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GB/T 6160-2003 缩微摄影技术 源文件第一代银--明胶型缩微品密度规范与测量方法(中英文版) Micrographics--First generation silver-gelatin microforms of source documents--Density specifications and method of measurement |
GB 15629.11-2003 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 局域网和城域网 特定要求 第11部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范(中英文版) Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements--Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) andPhysical Layer(PHY) Specifications |
GB 15629.1102-2003 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换局域网和城域网 特定要求 第11部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范:2.4 GHz频段较高速物理层扩展规范(中英文版) Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements--Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) Specifications: Higher-Speed Physi |
GB/T 9129-2003 管法兰用非金属平垫片 技术条件(中英文版) Specifications of non-metallic flat gaskets for pipe flanges |
GB/T 18971-2003 旅游规划通则(中英文版) General specification for tourism planning |
GB/T 18904.5-2003 半导体器件 第12-5部分:光电子器件 纤维光学系统或子系统用带/不带尾纤的pin光电二极管空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Part 12-5: Optoelectronic devices--Blank detail specification for pin-photodiodes with/without pigtail,for fibre optic systems or subsystems |
GB/T 7154.1-2003 直热式阶跃型正温度系数热敏电阻器 第1-1部分:限流用空白详细规范 评定水平EZ(中英文版) Thermistors--Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient--Part 1-1:Blank detail specification for current limiting application--Assessment level EZ |
GB/T 13477.1-2002 建筑密封材料试验方法 第1部分:试验基材的规定(中英文版) Test method for building sealants--Part 1:Specifications for test substrates |
GB/T 6589-2002 半导体器件 分立器件 第3-2部分:信号(包括开关)和调整二极管 电压调整二极管和电压基准二极管(不包括温度补偿精密基准二极管) 空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductordevices--Discrete devices--Part 3-2:Signal (including switching) and regulator diodes--Blank detail specification for voltage-regulator diodes and voltage-reference diodes (excluding temperature-compensated precision reference diodes) |
GB/T 18917-2002 彩色投影显象管空白详细规范(中英文版) Blank detail specification for the colour projection picture tubes |
GB/T 18904.4-2002 半导体器件 第12-4部分:光电子器件 纤维光学系统或子系统用带/不带尾纤的Pin-FET模块空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Part 12-4:Optoelectronicdevices--Blank detail specification for pin-FET modules with/without pigtailfor fiber optic systems or sub-systems |
GB/T 18904.3-2002 半导体器件 第12-3部分:光电子器件 显示用发光二极管空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Part 12-3:Optoelectronic devices--Blank detail specification for light-emitting diodes--Display application |
GB/T 18904.2-2002 半导体器件 第12-2部分:光电子器件 纤维光学系统或子系统用带尾纤的激光二极管模块空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Part 12-2:Optoelectronic devices--Blank detail specification for laser diodes modules with pigtail for fiber optic systems or sub-systems |
GB/T 18904.1-2002 半导体器件 第12-1部分:光电子器件 纤维光学系统或子系统用带/不带尾纤的光发射或红外发射二极管空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Part 12-1:Optoelectronic devices--Blank detail specification for light emitting/infrared emitting diodes with/without pigtail for fiber optic systems or sub-systems |
GB/T 17562.8-2002 频率低于3 MHz的矩形连接器 第8部分:具有4个信号接触件和电缆屏蔽用接地接触件的连接器详细规范(中英文版) Rectangular connectors for frequencies below 3MHz--Part 8:Detail specification for connectors,four-signal contacts and earthing contacts for cable screen |
GB/T 18838.1-2002 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理用金属磨料的技术要求 导则和分类(中英文版) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products--Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives--General introduction and classification |
GB/T 17850.1-2002 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理用非金属磨料的技术要求 导则和分类(中英文版) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products--Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives--General introductionand classification |
GB/T 16857.1-2002 产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 坐标测量机的验收检测和复检检测 第1部分:词汇(中英文版) Geometrical product specification(GPS)--Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines--Part 1:Vocabulary |
GB/T 1303.2-2002 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板规范 第3部分:单项材料规范 第3篇:对三聚氰胺树脂硬质层压板的要求(中英文版) Specification for industrial rigid laminated sheetsbased on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes--Part 3:Specifications for individual materials--Sheet 3:Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based onmelamine resins |
GB/T 2820.7-2002 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第7部分:用于技术条件和设计的技术说明(中英文版) Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 7:Technical declarations for specification and design |
GB 12663-2001 防盗报警控制器通用技术条件(中英文版) General specifications for burglar-alarm control units |
GB/T 18500.2-2001 半导体器件 集成电路 第4部分:接口集成电路 第二篇:线性模拟/数字转换器(ADC)空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 4:Interface integrated circuits--Section 2:Blank detail specification for linear analogue-to-digital converters(ADC) |
GB/T 18500.1-2001 半导体器件 集成电路 第4部分:接口集成电路 第一篇:线性数字/模拟转换器(DAC)空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 4:Interface integrated circuits--Section 1:Blank detail specification for linear digital-to-analogue converters(DAC) |
GB/T 18501.2-2001 直流和低频模拟及数字式高速数据处理设备用连接器 第2部分:有质量评定的圆形连接器分规范(中英文版) Connectors for use in d.c.,low-frequency analogue and digital high speed data spplications--Part 2:Circular connectors with assessed quality--Sectional specification |
GB/T 12853-2001 连续波磁控管空白详细规范(中英文版) Blank detail specification for continuous wave magnetrons |
GB/Z 18462-2001 激光加工机械 金属切割的性能规范与标准检查程序(中英文版) Laser processing machines--Performance specifications and benchmarks for cutting of metals |
GB/T 18459-2001 传感器主要静态性能指标计算方法(中英文版) Methods for calculating the main staticperformance specifications of transducers |
GB/T 18335-2001 有贯穿连接的刚挠多层印制板规范(中英文版) Specification for flex-rigid multilayer printed boards with through connections |
GB/T 18334-2001 有贯穿连接的挠性多层印制板规范(中英文版) Specification for flexible multilayer printed boards with through conections |
GB/T 18289-2000 蜂窝电话用镉镍电池总规范(中英文版) General specification of nickel-cadmium battery for cellular phone |
GB/T 18288-2000 蜂窝电话用金属氢化物镍电池总规范(中英文版) General specification of nickel-metal hydride battery for cellular phone |
GB/T 4588.12-2000 预制内层层压板规范(半制成多层印制板)(中英文版) Specification for mass laminationpanels (semi-manufactured multilayer printed boards) |
GB/T 17737.2-2000 射频电缆 第2部分:聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)绝缘半硬射频同轴电缆分规范(中英文版) Radio-frequency cables--Part 2:Sectional specification for semi-rigid radio-frequency and coaxial cables with polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) insulation |
GB/T 6588-2000 半导体器件 分立器件 第3部分:信号(包括开关)和调整二极管 第1篇 信号二极管、开关二极管和可控雪崩二极管空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Discrete devices--Part 3:Signal(including switching) and regulator diodes--Section One--Blank detail specification for signal diodes,switching diodes and controlled-avalanche diodes |
GB/T 18237.3-2000 信息技术 开放系统互连 通用高层安全 第3部分:安全交换服务元素(SESE)协议规范(中英文版) Information technology--Open Systems Interconnection--Generic upper layers security--Part 3:Security Exchange Service Element(SESE) protocol specification |
GB/T 18034-2000 微型热电偶用铂铑细偶丝规范(中英文版) Specification for the platinum rhodium thermocouple thin wires used in mini-thermocouples |
GB/T 17970-2000 信息技术 处理语言 文件式样的语义及规格说明语言(DSSSL)(中英文版) Information technology--Processing languages--Document Style Semantics and Specification Language(DSSSL) |
GB/T 17942-2000 国家三角测量规范(中英文版) Specifications for national triangulation |
GB/T 5965-2000 半导体器件 集成电路 第2部分:数字集成电路 第一篇 双极型单片数字集成电路门电路(不包括自由逻辑阵列) 空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 2:Digital integrated circuits--Section one--Blank detail specification for bipolar monolithic digital integrated circuit gates(excluding uncommitted logic arrays) |
GB/T 17904.2-1999 ISDN用户-网络接口数据链路层技术规范及一致性测试方法 第2部分:数据链路层协议一致性测试方法(中英文版) ISDN user-network interface data link layer specification and conformance testing method--Part 2:Data link layer protocol conformance testing method |
GB/T 17904.1-1999 ISDN用户-网络接口数据链路层技术规范及一致性测试方法 第1部分:用户-网络接口数据链路层技术规范(中英文版) ISDN user-network interface data link layer specification and conformance testing method--Part 1:User-network interface data linklayer specification |
GB/T 13621-1999 100~1000 MHz接力通信系统的容量系列波道配置及设备的主要技术要求(中英文版) Capacity series and radio-frequency channel arrangement and equipment main technical specifications for 100~1000 MHz radio relay communication systems |
GB/T 17850.3-1999 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理用非金属磨料的技术要求 铜精炼渣(中英文版) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products--Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives--Copper refinery slag |
GB/T 9404-1999 微波接力通信馈线系统技术条件(中英文版) Technical specifications of feeder systems for microwave-relay communication |
GB/T 17772-1999 土方机械 保护结构的实验室鉴定 挠曲极限量的规定(中英文版) Earth-moving machinery--Laboratory evaluations of protective structures--Specifications for deflection-limiting volume |
GB 17621-1998 大中型水电站水库调度规范(中英文版) Specification of reservoir operation for large and medium-scale hydropower stations |
GB/T 17580.1-1998 信息技术 开放系统互连 虚拟终端基本类协议 第1部分:规范(中英文版) Information technology--Open systems interconnection--Virtual terminal basic class protocol--Part 1:Specification |
GB/T 17562.1-1998 频率低于3 MHz的矩形连接器 第1部分 总规范 一般要求和编制有质量评定要求的连接器详细规范的导则(中英文版) Rectangular connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz--Part 1: Generic specification--General requirements and guide for the preparation of detail specifications for connectors with assessed quality |
GB/T 9424-1998 半导体器件 集成电路 第2部分:数字集成电路 第五篇 CMOS数字集成电路4000B和4000UB系列空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 2:Digital integrated circuits--Section Five:Blank detail specification for complementary MOS digital inte-grated circuits,series 4000B and 4000UB |
GB/T 7576-1998 半导体器件 分立器件 第7部分:双极型晶体管 第四篇 高频放大管壳额定双极型晶体管空白详细规范(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Discrete devices--Part 7:Bipolar transistors--Section Four:Blank detail specification for case-rated bipolartransistors for high-frequency amplification |
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