“Specification for tr ” 中國GB標準檢索結果 |
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GB/T 15156-2015 压电陶瓷换能元件总规范(中英文版) Generic specification for piezoelectric ceramic transducing elements |
GB/T 31731-2015 废弃乐器回收利用通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specifications of recovering for waste musical instruments |
GB/T 31508-2015 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 数字证书策略分类分级规范(中英文版) Information security techniques—Public key infrastructure—Digital certificate policies classification and grading specification |
GB/T 31528-2015 含铜蚀刻废液处理处置技术规范(中英文版) Treatment and disposal technical specification for spent coppery etchant |
GB/T 31524-2015 电子商务平台运营与技术规范(中英文版) Specification of operations and technology for electronic commerce platform |
GB/T 31462-2015 500 kV和750 kV级分级式可控并联电抗器本体技术规范(中英文版) Main body technical specification for 500 kV and 750 kV multistage controlled shunt reactors |
GB/T 31455.6-2015 快速公交(BRT)智能系统 第6部分:调度中心与场站站台控制系统通信数据接口规范(中英文版) Intelligent system of bus rapid transit—Part 6: Interface specifications between dispatch center and depot/platform control system |
GB/T 31455.5-2015 快速公交(BRT)智能系统 第5部分:调度中心与车载信息终端通信数据接口规范(中英文版) Intelligent system of bus rapid transit—Part 5: Interface specifications between dispatch center and on-board information terminal |
GB/T 31442-2015 电子收费 CPU卡数据格式和技术要求(中英文版) Data and technical specification of CPU cards for electronic toll collection |
GB/T 31425-2015 库仑测硫仪技术条件(中英文版) Specifications for determinator of sulfur by coulometric titration |
GB/T 31467.2-2015 电动汽车用锂离子动力蓄电池包和系统 第2部分:高能量应用测试规程(中英文版) Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for Electric vehicles—Part 2: Test specification for High energy applications |
GB/T 31467.1-2015 电动汽车用锂离子动力蓄电池包和系统 第1部分:高功率应用测试规程(中英文版) Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for Electric vehicles—Part 1: Test specification for High power applications |
GB/T 31386-2015 旅行社出境旅游服务规范(中英文版) Specifications for outbound tour service by travel agency |
GB/T 31384-2015 旅游景区公共信息导向系统设置规范(中英文版) Setting specifications for public information guidance systems in tourist attractions |
GB/T 18488.1-2015 电动汽车用驱动电机系统 第1部分:技术条件(中英文版) Drive motor system for electric vehicles—Part 1: Specification |
GB/T 2981-2014 工业车辆充气轮胎技术条件(中英文版) Technical specification of pneumatic tyres for industrial vehicles |
GB/T 31256-2014 输送带 具有橡胶或塑料覆盖层的地下采矿用织物芯输送带规范(中英文版) Conveyor belts―Specification for rubber-or plastics-covered conveyor belts of textile construction for underground mining |
GB/T 31255-2014 机械安全 工业楼梯、工作平台和通道的安全设计规范(中英文版) Safety of machinery―Safety specification for the design of industrial type stairs, working platforms and walkways |
GB/T 31037.2-2014 工业起升车辆用燃料电池发电系统 第2部分:技术条件(中英文版) Fuel cell power system used for industrial lift truck applications―Part 2: Technical specification |
GB/T 31327-2014 海水淡化预处理膜系统设计规范(中英文版) Specification of membrane system for seawater desalination pretreatment |
GB/T 31033-2014 石油天然气钻井井控技术规范(中英文版) Specification for well control technology of oil & gas drilling |
GB/T 10067.411-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第411部分:电热浴炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 411:Electroheat bath furnace |
GB/T 10067.410-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第410部分:单晶炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 410: Single crystal growing furnace |
GB/T 31243-2014 通信网络产品可拆卸设计规范(中英文版) Specification of design for disassembly of telecommunication infrastructure equipment |
GB/T 31242-2014 设备互连用单模光纤特性(中英文版) Specifications for single-mode optical for equipment intraconnection |
GB/T 31238-2014 1000KV交流电流互感器技术规范(中英文版) 1000kV current transformers technical specifications |
GB/T 31236-2014 1000kV线路保护装置技术要求(中英文版) Specification for 1000kV transmission line protection equipment |
GB/T 31235-2014 ±800kV直流输电线路金具技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for fittings of ±800 kV DC overhead transmission line |
GB/T 30888-2014 纺织废水膜法处理与回用技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for the treatment and reuse of textile wastewater by membrane separation |
GB/T 31188-2014 化学清洗废液处理技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for treatent chemical cleaning waste liquid |
GB/T 31133-2014 电力设备用液压式提升设备技术规范(中英文版) Specification for hydraulic lifting equipment in power construction |
GB/T 31021.2-2014 电子文件系统测试规范 第2部分:归档管理系统功能符合性测试细则(中英文版) Test specification for electronic records system―Part2: Verdict criteria test for electronic records archived management system |
GB/T 31016-2014 移动实验室 样品采集与处理通用技术规范(中英文版) Mobile laboratory―General specification for collecting and pre-treating of sample |
GB/T 10067.49-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第49部分:自然对流井式电阻炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 49: Natural convection pit resistance furnaces |
GB/T 10067.48-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第48部分:台车式电阻炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 48: Bogie hearth resistance furnaces |
GB/T 10067.47-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第47部分:真空热处理和钎焊炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 47: Vacuum heat treatment and brazing furnace |
GB/T 10067.46-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第46部分:罩式电阻炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 46: Resistance bell furnace |
GB/T 10067.33-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第33部分:工频无心感应熔铜炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 33: Mains frequency induction crucible furnace for melting copper |
GB/T 18735-2014 微束分析 分析电镜(AEM/EDS)纳米薄标样通用规范(中英文版) Microbeam analysis—General guide for the specification of nanometer thin reference materials for analytical transmission electron microscope (AEM/EDS) |
GB/T 18185-2014 水文仪器可靠性技术要求(中英文版) Specification of reliability for hydrologic instruments |
GB/T 7715-2014 工业用乙烯(中英文版) Ethylene for industrial use―Specification |
GB/T 4313-2014 信息技术 办公设备 针式打印机用编织打印色带通用规范(中英文版) Information technology―Office equipment―General specification for fabric printing ribbons for dot matrix printers |
GB/T 30790.8-2014 色漆和清漆 防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 第8部分:新建和维护技术规格书的制定(中英文版) Paints and varnishes―Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems―Part 8:Development of specification for new work and maintenance |
GB/T 30788-2014 钢制管道外部缠绕防腐蚀冷缠矿脂带作业规范(中英文版) Specification of cold-applied petrolatum tape coatings for steel pipelines |
GB/T 17173.3-2014 信息技术 开放系统互连 分布式事务处理 第3 部分:协议规范(中英文版) Information technology―Open systems interconnection―Distrbuted transaction processing―Part 3:Protocol specification |
GB/T 30842-2014 高压试验室电磁屏蔽效能要求与测量方法(中英文版) Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness specification and measuring method for high voltage testing enclosures |
GB/T 10067.45-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第45部分:真空淬火炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 45: Vacuum quenching furnace |
GB/T 10067.44-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第44部分:箱式电阻炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 44: Box-type resistance furnaces |
GB/T 10067.43-2014 电热装置基本技术条件 第43部分:强迫对流井式电阻炉(中英文版) Basic specifications for electroheat installations―Part 43: Forced convection pit resistance furnaces |
GB/T 30744-2014 深海微生物样品前处理技术规范(中英文版) The technology specification for the pre-treatment of deep-sea microorganism samples |
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