GB/T 39588-2020
Requirements and test methods for electrostatic shielding packaging bags
GB/T 39415.2-2020
包装袋 特征性能规范方法 第2部分:热塑性软质薄膜袋(中英文版)
Packaging sacks—Method of specifications for characteristics—Part 2: Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film
GB/T 39415.1-2020
包装袋 特征性能规范方法 第1部分:纸袋(中英文版)
Packaging sacks—Method of specifications for characteristics—Part 1: Paper sacks
GB/T 37422-2019
Method and criteria for green packaging assessment
GB/T 37434-2019
包装 无障碍设计 一般要求(中英文版)
Packaging—Accessible design—General requirements
GB/T 37425-2019
包装 非危险货物用柔性中型散装容器(中英文版)
Packaging—Flexible intermediate bulk containers(FIBCs) for non-dangerous goods
GB/T 37406-2019
电子封装用球形二氧化硅微粉球形度的检测方法 颗粒动态光电投影法(中英文版)
Detection method of degree of sphericity of spherical silica for electronic packaging—Particle dynamic photoelectric projection method
GB/T 37373-2019
智能交通 数据安全服务(中英文版)
Method and criteria for green packaging assessment
GB/T 18454-2019
Laminated bags for aseptic packaging of liquid food
GB/T 17030-2019
Polyvinylidene chloride(PVDC)flat-film for food-packaging
GB/T 9106.2-2019
包装容器 两片罐 第2部分:铝易开盖钢罐(中英文版)
Packaging containers—Two-piece can—Part 2:Aluminum easy open end and steel can
GB/T 9106.1-2019
包装容器 两片罐 第1部分:铝易开盖铝罐(中英文版)
Packaging containers—Two-piece can—Part 1:Aluminum easy open end and aluminum can
GB/T 4857.1-2019
包装 运输包装件基本试验 第1部分: 试验时各部位的标示方法(中英文版)
Packaging—Basic tests for transport packages—Part 1:Identification of parts when testing
GB/T 37400.5-2019
重型机械通用技术条件 第5部分:有色金属铸件(中英文版)
Heavy mechanical general technical specification—Part 13:Packaging
GB 4838-2018
Packaging for emulsifiable concentrates of pesticides
GB/T 37105-2018
Packaging—Braille on packaging for medicinal products
GB/T 37104-2018
Packaging—Tactile warnings of danger—Requirements
GB/T 16716.2-2018
Packaging and the environment—Part 2:Optimization of the packaging system
GB 19304-2018
National Food Safety Standard - Hygienic Standard for Packaging Drinking Water Production
GB/T 16716.4-2018
Packaging and the environment—Part 4:Material recycling
GB/T 16716.3-2018
Packaging and the environment—Part 3: Reuse
GB/T 16716.1-2018
Packaging and the environment—Part 1:General rules
GB/T 13251-2018
包装 钢桶封闭器(中英文版)
Packaging—Steel drum closures
GB/T 325.1-2018
包装容器 钢桶 第1部分:通用技术要求(中英文版)
Packaging containers—Steel drums—Part 1: General specifications

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