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“Specification for hi ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 16857.1-2002
产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 坐标测量机的验收检测和复检检测 第1部分:词汇(中英文版)
Geometrical product specification(GPS)--Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines--Part 1:Vocabulary
GB/T 18569.1-2001
机械安全 减小由机械排放的危害性物质对健康的风险 第1部分:用于机械制造商的原则和规范(中英文版)
Safety of machinery--Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery--Part 1:Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers
GB/T 18501.2-2001
直流和低频模拟及数字式高速数据处理设备用连接器 第2部分:有质量评定的圆形连接器分规范(中英文版)
Connectors for use in d.c.,low-frequency analogue and digital high speed data spplications--Part 2:Circular connectors with assessed quality--Sectional specification
GB/T 18501.1-2001
有质量评定的直流和低频模拟及数字式高速数据处理设备用连接器 第1部分:总规范(中英文版)
Connectors with assessed quality,for use in d.c.,low frequency analogue and in digital high speed data applications--Part 1:Generic specification
GB/Z 18462-2001
激光加工机械 金属切割的性能规范与标准检查程序(中英文版)
Laser processing machines--Performance specifications and benchmarks for cutting of metals
GB/T 18344-2001
Specification for the inspection and maintenance of motor vehicle
GB/T 18338.1-2001
办公机械 速印机规格表中应包含的基本内容(中英文版)
Business machines duplicators--Minimum information to be included in specification sheets
GB/T 18304-2001
信息技术 因特网中文规范 电子邮件传送格式(中英文版)
Information technology--Chinese specification of internet character transfer format for email
GB/T 18274-2000
Technical specifications for motor vehicle drum brake being overhauled
GB/T 6588-2000
半导体器件 分立器件 第3部分:信号(包括开关)和调整二极管 第1篇 信号二极管、开关二极管和可控雪崩二极管空白详细规范(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices--Discrete devices--Part 3:Signal(including switching) and regulator diodes--Section One--Blank detail specification for signal diodes,switching diodes and controlled-avalanche diodes
GB/T 18235.1-2000
信息技术 高性能并行接口 第1部分:机械、电气及信号协议规范(HIPPI-PH)(中英文版)
Information technology--High-Performance Parallel Interface--Part 1:Mechanical,electrical and signaling protocol specification (HIPPI-PH)
GB/T 17192.5-2000
信息技术 计算机图形 与图形设备会话的接口技术(CGI) 功能说明 第5部分:输入和应答(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics--Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices(CGI)--Functional specification--Part 5:Inputand echoing
GB/T 18034-2000
Specification for the platinum rhodium thermocouple thin wires used in mini-thermocouples
GB/T 18031-2000
信息技术 数字键盘汉字输入通用要求(中英文版)
Information technology--Generic specification for Chinese character input with digital keyboard
GB/T 17192.6-2000
信息技术 计算机图形 与图形设备会话的接口技术(CGI) 功能说明 第6部分:光栅(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics--Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices(CGI)--Functional specification--Part 6:Raster
GB/T 5965-2000
半导体器件 集成电路 第2部分:数字集成电路 第一篇 双极型单片数字集成电路门电路(不包括自由逻辑阵列) 空白详细规范(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 2:Digital integrated circuits--Section one--Blank detail specification for bipolar monolithic digital integrated circuit gates(excluding uncommitted logic arrays)
GB/T 17833-1999
Specifications for fishing charts
GB/T 17838-1999
The specification for the ships’ auxiliary marine hydrology and meterological observations
GB/T 17772-1999
土方机械 保护结构的实验室鉴定 挠曲极限量的规定(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery--Laboratory evaluations of protective structures--Specifications for deflection-limiting volume
GB 12320-1998
Specifications for Chinese nautical charts
GB/T 7576-1998
半导体器件 分立器件 第7部分:双极型晶体管 第四篇 高频放大管壳额定双极型晶体管空白详细规范(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices--Discrete devices--Part 7:Bipolar transistors--Section Four:Blank detail specification for case-rated bipolartransistors for high-frequency amplification
GB 12327-1998
Specifications for hydrographic survey
GB/T 17192.4-1998
信息技术 计算机图形 与图形设备会话的接口技术(CGI) 功能说明 第4部分:图段(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics--Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices(CGI)--Functional specification--Part 4:Segment
GB 17501-1998
Specification for marine engineering topographicsurveying
GB/T 17439-1998
Specification for transmission of component-coded digital television signals for contribution-quality applications at the third hierarchical level
GB/T 17208-1998
电子设备用固定电容器 第18部分:空白详细规范 非固体电解质片式铝固定电容器 评定水平E(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 18:Blank detail specification--Fixed aluminium electrolytic chip capacitors with non-solid electrolyte--Assessment level E
GB/T 17206-1998
电子设备用固定电容器 第18部分:分规范 固体(MnO2)与非固体电解质片式铝固定电容器(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 18:Sectionalspecification--Fixed aluminium electrolytic chip capacitors with solid (MnO2)and non-solid electrolyte
GB/T 17192.3-1997
信息技术 计算机图形 与图形设备会话的接口技术(CGI) 功能说明 第3部分:输出(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics--Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices(CGI)--Functional specification--Part 3:Output
GB/T 17192.2-1997
信息技术 计算机图形 与图形设备会话的接口技术(CGI) 功能说明 第2部分:控制(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics--Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices(CGI)--Functional specification--Part 2:Control
GB/T 17192.1-1997
信息技术 计算机图形 与图形设备会话的接口技术(CGI) 功能说明 第1部分:概述、轮廓和一致性(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics--Interfacing techniques for dialogues with graphical devices(CGI)--Functional specification--Part1:Overview,profile,and conformance
GB/T 7025.3-1997
电梯主参数及轿厢、井道、机房的形式与尺寸 第三部分:Ⅴ类电梯(中英文版)
Lifts--Main specifications and the dimension arrangements for its cars, wells and machinerooms--Part 3:Lifts of class V
GB/T 15936.10-1996
信息处理 文本和办公系统 办公文件体系结构(ODA)和交换格式 第10部分:形式规范(中英文版)
Information processing--Text and office systems--Office Document Architecture(ODA) and interchange format--Part 10:Formal specifications
GB/T 16596-1996
Specification for establishing a wafer coordinatesystem
GB/T 16562-1996
Specifications for port rail-mounted high mast type crane
GB/T 6218-1996
Blank detail specification for bipolar transistors for switching applications
GB/T 16310.2-1996
船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 水生生物积累性试验方法(中英文版)
Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping--Bioaccumulation testing method for aquatic organism
GB/T 16310.4-1996
船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 哺乳动物毒性试验方法(中英文版)
Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping--Toxicity test method for mammal
GB/T 16310.3-1996
船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 水生生物沾染试验方法(中英文版)
Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping--Taint testing method for aquatic organism
GB/T 16310.1-1996
船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 水生生物急性毒性试验方法(中英文版)
Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping--Acute toxicity testing methods for aquatic organism
GB/T 3029-1996
Specification of parts for ships’ ventilation
GB/T 15869-1995
General specification of satellite communication earth station for shipborne communication equipment for CDMA
GB/T 15535-1995
信息处理 单命中判定表规范(中英文版)
Information processing--Specification of single-hit decision tables
GB/T 15449-1995
管壳额定开关用场效应晶体管 空白详细规范(中英文版)
Blank detail-specification for field-effect transistors for case-rated switching application
GB/T 15414-1994
Generic specification for furnace high-temperature television system
GB/T 15189-1994
Specification of DOS Chinese information processing system interface
GB/T 15121.1-1994
信息处理系统 计算机图形 存储和传送图片描述信息的元文卷 第一部分:功能描述(中英文版)
Information processing systems--Computer graphics--Metafile for storage and transfer of picture description information--Part 1:Functional specification
GB/T 15061-1994
银盐感光材料感光测定通则 第1 部分:适用于白炽钨光和模拟日光曝光的试样曝光条件(中英文版)
General specifications for sensitometry of silver halide photographic materials--Part 1:Sensitometric exposure conditions of films to be exposured for incandescent tungsten and daylight
GB/T 10067.5-1993
电热设备基本技术条件 高频介质加热设备(中英文版)
Basic specifications for electroheat installations--high frequency dielectric heating installations
GB/T 14084-1993
General specification of Chinese and English electronic typewriter for office management
GB/T 14012-1992
黑白显象管玻壳总规范 (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Generial specification for black-and-white picture tube bulbs

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