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“Determination of chr ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

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GB/T 18932.2-2002
蜂蜜中高果糖淀粉糖浆测定方法 薄层色谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of high fructose starch syrup in honey--Thin-layer chromatographic method
GB/T 18932.12-2002
蜂蜜中钾、钠、钙、镁、锌、铁、铜、锰、铬、铅、镉含量的测定方法 原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,zinc,iron,copper,manganese,chromium,lead,cadmium contents in honey--Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 18932.11-2002
蜂蜜中钾、磷、铁、钙、锌、铝、钠、镁、硼、锰、铜、钡、钛、钒、镍、钴、铬含量的测定方法 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of potassium,phosphorus,iron,calcium,zinc,aluminium,sodium,magnesium,boron,manganese,copper,barium,titanium,vanadium,nickel,cobalt,chromium contents in honey--Inductively coupled plasma atomic e
GB/T 18932.10-2002
蜂蜜中溴螨酯、4,4’-二溴二苯甲酮残留量的测定方法 气相色谱/质谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of bromopropylate and 4,4’-dibromobenzophenoneresidues in honey--Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
GB/T 18872-2002
饲料中维生素K3的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of vitamin K3 in feeds--High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 14702-2002
饲料中维生素B6的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of vitamin B6 in feeds--High performance of liquid chromatography
GB/T 3391-2002
工业用乙烯中烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Ethylene for industrial use--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 1508-2002
锰矿石 全铁含量的测定 重铬酸钾滴定法和邻菲啰啉分光光度法(中英文版)
Manganese ores--Determination of total iron content--Potassium dichromate titrimetric method and 1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.7-2002
铁粉 铁含量的测定 重铬酸钾滴定法(中英文版)
Iron powder--Determination of iron content--Potassium dichromate titration method
GB/T 18627-2002
Method for determination of schradan residues in food
GB/T 6015-1999
工业用丁二烯中微量二聚物的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of trace dimer--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17819-1999
维生素预混料中维生素B12的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of vitamin B12 in vitamins premix--High-pressure liquid chromatography
GB/T 17813-1999
复合预混料中烟酸、叶酸的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of nicotinic acid and folic acid in compound premix--High-pressure liquid chromatography
GB/T 17623-1998
Determination of componental contents of gases dissolved in insulating oil by gas chromatography method
GB/T 17530.2-1998
工业丙烯酸酯纯度的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of purity of industrial use acrylate esters by gas chromatography
GB/T 17281-1998
天然气中丁烷至十六烷烃类的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Natural gas--Determination of hydrocarbons from butane(C4) to hexadecane(C16)--Gas chromato-graphic method
GB/T 17137-1997
土壤质量 总铬的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法(中英文版)
Soil quality--Determination of total chromium--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry
GB/T 17132-1997
环境 甲基汞的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Environment--Determination of methylmercury--Gas chromatography
GB/T 17131-1997
水质 1,2-二氯苯、1,4-二氯苯、1,2,4-三氯苯的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Water quality--Determination of 1,2-dichlorobenzene,1,4-dichlorobenzene,1,2,4-trichlorobenzene--Gas chromatography
GB/T 17130-1997
水质 挥发性卤代烃的测定 顶空气相色谱法(中英文版)
Water quality--Determination of volatile halogenated organic compounds--Headspace gas chromatography
GB/T 17092-1997
Workplace air--Determination of ethyl acrylate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17090-1997
Workplace air--Determination of trichlorethylene--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17089-1997
Workplace air--Determination of N,N-dimethylaniline--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17088-1997
Workplace air--Determination of N-methylaniline--Solvent desorption gas chromotrographic method
GB/T 17086-1997
Workplace air--Determination of 2-butoxyethanol--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17085-1997
Workplace air--Determination of 2-ethoxyethanol--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17084-1997
Workplace air--Determination of 2-methoxyethanol--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17083-1997
Workplace air--Determination of amyl acetate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17082-1997
Workplace air--Determination of butyl acetate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17081-1997
Workplace air--Determination of propyl acetate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17080-1997
Workplace air--Determination of ethyl acetate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17079-1997
Workplace air--Determination of methyl acetate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17078-1997
Workplace air--Determination of trinitrophenol--Liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 17077-1997
Workplace air--Determination of dimethyl sulphate--Solvent desorption liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 17076-1997
Workplace air--Determination of isobutyl alcohol--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17075-1997
Workplace air--Determination of butyl alcohol--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17074-1997
Workplace air--Determination of acetaldehyde--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17073-1997
Workplace air--Determination of cyclohexanone--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17072-1997
Workplace air--Determination of p-nitroaniline--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17071-1997
Workplace air--Determination of benzyl cyanide--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17070-1997
Workplace air--Determination of benzyl chloride--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17069-1997
Workplace air--Determination of propionic acid--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17068-1997
Workplace air--Determination of formic acid--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17066-1997
Workplace air--Determination of diethylamine--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17065-1997
Workplace air--Determination ofl,l-dimethylhydrazine--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17064-1997
Workplace air--Determination of methyl mercaptan--Gas chromatography method
GB/T 4702.1-1997
金属铬化学分析方法 硫酸亚铁铵容量法测定铬量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of chromium metal--The ammonium ferrous sulfate volumetric method for thedetermination of chromium content
GB/T 4499-1997
硫化橡胶中防老化剂的测定 薄层色谱法(中英文版)
Vulcanized rubber--Determination of antidegradant content--Thin layer chromatographic method
GB/T 16867-1997
聚苯乙烯和丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂中残留苯乙烯单体的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of residual styrene monomer in polystyrene and acry-lonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins by gas chromatography
GB/T 4698.21-1996
海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法 发射光谱法测定锰、铬、镍、铝、钼、锡、钒、钇、铜、锆量(中英文版)
Sponge titanium,titanium and titanium alloys--Determination ofmanganese,chromium,nickel,aluminium,molybdenum,tin,vanadium,yttrium,copper,zirconium content--Emission spectrographic method

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