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“Safety requirements ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

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GB/T 29058-2012
墙材工业机械安全技术要求 总则(中英文版)
Building industrial machine safety technical requirements - General principles
GB/T 17780.6-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第6部分:织造机械(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery
GB 28760-2012
弯管机 安全技术要求(中英文版)
Tube bending machine - Safety requirements
GB 28759-2012
粘土砂混砂机 安全要求(中英文版)
Green sand mixer - Safety requirements
GB 17120-2012
锻压机械 安全技术条件(中英文版)
Metalforming machinery - Safety requirements
GB 4706.108-2012
家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2部分:电热地毯和安装在可移动地板覆盖物下方的用于加热房间的电热装置的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety - Part 2: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings
GB/T 17780.7-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第7部分:染整机械(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 7: Dyeing and finishing machinery
GB/T 17780.5-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第5部分:机织和针织准备机械(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 5: Preparatory machinery to weaving and knitting
GB/T 17780.4-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第4部分:纱线和绳索加工机械(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 4: Yarn processing,cordage and rope manufacturing machinery
GB/T 17780.3-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第3部分:非织造布机械(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 3: Nonwoven machinery
GB/T 17780.2-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第2部分:纺纱准备和纺纱机械(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 2: Spinning preparatory and spinning machines
GB/T 17780.1-2012
纺织机械 安全要求 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 1: Common requirements
GB 15735-2012
Requirements for the safety and health in production process of metal heat treatment
GB 4706.64-2012
家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2部分:剪刀型草剪的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for scissor type grass shears
GB 3883.9-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:攻丝机的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for tappers
GB 3883.8-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:电剪刀和电冲剪的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for sheet metal shears and nibblers
GB 3883.7-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:锤类工具的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for hammers
GB 3883.6-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:电钻和冲击电钻的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for drills and impact drills
GB 3883.4-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:非盘式砂光机和抛光机的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for sanders and polishers other than disk type
GB 3883.2-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:螺丝刀和冲击扳手的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for screwdrivers and impact wrenches
GB 3883.21-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:带锯的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for band saws
GB 3883.20-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:捆扎机的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for strapping tools
GB 3883.19-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:管道疏通机的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for drain cleaners
GB 3883.12-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:混凝土振动器的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for concrete vibrators
GB 3883.11-2012
手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:往复锯(曲线锯、刀锯)的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for reciprocating saws(jig and sabre saws)
GB 17464-2012
连接器件 电气铜导线 螺纹型和无螺纹型夹紧件的安全要求 适用于0.2 mm2以上至35 mm2(包括)导线的夹紧件的通用要求和特殊要求(中英文版)
Connecting devices - Electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units - Part 1: General requirements and particular requirements for clamping units for conductors from 0.2 mm2 up to 35 mm2 (included)
GB/T 18216.1-2012
交流1000V和直流1500V以下低压配电系统电气安全 防护措施的试验、测量或监控设备 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 1: General requirements
GB 19402-2012
Safety requirements for passengers funiculars
GB 4706.32-2012
家用和类似用途电器的安全 热泵、空调器和除湿机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety-Particular requirements for heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
GB 4706.107-2012
家用和类似用途电器的安全 整体厨房器具的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety-Particular requirements for integrated kitchen appliance
GB 28482-2012
Safety requirements of soothers for babies and young children
GB 28478-2012
户外休闲家具安全性能要求 桌椅类产品(中英文版)
General safety requirements of outdoor leisure furniture - Seating and tables
GB 28477-2012
Safety technical requirements for children umbrella
GB 19212.8-2012
电力变压器、电源、电抗器和类似产品的安全 第8部分:玩具用变压器和电源的特殊要求和试验(中英文版)
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 8:Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supplies for toys
GB 19212.7-2012
电源电压为1 100V及以下的变压器、电抗器、电源装置和类似产品的安全 第7部分:安全隔离变压器和内装安全隔离变压器的电源装置的特殊要求和试验(中英文版)
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V - Part 7: Particular requirements and test for safety isolating transformers and power supply units incorporating saftey isolating transformers
GB 19212.3-2012
电力变压器、电源、电抗器和类似产品的安全 第3部分:控制变压器和内装控制变压器的电源的特殊要求和试验(中英文版)
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 3: Particular requirements and tests for control transformers and power supplies incorporating control transformers
GB 19212.2-2012
电力变压器、电源、电抗器和类似产品的安全 第2部分:一般用途分离变压器和内装分离变压器的电源的特殊要求和试验(中英文版)
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 2: Particular requirements and tests for separating transformers and power supplies incorporating separating transformers for general applications
GB 19212.14-2012
电源电压为1 100V及以下的变压器、电抗器、电源装置和类似产品的安全 第14部分:自耦变压器和内装自耦变压器的电源装置的特殊要求和试验(中英文版)
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1 100 V - Part 14: Particular requirements and tests for auto transformers and power supply units incorporating auto transformers
GB/T 28568-2012
电工电子设备机柜 安全设计要求(中英文版)
Cabinets for electrotechnical and electronic equipment - Safety design requirements
GB 28395-2012
混凝土及灰浆输送、喷射、浇注机械 安全要求(中英文版)
Conveying,spraying and placing machines for concrete and mortar - Safety requirements
GB/T 28387.5-2012
印刷机械和纸加工机械的设计及结构安全规则 第5部分:瓦楞纸板生产机械以及纸板和瓦楞纸板加工设备(中英文版)
Safety requirements of the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 5:Machines for the production of corrugated board and machines for the conversion of flat and corrugated board
GB/T 28387.4-2012
印刷机械和纸加工机械的设计及结构安全规则 第4部分:书籍装订、纸加工和整饰机械(中英文版)
Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 4: Bookbinding, paper converting and finishing machines
GB/T 28387.2-2012
印刷机械和纸加工机械的设计及结构安全规则 第2部分:印刷机、上光机和印前机械(中英文版)
Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 2: Printing、varnishing machines and pre-press machinery
GB/T 28387.1-2012
印刷机械和纸加工机械的设计及结构安全规则 第1部分:一般要求(中英文版)
Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 1: Common requirements
GB 28244-2012
自动锻压机 安全技术要求(中英文版)
Automatic metalforming machinery - Safety requirements
GB 28243-2012
液压板料折弯机 安全技术要求(中英文版)
Hydraulic press brakes - Safety requirements
GB 28242-2012
螺旋压力机 安全技术要求(中英文版)
Screw presses - Safety requirements
GB 28241-2012
液压机 安全技术要求(中英文版)
Hydraulic presses - Safety requirements
GB 28240-2012
剪板机 安全技术要求(中英文版)
Shears - Safety requirements
GB 25936.3-2012
橡胶塑料粉碎机械 第3部分:切碎机安全要求(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics machines - Size reduction machines - Part 3: Safety requirements for shredders

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