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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文畾鎷有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文畾,可以直接在網站上購買,在收橀您﹦款後,會在1銆3天內發您郵箱粯
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帿 帿 帿 帿
GB/T 36076-2018
General specification for information identification of automatic warehousing and distribution packing-case
GB/Z 6113.401-2018
无线顢骚扰和抗扰度閻量设旂和閻量方鎸㈤范 第4-1部分:不确定度偟统计学和限值建模 标准閵EMC试验的不确定度鎷中英文畾)
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 4-1:Uncertainties,statistics and limit modelling—Uncertainties in standardized EMC tests
GB/T 36045-2018
Supervision specification of unit capacity expansion retrofit for coal-fired power plants
GB/T 6113.402-2018
无线顢骚扰和抗扰度閻量设旂和閻量方鎸㈤范 第4-2部分: 不确定度偟统计学和限值建模 閻量设旂和设施的不确定度鎷中英文畾)
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 4-2:Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling—Measurement instrumentation uncertainty
GB/T 36106-2018
Data management specification of the unified social credit identifier for legal entities and other organizations
GB/T 36105-2018
Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifier for legal entities and other organizations
GB/Z 35039-2018
Specifications for operation management of Chinese medicinal material鎷Codonopsis tangshen Oliv.)project
GB/Z 35042-2018
Specifications for operation management of layer project
GB/Z 35037-2018
Specifications for operation management of blueberry project
GB/Z 35040-2018
Specifications for operation management of poverty alleviation workshop project
GB/Z 35038-2018
Specifications for operation management of Chinese medicinal materials (Notoginseng) project
GB/Z 35035-2018
Specifications for operation management of apiculture project
GB/Z 34792-2017
实验动物 引种技术㈤程鎷中英文畾)
Laboratory animal—Technical specification for breeds introducing
GB/T 34802-2017
农业社会閵服务 土地托管服务㈤范鎷中英文畾)
Agricultural service—Specification for land trust service
GB/T 34930-2017
Operation and control specification for microgrids connected to distribution network
GB/T 34932-2017
Technical specification for remote monitoring and control system of distributed photovoltaic power generation system
GB/T 34860-2017
General specification for slotless permanent-magnet motor
GB/Z 34935-2017
Technical specifications for oil-immersed smart power transformers
GB/T 34864-2017
General specification for switched reluctance motor
GB/T 16857.2-2017
产品几技术㈤范鎷GPS) 坐标閻量机的验收检閻和复检检閻 第2部分: 用于閻量线性尺岀的坐标閻量机鎷中英文畾)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM)—Part 2: CMMs used for measuring linear dimensions
GB/T 34879-2017
产品几技术㈤范鎷GPS) 顓学共焦显微镜计量特性及閻量不确定度评定导则鎷中英文畾)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Metrological characteristics and guide to uncertainty of measurement for optical confocal microscopes
GB/T 32419.6-2017
信息技术 SOA技术实现㈤范 第6部分:身份管理服务鎷中英文畾)
Information technology—Specification for SOA technical implementation—Part 6: Identity management service
GB/T 34890-2017
产品几技术㈤范鎷GPS) 数字摄影三坐标閻量系统的验收检閻和复检检閻鎷中英文畾)
Geometrical product specification鎷GPS)—Acceptance and reverification tests for digital photogrammetry 3D coordinate measuring system
GB/T 16857.5-2017
产品几技术㈤范(GPS) 坐标閻量机的验收检閻和复检检閻 第5部分:使用单探针或多探针接触式探閻系统的坐标閻量机鎷中英文畾)
Geometrical product specifications(GPS)—Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM)—Part 5:CMMs using single or multiple stylus contacting probing systems
GB/T 34666.1-2017
水质基准数据整编技术㈤范 第1部分:污染物含量鎷中英文畾)
Technical specification for compilation for water quality criteria data—Part 1:Pollutants concentration
GB/T 34981.2-2017
机构编制统计及实名制管理系统数据㈤范 第2部分:代码集鎷中英文畾)
Specification of data for organization statistics and real-name management system—Part 2:Code set
GB/T 34981.1-2017
机构编制统计及实名制管理系统数据㈤范 第1部分:总则鎷中英文畾)
Specification of data for organization statistics and real-name management system—Part 1: General
GB/T 34984-2017
信息技术 系统濠远程通信和信息交炲 局域网和城域网 超高速无线个域网的媒体访问控制和物理俊㈤范鎷中英文畾)
Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—MAC and PHY specification for ultra high rate wireless personal area network
GB/T 15412-2017
General specification of pan/tilt head for non-broadcast TV camera
GB/T 34755-2017
Specification of production and management for household ranch
GB/T 34907-2017
Technical specifications and fitness for service evaluation method for thermal well casing under cyclic steam stimulation process
GB/T 34807-2017
General technical specifications for inspection and test of geotechnical engineering instruments & equipment
GB/T 34742-2017
Specifications for timber and wood-based materials in windows, door leaves and door frames
GB/T 34981.3-2017
机构编制统计及实名制管理系统数据㈤范 第3部分:数据字典鎷中英文畾)
Specification of data for organization statistics and real-name management system—Part 3: Data dictionary
GB/T 34868-2017
General specification for remanufacturing of waste copiers ,printers and duplicators
GB/T 10404-2017
General specification for multipolar and two-speed electrical resolvers
GB/T 34838-2017
General technical specifications of equipment and installation for electronic musical instruments teaching system
GB/T 34841-2017
无夋荧顓灯 性能要求鎷中英文畾)
Fluorescent induction lamps—Performance specification
GB/T 24458-2017
陶瓷金属卤閵物灯 性能要求鎷中英文畾)
Ceramic metal halide lamps—Performance specification
GB/T 34979.2-2017
智能终端软件平台閻试㈤范 第2部分:应用与服务鎷中英文畾)
Test specification for smart terminal software platform—Part 2: Application and service
GB/T 21303-2017
Specifications for water measurement of irrigation canal system
GB/T 34768-2017
Technical specification for fruits and vegetables trading in wholesale markets
GB/T 34991-2017
基于12.5kHz信道的时分多址鎷TDMA)专用数字集群通信系统 空中接口物理俊及数据链路俊技术㈤范鎷中英文畾)
12.5kHz TDMA channel based professional digital trunking communication system—Technical specifications for physical layer and data link layer of air interface
GB/T 34992-2017
基于12.5kHz信道的时分多址鎷TDMA)专用数字集群通信系统 空中接口呼叫控制俊技术㈤范鎷中英文畾)
12.5kHz TDMA channel based professional digital trunking communication system—Technical specifications for call control layer of air interface
GB/T 20203-2017
Technical specification for irrigation projects with pipe conveyance
GB/T 34808-2017
农业气象观閻㈤范 大豆鎷中英文畾)
Specification for agrometeorological observation—Soybean
GB/T 34479-2017
Specification for alphanumeric marking of silicon wafers
GB/T 34595-2017
汽车零部件再制造产品技术㈤范 水泵鎷中英文畾)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components—Water pump
GB/T 34348-2017
General specification for power plant boiler
GB/T 34596-2017
汽车零部件再制造产品技术㈤范 机油泵鎷中英文畾)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components—Oil pump

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